Date: July fourth, two thousand thirty-two
Location: South Dakota
Independence Day
Several reports came into a local police department in a rural town in South Dakota. Around fourteen hundred hours a couple college kids were launching fireworks in a field when they said they could see strange lights appearing in the sky. The sightings were reported by many but given the occasion they were mostly ignored. Around oh eight hundred hours the next morning the lights were gone but were replaced but strange objects in the sky. Once again these were reported and disregarded. The authorities listed these reports as either prank calls or people seeing things while working off hang overs from the previous. The only difference between last night and now was that the objects in question, had doubled.
Date: July sixth, two thousand thirty-two
Location: Washington D.C.
Invasion Day
Streaks of light were spotted in the sky around mid-day. At first thought to be a meteor shower until the sightings were reported as being world wide. The streaks of light were the first wave of the invasion. Pods had been launched from orbit. Their target? Every major capitol across the world, and then major cities. Shock troops, about ten in each pod, burst from either side of the pod and began to shoot everything in sight that moved. Washington, London, Moscow, Berlin, and Tokyo were among the many cities to be hit.
After the initial drop, additional ships were sighted. Several different configurations were reported and classified as thus:
Personnel Drop Ships or PSDs, and Vehicle Drop Ships or VDSs.
Each classification had its own size ranges, from small to large. In the beginning only large drop ships were reported, their on board weapons powerful enough to raze entire buildings to the ground in order to clear out and create landing zones.
July twenty-second, two thousand thirty-two.
Day sixteen of the invasion.
Location: Military Central Command.
Counter attack efforts showing little effect. Reinforced the main Eastern front at Combat Zone B6 but there has been little change. Western and Southern Zones, C1-10 and D1-10 are under complete control while the Central and Northern Zones, A1-10 and E1-10 are clear of hostiles with either no presence detected at initial drop or enemy presence was eradicated. Zones B1-B6 are all hot zones, with the most fighting in B6. All contact has been lost in zones B7-B10, assumed that the enemy has taken control of zones, recon forces were dispatched but no word on their condition yet.
Allied nations conditions are as of now unknown. No contact with allied nations since say of invasion. Initial drop pods believed to have some kind of jamming equipment that is preventing communications. Satellite defenses are non-existent. Believed to have been jammed upon entering orbit and then destroyed on invasion day.
September seventeenth, two-thousand thirty three.
Resistance Base Alpha-2
Specific location unknown, somewhere in South Dakota.
Major cities have been reduced to rubble. Washington is no longer a dot on the map, completely wiped out. Many who have survived have been placed in alien versions of Nazi concentration camps where they are housed until being shipped out to factories to be used as slave labor. We're not sure what they're building but chances are it's weapons since they never seem to run out of tanks or ammunition or walker mechs. The resistance is growing. They haven't won yet and we haven't lost yet. We will survive. We will win.
This is where our story begins....
(To be continued later in the week)

- Title: The Night Lights In July
- Artist: MoffNiric
My own little science fiction, Earth invaded by aliens type of story. This is only meant as an introduction, characters and what not will be brought in in the next segment of this series, yes that's right I said series. This is only to start off and inform the readers, you guys, as to what transpired right before, during, and after the invasion in a brief history sort of way. - Date: 02/10/2010
- Tags: indepence invasion earth fighting
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