• The Story Of An Average Boy
    Episode 3: Flames

    My bag chrashes on the ground.
    I switch on the PC.

    I could try...

    My fingers are making words.
    Just pressing the buttons.
    Now my eyes read my text as it is done...

    Why should I try...
    She said to let her go....

    'Save message?'
    I put on I-tunes

    What can I do...
    Can't go to school....
    They gave me 5 weeks....
    Just because i said his mom....

    Just for a second there was a possibility.
    But I didn't laughed.
    My face stayed emotionless.
    Chris keeps on singing....

    I open one of the drawers of my desk.
    My fingers search for something...

    No, it can be...

    I pull out a book out of the desk.
    I start to cry as the first page opens.
    It was the book, Elisa and me made.
    With pictures, drawnings, Lyrics we liked...


    I take the book with me outside.
    When i reached the place, I turned of the engine of my car.
    Holding in my hands is something that I always cherished.
    A picture of Elisa and me on Pancake day...

    It has to happen James...
    You must find closure...

    I get out of my car and step away from it....
    The flame of my lighter is just 2 inches away...
    I drop the picture as the flame hits it...
    The edge starts to burn...

    Get to the car...

    I get in my car...
    I see the picture vanish in flames....
    I can't stop crying...

    If you had been there.
    You would have seen some red on the picture...
    A heart...
    Inside... Me and her...

    I need to find closure...
    This didn't help...

    I turn on the engine.
    The radio pops on...

    If you love me, won't you let me know....

    End of episode 3