• my pov
    ok it started out like this i woke up in the middle of the wood's there was a little pond so i went over to the pond and wat i saw shocked me i was me but i was like 7 or 6 years of age and ontop of my head were a pair of white ears and then i felt something long around my foot and i looked down and i saw a long tail and i had fangs little one's but still they were cool.And i'm in a tiny little dress it was a light blue and it had a flower in the middle .
    So anyway there i was in this new world scared out of my wits cause being 7 and haveing ears and tail isen't wat i call fun. Suddenly i hear something or someone with my super cute ears and i have a feeling i know them but from were i don't know the voice get's louder so i hide in a bush. Then i hear a second voice it seems there fighting over something wat i don't know but i listen in anyway to find out wat there fighting about.

    norm pov
    hidan i'm not buying no cat food for that silly cat of yours. but kakzuz it's not that much to buy honest. i don't care hidan i said no and i mean no got it. yea i got it your way too greedy for your own good. watch it hiden. wat ever.

    my pov

    well to say i was scared before the strangers came was an understatement i wa petrafide now. but with the mention of food my tummy let out wat must of been the loudest growl ever cause the stangers stoped talking and started walking to were i was. i diden't know people could walk so silent'y but then out of no were a huge hand grabs me and pulls me out of my hidding place and at that momen't i blacked out.

    norm pov
    my my my wat do we have here kakuzu . i think it's a neko but i'm not sure anyway it's not of value get rid of it . but kakuzuz it could be a nice pet for the other's and i need a sacrfice for jashin sama pls can we have her she's cute. o fine then u can have her but let leader now and she stay's in ur room only got it . yea yea yea i got it.

    hidans pov
    well well i got a little neko girl hahah how funny now as for her name i don't know i'll wait till she wakes up the others wil lov her. sertanly diedara and sasori but itachi not so much kakuzu and kisame hate cat's but i'm sure they'l like her as much as me and if not jashin will .

    my pov
    so i wake up again but this time i'm in a cage or something with bar's. then i here a voice saying that i'm up so a few minites later a door opens up and there in front is the most tallest guy ever and he has a smile that just scream's pervert .so my ears go down and my tail raps around my leg and visable tremble. the guy says to me walk and do as told but i'm so scared it takes a while . i'm walking down a hallway with a lot of doors and we stop at one and i can instily smell the blood and death thats behind it even befor the door is open.
    the door opens and there are stane's on the flore of wat i don't know and dont want to know.
    the guy tells me to walk in and sit on the bed and i do .
    then i hear wat seem's to be yeling of shouting of somekind so i begin to feel scared again even more so than befor so the guy who i think is called hiden tells me it's ok and i should just relax . i was very tired so i sleep on the bed

    this is my very first story pls be nice ^^