• Chapter 7 of The Void


    Annelise smiled and laughed at some joke a jock was telling her. She actually had no idea what the joke was,but she laughed at the right intervals anyways. Annelise was patiently waiting for Riley to come and eat lunch with her like he always did. It was tradition,and he was being exceptionally late. The jock was actually smart and could tell she wasn't paying attention to him so he told her the first thing that came to his mind,"I love you,Annelise. And I want you to marry me. I even went to Jared's for you." Annelise sensed he had told some joke and laughed. He sighed and said something again,"Annelise. I want to ravish you. Right now so everyone can see. And then I want you to bite my head off like that insect does." Annelise had heard him that time and blushed deeply at how she had been caught not listening,"I'm sorry. I just...Riley's late." The jock nodded in understanding,"Well go look for him so I can go tell some other beautiful cheerleader my hilarious jokes." Annelise flashed him a grateful smile and walked off to find Riley. By the time she did find Riley lunch was over and they were both very late for their next class. "Where have you been? I waited for you,"Annelise told him as she sat down across from him on the picnic table he was sitting at. Riley had a sad look about him as he looked up at Annelise. "I'm sorry. I was just sitting here thinking,"Riley said quietly. Annelise shrugged off his sorry but was curious,"What were you thinking about?" Riley sighed. He didn't want to do this,but he just couldn't take it anymore. "We need to break up. I'm tired of you hurting yourself,"Riley said and looked as if he was close to crying. "This is the hardest thing I've ever-"He was stopped in mid sentence by a hard slap across the face from Annelise. Annelise had tears streaming down her cheeks,dropping down onto the table . "Don't you dare say that this is the hardest thing you've ever had to do! Don't you dare!"She yelled at him,interrupting a couple on going classes. Annelise abrubtly stood up and ran to her car,not stopping when Riley and many people out of class ran to stop her from leaving. She drove out of the parking lot quickly,only to be met with another car as soon as she got out of the parking lot. The last thing Annelise saw was Riley's worried face before she fell into unconsciousness.

    Chapter 1: http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=101952141#title

    Chapter 2: http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=101968949#title#title

    Chapter 3: http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=101969957#title#title

    Chapter 4: http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=101977913#title

    Chapter 5: http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=101984187#title

    Chapter 6: http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=101988505#title