• Prologue: The Deal

    Loud taps are heard as a tall, intelligent young man heads down the hallway of his home. The young man’s onyx orbs are on the door ahead, his eyes on the goal. He must admit that he did not expect his father to call upon him today, but he was not one to deny him, after all, he did have an ulterior motive. As he reaches the grand, embellished doors, he straightens his school uniform jacket before turning the latch and walking in. The first thing his eyes land on is his father’s desk, the tall office chair facing toward the window wall.

    “Father, you called for me?”

    All that is heard is the swivel of the hinges as the young man comes face to face with his father, the older man seeming to be concentrating on something. After a few seconds, the man’s deep voice fills the silence.

    “Yes, Kyouya, have a seat. I have something I need to discuss with you.”

    Kyouya only nods his head as he proceeds to sit himself on one of the lounge couches near the mahogany desk that his father owns. He decides to wait for his father to speak, his eyes scanning a few sheets of paper in his hands, all of them having to do with the Host Club that his friends and him have at school.


    Kyouya looks up, his attention fully on his dad.

    “Yes, father?”

    “After much deliberation, I have decided, that despite you being the 3rd son born of the Ootori family, to make you my heir.”

    Kyouya’s eyes widen behind his glasses, the words echoing in his mind. It was hard to believe. The one thing he had wanted to achieve was now in his grasp. He had won and he was speechless. Regaining his composure, Kyouya places a gracious smirk on his face, a pleased gleam in his eyes.

    “Father, I must say, I am quiet overjoyed to hear this. I know that you won’t be disappointed.”

    Kyouya’s father only nods his head before standing, his hands still on his desk.

    “Yes, well, you have been in the top of your classes, you’re best friends with the chairman’s son, and you have been gaining experience in business. I know that I can place my trust in you. I have only one condition.”

    The young man is a bit thrown back by this small little side effect, but nonetheless, heeds it no thought. At this point, he was willing to do whatever need be to have the official rights.

    “Yes, anything father.”

    At his response, the older man turns his back to his son, his eyes now gazing out at the vast view before him of their garden. His hands are wrapped behind his back professionally, his voice not faltering whatsoever.

    “Fuyumi has picked out a suitable bride for you. We’ve decided that if you marry her, we will insure you’re inheritance of Ootori Medical.”

    Kyouya had to admit that he was not expecting this term at all, though when the word bride was said, images of women he did not want to marry popped into his head. Shifting from crossing his left leg to his right, Kyouya clears his throat, hoping to get a read on who the female was.

    “Who would that be father?”

    “Have you heard of the Saki line?”

    Once again caught by surprise, the name bringing memories of passages read.

    “You mean the Sakis? The most renowned surgeons of their time?”

    His father only nods his head before returning to his seat, his hands clasped in front of his mouth.

    “The one and the same.”

    One of Kyouya’s hands comes to touch his chin slightly, his mind recalling a few facts.

    “Yes, most famous for their work in Cardiology. If I recall correctly though, they passed away years ago in that horrible accident.”

    Nothing is said as his father nods his head, obviously this having something to do with his future wife.

    “Yes, a horrible tragedy. Unfortunately, that circumstance left their only daughter behind. Fuyumi says she is a wise girl, apparently exceeding in medicine herself. I’ve heard she’s also doing extremely well in art, but the main point is that she has her parent’s gift. I’m told that she is precise to every stitch. She’s quite valuable, name and wealth wise.”

    Kyouya could only unconsciously relax, glad that he was not going to have to go through a situation like the one involving Renge. Adjusting his glasses, his smirk returns.

    “So, when will ceremony take place?”

    His father closes his eyes, obviously pleased with his son’s answer.

    “We were actually thinking of planning it this coming weekend.”

    Kyouya’s smirk widens.

    “I can’t wait.”
