'Where am I? Aren't I supposed to be in the hospital?' Ryo thought to himself, hearing the sounds of the city around him. And feeling the cold, wet floor. He felt as if he were being watched, stalked. "W-who's there?" he asked, turning around to find no one. Ryo shook it off. I've lost my mind." he tried to find the hospital's entrance, but no hospital was seen. "Wait, where's the hospital?" He felt a sharp pain on the back of his neck, followed by a liquid substance dripping down it. "We're not done from last time, pipsqueak." a gruff and familiar voice rang out. 'It's h-him again!' The man grabbed Ryo by the shirt collar, pushing him up against the wall. He tried to squirm free, but what was the use? He was going to get severly hurt, possibly even killed, anyway. Remembering something, Ryo smirked. "Cyan will be here any second now. She'll find me sooner or later and you'll be mince meat." "How can she save you if she can't remember you?" the man replied quickly. "What are you talking about?" he asked, his smirk turning into a frown. The man had enough of talking and slit his throat. Ryo tried to scream, but nothing came out. Just dark reddness and pain. "How are you still alive?!?!" Ryo hoarsly whispered, "P-please... Kill me..." The criminal-minded man laughed. "Isn't that what i'm doing right now? Or were you hoping for a fast death." he paused. "Sorry, I can only make deaths go by slowly. But, here's a gift from me, to your courpse." he dug the knife slowly into Ryo's back and left him to die. Tears were streaming down Ryo's face like mini waterfalls.'Th-this is the end of me... This is really how i'm gonna die...' Ryo thought, sobbing. "Oh my god..." a familiar, worried voice chimed in. "Cy... Is that you?" Ryo lifted his head up slowly and weakly. It was indeed Cy. "You poor thing... You're bleeding all over the place... And... That knife..." she pulled it out of Ryo's back. "D-don't try to save me... It's over." his tears were coming out more and more. "Please, end my life. I can't live up to this anymore. I-it's just too much." he coughed. Cyan looked at the knife she had in her grasp. "If it's what you want..." she closed her eyes and chucked the knife to Ryo. Before he could feel anymore pain, he woke up in a cold sweat. "It... Was only a dream..."
Ryo's Nightmare
Merr, just a part of a story I'm writing on notebook paper. It's very violent(I lke the mentioning of blood in stories. Does that seem wierd to you?), well, the part is violent. In this is the senerio,Ryo Bakura goes to the hospital by taking a bullet from a criminal. And he's been getting nightmares. The same nightmare over and over again.And Cyan, she's the one that previously saved Ryo from dieing(oh, and I made Ryo 12 and Cy 13 just in case anyone was wondering). =P
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