• I come home excited because I want to see you, hug, and kiss you.
    I enter the house and see you staring at the window and smoking.
    My heart jumps with joy as I see you.
    Here is the man who swept me off my feet when I thought I would never love again. Here is the man who showed me a bright future when I though there was no future for me. Here is the man who was my knight in shining armor when I had so many challenges and difficulties I had to face alone. Here is the man who loved me...
    I saw the look on your face. There was no excitement to see me anymore... not like before...
    You used to send me text messages asking me where I am, and what time I'd be home. You'd send me text messages that you miss me all ready and you'd wait for me to have dinner with you.
    But now, it seems everything is different.
    I still approach you with a smile. And try to kiss you on the lips. You look away.
    You dont like me kissing you anymore. Not like before.
    I wonder why you have gone cold to me?

    Does this mean you don't love me anymore? Are you fading away?