• I don't think you understand just what is going on here. People are DYING. The human population is being demolished all because of YOUR little screw up! Did you even think about what you were doing in there? Or were you just playing along, and acting like you knew what you were doing...just to impress her? Yeah that's probably it. You always messed something up because you just had to have her. For what? She screwed you, left you in the gutter and yet you had no sense but to let her do it again and again? She never loved you, she never cared about you...SHE WAS AN EX- STRIPPER FOR PETE'S SAKE! Oh, excuse me. An erotic dancer...is that what she called it?`Well you can call it whatever the heck you want, it still comes down to her dancing for money.

    Money, yeah she only wanted the money...You thought if you could make her think you were this big, fancy, successful doctor she would come back to you. And yeah she came back...FOR THE MONEY. But, when she found out you weren't, she left you. You were heart broken, and just had to find some way to convince her. So what do you do? You throw some random crap together in a beaker, make it look legit, and say you found the cure for cancer.

    Look what your sad, pathetic butt did to us. The entire town is nearly wiped out. Oh, and another bonus of that poison you made is that it's contagious and it's spreading like wild fire! ALL ACROSS THE WORLD!

    You don't have the SLIGHTEST clue of what you've done. Oh when I find you, I'm going to beat some sense into you. And I'm not going to stop this time.

    Even when you beg for mercy. I'm going to beat you until every last senseless fiber is out of you...oh yes.

    I'm going to kill you.