• My name is Luke. Luke Masser. I live alone, because my parents died when I was 4 years old, but that’s another story for another day. My story, begins when I was 13. I was just walking to the grocery store. I didn’t expect a meteor to crash into the world. That day changed my life forever. I am not the same to this day. The reason for this is because, I died. I was crushed by the meteor. It killed hundreds, but for some reason, I never passed on. I arrived someplace in the middle. It wasn’t filled with light, nor fire. It was a white hallway. I was dressed in these white robes. I had no idea where I was. It was a warm place, with a cool breeze, like on a beach with the perfect temperature. I got up from the ground, and took a look around. The hall went to ways, and seemed to go on forever. I turned my head to and fro, until finally I looked up. There was a hall going up too. I was seriously confused now. I put my left foot on the wall. I had a theory. No, it’s crazy! I thought to myself. I began lifting my foot off, but then put it back on. Some feeling inside my body wanted me to go up. Bracing myself for the impact of hitting the floor, I put my other foot on the wall. I didn’t fall. I was really standing on the wall, completely sideways. I continued, believing that this was all just some crazy dream. I followed the hallway on the roof. Eventually, I approached a door. A large door. I mean like 400 feet tall. It opened as soon as I pressed my hand upon it. It didn’t creak, as much as it was just loud. I saw a throne across the enormous room. Sitting in the throne was a massive man, dressed in full battle armor, like a knight from the middle ages. His voice boomed through the room, as he spoke “Approach me, Human!” I was scared even, at the site of him. He wasn’t exactly the shape of a man, but more a man-like body with a dog-like head and snout. He even had claws. I walked towards him, trying not to look like an idiot. He obviously wasn’t a creature you didn’t want to look bad in front of. As I ended my walk upon his metal boots covering his heels, I asked “What is this place? Who are you? What are you? Am I dead?” He looked irritated. I felt bad for asking so many questions, but he was the only person here who might tell me what the hell is going! He answered me with “This place is a temple. It is the Temple of the Reaper. My name is Grim. They call me the Grim Reaper. I am a soul-Reaper. I collect the souls of the dead. And yes, you are dead. But you have been chosen. Chosen to be the next Reaper, for I am passing away. After 1,000,000,000,000 years, I finally begin to wither and die.” I was answered exactly. But I had one more question. “So, do I, like, use a scythe and run around collecting peoples souls in a band then send them in a box with ‘To: Temple of the Reaper’?” He chuckled. Then giggled. Then shook the whole temple by laughing his loudest. “No, not quite. Your weapon will depend on your soul type. The souls are collected in your weapon, and you keep them.” Okay, so I was the reaper now. I thought it was weird, but really cool. “Hey, how do I know who to reap, when and where?” I asked. He waved his gigantic arm and a book, like and agenda appeared in the palm of my hand. I held it up, and began flipping through pages. A few names, with times and dates, were listed upon each date. “Oh, thanks!” I said as he rubbed his forehead. “Now go! Begin your adventure!” He shouted. I began floating. “Whoa!” I screamed out a I kept going up. The tiles on ceiling began falling down, floating in the air to make a hole for me to float through. I began speeding upwards as I passed through a giant hole. I eventually appeared inside a large facility. “Where am I?” I asked myself out loud. “In the HQ for Reapers” A voice said behind me as I flipped around. He was holding a folded hoodie and a pair of baggy pants, with boxers already inside. I looked down, and my white robes were gone. I was completely naked. I snatched the clothes and quickly slipped them on. “What do you mean HQ for Reapers? You mean all that was real?” I asked. I thought maybe I had just passed out in a hospital or something. “Yes, now if you come with me, we will get you the proper Reaper equipment. I followed him reluctantly as the elderly man took a right turn and followed the corridor to a large room filled with many swords and sharp weapons of all kinds. There were scythes, knives, katanas, claymores, and even axes. BIG axes. “What happens in here?” I curiously asked the man. “We decide your soul weapon. These are many weapons of past Reapers. You are a very special Reaper. Every million centuries a new Reaper is chosen by Grim, but he is passing on, so you will actually be taking his place. Others just worked for him. By the way, my name is Rogi.” He answered. Well, I thought about it. Then I laughed out loud. “Like Igor spelled backwards?” He looked sharply at me through his circled glasses. “Precisely!” He assured me. Next, he had me stand in a blank room. It was all white. He stood outside, looking through a window. This was supposed to show my true color. There was a machine across the room. It had all sorts of sharp points coming out in all directions that seemed to have no pattern to it at all. It began spinning in a perfect circle. I looked hard at it. I was supposed to focus on the center and try to see a figure. I watched. The shape of a horse began to show, but then it was a crab, and then a bird, and finally all three showed, ran into each other, and formed a dragon, it looked like. I was dizzy, and fell back. The machine stopped spinning. The doors behind me slid open and Rogi approached my sickened body. A couple people in lab coats helped me up at sat me onto a chair. Rogi kneeled down next to me. “What did you see? A horse? Maybe even the bird?” I looked at him, trying not to puke, and said “I saw a horse, bird, and a crab crash into each other to make a dragon.” He stood up in amazement. “HE IS THE ONE!” He shouted at the top of his hoarse voice. An assistant of his walked up to him. “Bring out the ‘Soul-Weaver’!” Rogi told him. “But sir,” the assistant tried to tell him something. “I know, but he is the one!” He told him. The assistant looked at me, then at Rogi. “Yes sir.” He said disdainfully. He ran off towards some other room in the complex. “You are very special, for your soul is the color of Twilight!” He told me. I didn’t know what he was talking about, but it sure mad him happy. “What does that mean?” I asked. “What is a Soul-weaver?” Rogi looked at me. He answered all my questions with a simple three word. My least favorite sentence in the whole English language. “You will see.”