• Tyler Woods Journal Entry #19
    March 28, 2010

    tab This could be the last journal I ever write. To think, all that's happened to me in the past couple weeks...it all came to this. Me sitting in an interrogation room, pestered with questions of why. Why I did all this.
    tab You have no idea how it felt to simply not answer any of those questions. They wouldn't understand. They would never understand.
    tab I'm looking up. My interrogater keeps on asking me whether I'm done or not, over and over again.
    tab "What, you writing a novel?" he's asking me. "You've been writing for over an hour!" I've decided to ignore him. Writing this down is far more important than listening to any of his stupid complaints.
    tab It looks as though I'm going to be set in jail for a long while, but I know I can't let that happen. There are things I need to do.
    tab First and foremost, I have to accomplish what Stacy asked. What made Jacob change? How was I going to bring him back?
    tab And second, my own questions. Who am I, really? What was my purpose for being made? Who is Dr. Doc, and why did it appear that there was two of them? What do they want from me, and why did they make Jacob, of all people, a robot? Who was Mr. Woods? And the beanie...It feels so long since it's been on my head, but what was it? What was it for? Why was it next to me?
    tab I'll have plenty of time of time to make up scenarios in my head while behind bars. But, as of now, I've had too much.
    tab The guy just can't stop talking. I look up at him, and say politely,
    tab "It's finished."