• As I was walking through the forest, I heard a sound that was like an animal grunting. I walked cautiously toward the sound. I reached a clearing that was hidden by bramble bushes. As I parted the prickly branches, I could hear that there were other people. There were grunts, and triumphant cries. They sounded horrid. I couldn't wait any longer. I ripped open the branches and I had to stifle cries that were issuing from my mouth.
    There, in the middle of a clearing, were about ten people, beating what seamed to be either a large dog, or a small bear. The pain cries that were coming out of its mouth were more like train calls than animal sounds. All I could do was watch. What seemed to be the problem is that the people were hunting, they saw this creature, shot at it, but ran out of bullets. I guess the animal was still alive, just very close to death, when they started beating it with clubs like cavemen!!!!!!!!!
    I couldn't sit there any longer. I made a sound like a mother bear, angry and loud. The hunters started and looked in my direction. Then, I started shaking the branches and thumping the ground, hoping I would pass as a charging mama bear. I did. The hunters ran away as soon as they heard me. I rushed to the half alive animal and started tending its wounds.
    About 4 hours after the hunters left, I awoke to find that the animal was missing. I felt sad. I hoped it wouldn't get shot again. I started scouting the camp. I found some water, and some scraps of food. Disgusted, I threw them in a river near by and filled the canteen to the top. I guzzled it down and refilled. As I was draining the canteen again, I heard a rustle. I looked to the bushes and started to panic. What if some of the hunters came back, what if it was the REAL mother of the animal.I closed my eyes.
    The branches crunched underneath the animals feet as it came into the opening. I opened my eyes and realized it was the same animal that had been beaten, with a huge pile of dead carcasses.
    I was overjoyed!!!!!!!!!!! Meat, and the best company a girl could want. It came over and set the bodies in front of me and nuzzled my hand. That did it. That tied us together. The animal was officially mine. I claimed it as a dog, lost from its regular owners. I think it was a boy, for it barked in a very deep way. I named him, Chestnut, for his chestnut body.We would have a lot of adventures together, I just knew it. I got up to leave for my house, but I stopped suddenly. I turned around and looked right and left. Then it hit me.
    " Where is my house?"

    To be continued...