• “It’s nice to see you’ve finally graced us with your consciousness”
    His words dripped like acid from a beaker, corroding her sense of hearing with fear as each syllable penetrated her ears.

    She knew that voice, but yet she didn’t. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but he had a familiar air around him. Filled with hate, confusion, and obsession. She could tell from the look in his eye that he wasn’t stable.

    She retreated as far as she could manage, away from him. Almost knocking herself off the bed, she was forced to latch onto the bedpost, moving herself, unwillingly closer.
    He took this as his cue to step forward in the room revealing a tall, built form. She stubbornly looked him in the eye as he forcefully grabbed her upper arm, seemingly trying to squeeze the life out of it or instill utter terror into her bones.
    He spared her one last crazed look before his eyes scanned the room, still keeping his death grip on her arm.

    “I bet your wonderful little brain is brimming with questions?” he let go and walked over to the desk were the chair had fallen over. He righted the chair, and stared at the desk quietly for a moment. “To answer what I assume is one of your first questions, you are in an old apartment. Look familiar?”

    She just looked at him, scared and confused.
    “It should, I’ll give you a hint: You’ve been here before.” He said in a psychotic and teasing tone.
    Without warning, he swooped down, resuming his bruising grip, but on her thigh. She could definitely feel her legs now. Pain seared through her leg as he enunciated ever word, digging his nails deeper into her flesh.

    Bighting her tongue to keep from crying out in pain, she stared defiantly back at him. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. A flash on sadness passed through his eyes, almost so quick she didn’t catch it. As quick as it started it was over, yet she was still left with the slowly residing pain in her leg.

    He took a step back pulling something out of his pocket, within seconds he was on her and the pain had returned, but this time she looked down to see him emptying a syringe into her upper leg. This time she couldn’t stop her cry of pain from escaping as the liquid burned through her veins.

    And just like that he was gone again, leaving her with dread heavier then when she woke up and her mind slowly slipping into oblivion.