• I silently watched the rain glide down my windowpane. I listened to the muted pounding as it hit my roof. Closing my eyes, I rested my forehead against the cold glass. I ignored the warm tears cascading down my cheeks. I opened my eyes only to watch as the neighbors ran from their car to the safety of their warm cozy house. I watched the rain till my tears blurred my vision; I sighed and sat down at the bottom of my bed. "Why am I always the heart broken one after a love?" I asked myself quietly. "Why did he betray me, I thought he was the only one to truly love me back." I sighed again and wiped the tears from my eyes. Chris, my only one true lover.

    He had hurt me. He had left me. I decided to no longer deal with it. I stood up without a sound and crossed my room to my dresser; on top there was a single piece of paper. Chris's phone number. I grabbed it and walked to the small, clean, tiled bathroom, where I already had set out a razor blade and a phone. I locked the door behind me, no one could stop me this time but myself. I felt empty inside. I knew what I was about to do would hurt a lot of people, but not me. Not this time. I sat down on the toilet, and picked up the phone. Looking at Chris's phone number, I called him, silently begging him to pick up his phone. This was my goodbye. I took a deep breath, "Hello?" He answered the phone!

    My heart did a small flip. "Hello? Terrie?" He repeated, waiting for me to speak. "Chris, I love you. So I just called to tell you this is my farewell." I sighed and hung up on him in the middle of him shouting at me to wait. Well that's done and over with. I put the phone down and crumbled Chris's number in my hand and threw it in the trash. I had already planned this out, Chris would come to try and stop me, but he wouldn't get to me in time. I would die and he would find me. Or if I didn't go through with it, he would still find me. He knew where I lived. He'd find me anyway, no matter what the turn out. I picked up the razor blade, not caring if I got cut. I had already moved all the rugs out of the bathroom; all that was under me was tile. It would be easy to clean up. I turn my arm so that it was facing wrist up. I traced all the veins I could see with one of my fingernails. I closed my eyes and pressed the blade against my skin. I was beginning to have second thoughts.

    I cursed quietly but didn't move the blade. I was about to remove the razor blade from my wrist when someone pounded on the door making me jump. When I jumped I had slid the razor blade across my wrist, the wound over flowed with my blood and I watched in silent horror as my blood spilled over the sides of my arm and the first drop of blood hit the white tile. "Terrie! Are you in there?!" I sobbed. I heard Chris on the other side of the door swear loudly and he ran at the door trying desperately to break the door down in an attempt to save me. I watched as more of my blood hit the floor. I felt warm tears run down my cheeks again and my body went numb. The world had gone almost silent for me. But the moment was gone as Chris burst into the room his face red and his eyes teary.

    I looked at him with a small, sad smile. He ran to my side as my eyes closed and I slid from the toilet seat to the floor. My own blood began to soak through my shirt. He held me to him and I just smiled. I had given up all hope. I was going to die, just as I had wished it to be right? I closed my eyes and he rocked me back and forth. Something dripped onto my cheek and I opened my eyes slowly, Chris was crying. He was crying for me, my heart filled with joy. I was about to die, but I was happy. I lifted a hand to touch his face but it fell short and I ended up clutching his shirt instead. I heard sirens in the background. My breaths were becoming shorter and more forced and Chris realized that help wasn't going to come in time.

    I took a deep breath, "I'm so sorry." I exhaled loudly, and coughed. Shudders racked my body. He just smiled and held me closer. "Please, don't talk." I shook my head. " Chris, I'm so sorry." I was so tired, just so tired. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and then I opened them and looked into Chris's beautiful dark brown eyes. I exhaled and my world was drenched in a soft velvet black, no pain, no feeling, nothing.