• I never knew hate until I turned 15. I learned hate from a friend, he's dead now. All my friends are dead now. They killed themselves. They knew what was going to happen. A Demon did this to them. I hate this demon with every ounce of will I have.
    I get nightmares. The demon is in them. He says I'm next. He expects me to die. The demon looks like frank from donnie darko. I'll kill him.
    He appears in my dreams. Each day he is moving closer and closer to me. Soon he'll be right in front of me, then he'll kill me.
    I know i'll die but i won't commit suicide.
    I'll kill him.
    5 feet.
    bought a revolver.
    4 feet.
    wrote a will.
    3 feet.
    2 feet.
    1 foot.
    I loaded my gun and went to sleep with it in my hand.


    Josh Duvont
    Derek Haxley
    Eli Sumoas
    Selena Gray

    special mention of a sadistic young man

    Josh Gray: found dead with slashes over hi face and his clothing ripped. Parents ran in and seen him convulsing and reporting that the scars came out of nowhere. He got scared and shot his mother in his sleep. Died instantly.
    father wounded from bullet to the thigh.