• The next day Kurenai was gone again (but with a message that she was no longer ill - just resting under doctor's orders, and she would be back with Hinata tomorrow). I went to the park to wait for kakashi and ended up reading half of a novel by the time he arrived. "Are you always late?" I asked bitterly.
    "Only because I'm interrupted," he said cheerily. "I was on my way today when a little girl's cat was stuck in a tree."
    "Uh-huh. Okay." I set the book down and stood.
    "What're you reading?" he asked curiously. I glanced back.
    "Oh, just...something about the history of the Leaf Village. I just grabbed it off my uncle's bookshelf." I turned back to him. "So, how are we going to start?"
    "Push ups."
    I did a double take. "Excuse me?"
    "Push ups. Sets of 20, and there'll be five sets." He tugged an orange book out of a pouch on his belt, titled Icha Icha. "Get going. You said you had to improve on your Taijutsu." he smilled happily, moving to sit down where i had been. Grumbling to myself I began to do the workout. The thing was, I sucked at push ups. So after 100 really crappy pushups, I stood, with aching arms and a deflated ego.
    "That was terrible." kakashi remarked, flipping a page.
    I leaned on my knees, groaning. "I know, I know. Don't mock me."
    He stood then. "Now we can spar a bit."
    "Seriously? After all of that? You're going to kick my butt!"
    "ahh, sweet, sweet self-confidence." Kakashi tucked his book away. "And we're still working on Taijutsu, alright? So just calm down. Don't even pay attention to Akane and Lee."
    i spun to see Akane and lee watching, from a tree on the other side of the park. Blushing, I turned back to Kakashi. "Yeah. Thanks a lot, Kakashi-Sensei."
    "Glad to help." he said, cheerily. "Now, fighting stance."
    We both fell into a crouch.

    Lee invited me to go watch Matsuo train with Kakashi today so I did. The necklace I found last night was now around my neck with the match to it, which my borther had given me. I looked up from my thought to see Kakashi, and Matsuo both looking at us. Excitedly Lee and I waved in synch with each other. Matsuo waved back reluctantly back, seeming as she was embarrassed. She looked back towards Kakashi, and I think I saw her. Wait was that blush? Oh this was going to be funny to talk about later, I thought. She has a kiddy crush on Kakahsi.
    "Uhm, Akane are you alright? Your face is making weird shapes," Lee announced, which broke me out of my thoughts.
    "Oh yeah I'm totally fine just thinking about asking Matsuo something," I grinned back at him, then turned my head to see Matsuo try to kick Kakashi. "So what do you think Kakashi sensei would do if we triple teamed Matsuo with him?" I asked scratching my head bordly.

    He started out with me trying to attack him - touching him was nearly impossible! Without my fans i felt hopeless, and since taijutsu was already a weak point of mine, my self confidence was down to the floor. I tried to kick him but he always blocked with his forearm or managed to grab my foot and tip me over. finally he started telling me what I was doing wrong.
    "You're not distributing your weight properly." kakashi immedietly grabbed my shoulder and shoved backwards. "Keep your weight on the back foot, and try to focus the rest into your thighs. That way you can be ready to launch a kick, and not fall over backwards."
    "Oh." I stepped away so that I wasn't being bent in half. "When I had my Earth Control Jutsu, I would just make earth wrap around my foot to secure it. So I didn't have to worry abuot it much then."
    "Hm. That makes sense." He took a step back. "Now, think fast."
    Suddenly he gave me a killer high-kick - my chest exploded with pain and I flew backwards, tumbling to a stop at Akane's feet. "Having fun?" she asked sarcastically.
    "You know, I'll beat him one day." I grunted, standing. i then cupped a hand around my lips so that Lee wouldn't see me mouth, "You like him!!"
    Before she could react I hurried back to Kakashi, rubbing my chest. He eyed me curiously. "That went well." He remarked.
    "Well, i didn't see it coming," I said, falling back into defensive stance. "I'll do better next time.'
    for the next hour or so we sparred - and Kakashi decided to end this whole training thing with two more sets of push ups. i barely had the energy to thank him as I limped back to Iruka's. He eyed me curiously as I walked in. "training go alright?" he asked.
    I groaned and collapsed on the floor. Iruka hurried over. "Matsuo?!'
    "No, I'm fine." I sighed. "This floor is just sooooo cold..."
    i pressed my cheek against the tile. Iruka rolled his eyes and turned back to his cooking.

    Lee didn't even hear Matsuo's comment, thank goodness. I was tensed for the rest of the time thinking he did though, just waiting for him to say something.
    "Okay Akane," I stood up quickly. "I think it's time to leave, I'll see you later," he said.
    "Yep see you later too," I said jogging off, trying to distance ourselves. On my way back I looked over to see a pained looking Matsuo. I sighed, she's training so hard, yet I just sit around. What should I do? I thought. I knew what I should do now instead of just sitting around. Maybe make new friends, while starting some physical training myself. Opening the door. I was starving. I grabbed some instant ramen, and made some while putting down some food for Miki and Sho. I will find my brother, I thought once again, knowing there was a bit of hope knowing he was alive.

    After getting up and taking a shower, i had just entered the kitchen when the doorbell rang. I walked over before Iruka could get it and tugged it open, to see Kakashi standing there.
    "Kakashi!" Iruka chirped, coming up to stand behind me. "Did you need something?"
    "I just needed to return this to Matsuo," kakashi said, handing back my book on the Leaf Village. I took it, blushing lightly. Great, matsuo. I chided myself. Way to be forgetful.
    "Thanks, Kakashi-Sensei."
    "No problem." He glanced at Iruka. "nice apron."
    Iruka blushed furiously and positioned himself behind me so that Kakashi couldnt see the frilly white apron he wore for cooking. "It was a birthday gift," he said angrily.
    "uh huh." Kakashi smirked. "Good training today, Matsuo." He held up a hand in a motionless wave. "Goodnight, you two."
    With this, he left. Iruka closed the door hurriedly and untied the apron, draping it over the counter. He went back to cooking then. I laughed. "What, ashamed of the birthday present I got you?"
    "Of course not," he said, ears reddening. "It's just...too hot for that right now."
    grinning, I retired to the cushy couch where Momoko was currently lounging, and began to study up on the Leaf Village. Since I didn't have much left in the book, I finished it quickly and then took to studying the founding of the Anbu Blackops, absently eating the macaroni and cheese that iruka had made me. Considering how sore I was now (my thighs were practically on fire, and so were my upper arms) tomorrow was going to be wonderful. (note my sarcasm).
    I fell asleep in the chair at 7:30 PM.

    My tummy was full, and warm now. Snuggling up in my bed, I felt the fuzziness of both my ferrets up next to me for warmth. It was so nice that I had fallen asleep quickly. When I woke up again in the middle of the night, there was a ferret on my head, and another lying on my stomach. I giggled lightly, so not to wake either one of them. Putting them back on their pillows, I went to my window where I could climb outside for fresh air since it was stuffy. Sitting there I looked up at the stars. The sky was so clear, I wonder if my brother saw the same thing as I did at the moment.
    "Akane?" I jumped at the sound of my name. "Oh Akane it is really you!" I looked across to the neighboring building to see a black cloak with red clouds, and red hair like mine. My eyes widened at the sight of him, my brother, Juro. My mind couldn't form the words I needed.
    "Wh-What?" I paused in shock from seeing him. "You're alive, and standing in front of me? What happned?"The first question was towards myself, but the next one towards my brother. He jumped off the other building to join me on my balcony.
    "I know it's hard for you to comprehend this," Juro started speaking in the softest voice he had. "But I can't stay long," At him mentioning this I looked up at him. "I wasn't kidnapped," He began.
    "Why can't you stay?!" I interrupted.
    "I have my reasons," He told me. "Now Akane," He had put his hands on my shoulders in a comforting gesture. "I have joined an organization, to which I cannot be near you, or other family since it'd be dangerous. I was recruited during a mission, that's why it seemed like I was kidnapped," He had understanding eyes.
    "Why's this organization so dangerous to our family?" I gave him a serious look. He gulped seeming as though something stuck in his throat, was making him unable to speak.
    "I can't tell you why, because people are after me now. I have to go they'll come looking for me if I don't get back soon," He was about to jump away, when I hugged him from behind.
    "Please don't go. It's been years since I've seen you," He looked as though he didn't want to leave, but had no choice. Patting me on the head, and untangling my arms from around his waist he disappeared from the balcony without a trace of where he'd went.