• 2~ Danger Zone: Scarlet’s part

    “Where do you think you’re going, runt?” Asks a large man. “Away from your foul stench, Jumbo. Where else?” I replied. His face turned a brilliant red color and he sputtered madly. “Why you little bi-” Storm, my adopted big brother grabbed the man around his fat neck and snarled, “I really don’t think that you really want to mess with my sister.” The fat man shook Storm off and growled, “Oh yeah? I’ll squish your little sister!” He advanced on me, not noticing the change in my eye color and shape. Or the razor sharp fangs.

    “Leave her alone, Jumbo. She’ll kick your a** and you won’t like it.” Jumbo roared in laughter and continued his threatening advancement. Since the fat one wouldn’t listen, Storm tried to calm me down. “Don’t do it, Scar. It’s not worth it.” I ignored him and crouched low, getting ready to attack. The fat one didn’t have a chance.

    My teeth bared, I snarled, an inaudible sound that could be felt through the earth. It was low and menacing, dangerous. With a furious roar, I launched myself at the man, smacking my fist into his meaty cheek, teeth snapping at his face. He threw me to the floor and backed away, his face pale and twisted. “Y-you is a-a vampire. You belong at NSA, not the human world!” I snarled, “You don’t know me!” Then attacked again, my teeth slashing into his arm, and a vein. Blood oozed from the wound and made my mouth water. I didn’t want to be a vampire, and it made me angry that I liked the smell of blood. With a snarl of rage at the man and myself for bleeding, I tackled him, punching him in the throat and crushing his windpipe. Within seconds, the Jiant was dead. Storm watched me dispassionately as I wiped the blood off my mouth. "You didn't have to kill the man. He was simply making a statement." His voice was dead, his level of caring diminshed by the fact that all dark elves around 18 lost all feelings againsttheir own dark natures. "Maybe you should sound agrier, Storm. I might care more if you did." He gave me an empty smile and flicked me off. I grinned back and laughed. "I am going to Joe's so I will be late tonight." Storm just looked at the me and said calmly, "Mom will be very angry." "I really don't care." was my answer before I walked away.
    While I was walking, I felt eyes on me, watching me with an intensity that belied the unhurried steps. I could hear every person that walked past me, their heartbeats pounding in my head in a litany of a marching band. I could feel the rushing blood sing out to me like sirens, mystical and haunting but one in particular made my heart race in longing. I was sure that it was male. I could smell the strong scent of cologne and spicy male through a huge crowd; my follower.
    Brushing my striped hair from my face, I walked faster, feeling him speed up too. A huge sigh slipped from my lips as I saw Joe's, the club, slash bar that held a special fondness for the unnatural. The neonsign made me feel more at home than my own bedroom.
    "Hey, Lefty." I greeted the bouncer at the door. He was called Lefty because of his deformed right hand, which ultimately made his left hand strong. He gave me a toothless grin and slapped me on the back. I slapped him back and saw his smile slip. "Yer the only gurl that can knock me over, Scar." I smiled and smirked. "Yeah, I know."
    "Scarlet O'Hara! The only biter I need!" Joe, the owner, a slim, muscular guy with blinding white teeth and sparkling blue eyes hugged me hard. Immediately, I was swamped by the scent of his life. "Aww s**t." Joe looked concerned as I clutched my aching throat and suddenly cramping stomach. "You need help, baby girl?" I flinched away from his arms and moaned. "I hate that and you know it," I gasped. I hated taking blood from Joe, enough exchanges and he would be obsessed but I hurt, so so bad.
    Joe grabbed my hand and pulled me into his office. "Come on, baby girl, you need this, babe." I shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself. "No. I don't want you hooked. You know how bad the rush is." Joe shook his gorgeous head and smiled. "Baby girl, I had been smoking for thirteen years and I quit cold turkey in a single day. I don't get hooked easily. I admit, it is a hell of a rush but I can take it." My defenses were crumbling and he knew it. He grabbed my waist andsat me in his lap, his gaze suddenly serious.
    "Please, babe. I hate to see you suffer." My stomach twisted at his words and a soft snarl came from my lips. "Do not call me babe.I hate that. It makes me feel less than I am." He smiled again, ignoring my growl. "You are a vampire and, at the moment, a hungry one." I wasn't paying attention, too busy staring at the pulse in his throat for that. "See. You are hungry and you need it more than me. Go ahead and take it." His head tilted back and the sight made me a little crazy. I could feel my incisors lengthen and knew I was getting out of control, but at that moment, I didn't care.
    I leaned towards his offered neck and inhaled the sweet, exhilarating scent of life and energy. Energy that I needed to survive. "This is going to hurt, Joe." I whispered in his ear. He shivered, making me laugh. He lied about his reaction to the world's most addicting practice. As I was about to sink my teeth deep, the door flew open and a blurred shape tackled me, flinging me away from Joe. I could feel everything in the rush of adrenaline that punched me in the gut. I could smell him, my persistant stalker. His face swam into view just before I felt my body slam into the wall. Bright silver eyes stared into mine with anger and, strangly enough, deep disappointment. "Stop, Scarlet. You don't want to do that." With a crazed snarl, I struggled against his strong grip, stronger than even mine. In desperation, I grabbed his hair and tilted his head back. Oh s**t, I thought before I sliced into his neck.