• The one question science can't answer, religion can't prove, and logic can't reason. No, I'm not referring to that ridiculous game played by the immature to annoy the brains out of their peers, but the answer-less question that is possibly the least used by anyone of profession. But then, it isn't because they don't care or don't mind, simply that they give themselves no time to think on it, as to the reason behind their constant rushing and phoning and filing and typing. There is no point to all the hubbub the corporate populace surrounds itself with, no reason behind any business conducted by the mass organism of the human race.

    Of course, that is only from an objective point of view, by one such as myself who cares little for such abrasively impatient pastimes. There is always the opinion left to answer, to fill in the blanks left by common sense, by calculations and speculations. Always, always will there be an answer to the question, as long as humanity retains its one redeeming facet: imagination.

    A prime example of this success? What you just read. All off the top of my head, without anything but my own conscience to deliver the base spectrum of thought to bring forth this spew. ^w^