• Its dark. Why can't I open my eyes..? This is weird. Wait, I can hear voices....

    "Doctor, is there nothing you can do..?"
    tab "I'm sorry m'am... she doesn't seem to be showing any signs of awakening. I'm afraid she's stuck in a coma. "

    A coma..? Who are they talking about? Is that... my mom?! I haven't seen her since Christmas last year... Hm... I wish I could see whats going on...

    "I'll just give you a moment."
    tab "....."

    Come on! Open your eyes! Why are they so heavy?!

    "Emica... please wake up..."

    Well I'm trying, geez! Wait... could it be that it's me in the coma...?


    Emica attempted to open her eyes numerous times and failed. When she finally gave up she tried imagining vivid, colorful scenes in her mind, to keep from getting lost in the dark world behind her eye lids.
    "Emica!" An averaged height girl with long brown hair called. She wore a long blue trench coat and her hands were covered by white mittens. "C'mon! your going to be late~" called a second girl of shorter stature and long blonde hair, clothed in a brown trench coat and white mittens. Eager to find what she was supposedly late for, Emica dashed after the two girls. They called to her and whenever Emica got close, they seemed to evaporate and appear 2 more meters away in the distance. "Wait!" She called out to them. Only a flurry of giggles answered her call and the two girls had disappeared completely from sight.

    "Emica..." said a voice from behind, Emica turned around to come face to face with a short girl with even shorter red hair (wearing a green trench coat with white mittens) and a short brunette boy with wired circular glasses (wearing a crimson trench coat with white mittens). "Your late." The two scolded at the same time. "Sorry." Emica apologized but then inquired, "But what exactly am I late for..?" The boy and girl gave an impish grin and faded into the blackness. "Your late for your lesson." Said a girl's voice. Within seconds, a girl with chocolate colored hair, styling a purple trench coat and white mittens, appeared before Emica. "Lesson?" Emica asked. "Yes, lesson. You must learn." The girl didn't quite fade into the darkness but instead blurred and then when vision was cleared, the girl had transformed into a tall, dark skinned male wearing a yellow trench coat with white mittens. " You must learn to see." Emica's eyebrows furrowed. "I know how to see, silly. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to see you, now, would I?" The boy faded. Emica had grown accustomed to people vanishing and reappearing now, so she patiently waited for the next person to appear. But, true enough, no one else appeared.

    "What did he mean, 'I must learn to see'. I can see perfectly fine." Emica closed her eyes to darkness and opened them to even more darkness. It became clear to her, that if she was to see anything, light was needed. As soon as she thought it a bright bulb of light luminated above her head. An applause thundered around her. Emica looked away from the light to find that she was surrounded by the people she had 'met' not too long ago. The brown haired girl with the blue trench coat stepped forward. "Good. Now, you can see when the darkness of slumber consumes you. However, your lesson is not over. You must learn to see. You must learn to see outside the boundaries of your own mind." The people all began to chant in unison "You must learn to see." and began slowly marching toward Emica. Their hands covered her eyes and their words drummed in her ears.

    Then, she could see. Light emerged from her heavy darkness and shapes began to form. Emica stood in a hospital room staring down at her own sleeping body. Looking down at her hands, she saw that she was quite transparent but also, visible. She glowed a faint green color and found that she needn't touch the ground to walk.

    Emica had learned to see.

    Gaining this new ability to see around her while still in a coma, Emica began to explore the world around her in her new form. Everything felt new, the people she saw, she could see more clearly than she could have ever remembered seeing. She saw the color of her mother's heart as she sat by Emica's sleeping body, She saw images a young nurse had been recalling mentally after checking up on a patient. Emica saw.

    Hm... What to do, what to do, when I can do anything...? Emica thought as a wicked smile curved the corners of her lips.