Oh the pain, I said to myself as I lay helplessly knowing that Death apperently would not come so swiftly to me. How could the Spider Queen not smile upon me after every action of loyal service to her? Curse the Fates for they are Cruel mistresses in deed. burning_eyes I wonder what manner of creature will slay me or if it will be a slow and painful death unil the darkness claims this broken and battered body.
Where did I go wrong? I ran threw the whole situation, and entire ordeal over my brother. I saw my father (Zaferine,forgive me...), horibble death, at my hand none the less. That one task still haunts me in my dreams. How I wish to turn back time and undo what was done. That look of not hate (but something I couldn't understand) in his eyes. Then my dealings with the leader of the Rouge males, and hunt of my brother. It all ended here at this. stressed Lolth has taken everything from me, My House, My Family, and now my Life at painful agony she will not be swift. I regret much of my actions especally to Drizzt, I will die with him never knowing the deep regret I feel. I started to cry at the Irony . I closed my eyes and driffed into uncontousness praying to whoever would listen, for death, and end to the pain. Darkness took me.
* * * * *
"I think this is it, Argo, my friend" the horse just stared at his master. the old man just laughed at himself knowing that he would succed and find new materials for his potions and concotions. He would break threw, finally he would have something new. He ajusted the necklace of light pendant he wore. "I am glad I invested in this so i can save the candles for exclavation. Now i can see in the dark for the most part" He said happly to him self.
As the breave explorer climed the next ridge he found a discovery
alright, nothing prepared him for what he found. There on the Cavern
Foor lay the lifeless body of a beautiful, young elf who was battered and bleeding. The man droped from the wall he ran to the injured female and started to check for signs of life. He found a faint pulse, but
it was enough to convence him. The man dug into his supplies and found a candles, bandages, and his medical potions. As he lite the candles and turned back to his patent he stoped cold in his movements,
a Dark Elf?!? "what in the world is a Dark Elf Female doing here and alone?" He asked to no one in perticular. what should he do he being a monk was called to help others no matter who but he also knew the reputation of Dark Elves. He sat looking at her blood covered face and saw a troubled expression there one of torment and discontent. and was that tears still freash from her eyes. No something inside snaped.
The man new with a new conviction he would save this Elf.
First he focused on stoping the bleeding, by appling presser and gel like supstance to the wounds. Then he cleaned and dressed the wounds with bandages. After about two hours the old monk sat back and wiped the sweat from his brow. "well young elf, I would say you are at least not going to die from blood loss, at least not if I can help it." He said to the uncoutions beauty lieing there. He also then cleaned her Face of dirt and dry blood then realized that blood was comeing from her mouth
and he then stoped cold. "No," she also bleeds inside! He droped the rag and ran to his sattlebag on his horse and grabed his bag of potions he found the viles of blood. okay lets see I have to mend her insides and then give her blood to replace what she lost. I have no Dark elf blood but perhaps ... perhaps this will help. He pondered quickly and grabed the only two compadable blood samples he had. The monk tucked the viles in his robe and re climed the ridge and back to the elf.
As he returned to he side he noticed that she sterred slightly, in a dream like state.
"Try not to move lady elf," the monk said slowly while closing the distace quickly to save her life and provide healing. The elf froze and tried to look him in the eye but couldn't move very much. She appeared to try to think and form the words.
"Wwwhhyyy do you ....hhheellpp mee, human? then said in her language
I would not show the same kindness to you however if you will not kill me, leave me so I may die at last for I have no reason to live." She then drifted back the darkness free of pain.
The monk staired eek , not knowing what to say. when she said english he was hopeful but then he couldn't understand her language well he understood that she wanted to die but not anything else. He waited another moment and when she said nothing else he realized
she was asleep again. He proseded to finish this task, which was to stop the inside bleeding.

- Title: Chapter one "A New Beginning"
- Artist: kmorse21
- Description: this is the start of Vernia's story and is also in my journal but i just wanted to post here too. please, i am sure there are spelling errors but i do not have spell check or microsoft word so bear with me please
- Date: 11/11/2009
- Tags: chapter beginning dourden verina
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Comments (1 Comments)
- kagomefox - 11/15/2009
- really like this on to pt 2! and love the pic too. very well written
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