• Chapter 1 part 2

    Ok maybe enduring my deep depression wasent one of my BEST idea's really I see my older brother vincent on the couch with his girlfriend shana. When I first met her I thought she was pretty cool and fun to be around with until I saw her cheating on my brother. You would Think I would have said something but but no I didnt want to ruin my brother's happy relationship, the last time he went through something like that....well lets just say the EX lost about half her hair and moved to Canada. They are watching some scary movie that you can tell is all on fake you could have probably watched it at night with the lights off and on halloween and still not get scared. I roll my eyes at them as his girlfriend hides her face in his shoulder. I walk from the back making eye contact with him, I never really did understand that its like siblings know when their in trouble or when theyre talking to you in their mind freaky huh? Vincent turned around and I laughed quietly he flipped me off and I just put my hands up in deffense pointed to her and mouthed 'thats so fake' He looks like he's about to get up and throw something at me if it wasent the tottal faker on the couch whimpering. I grab a Diet pepsi and a crisp green apple and walk into the libary I see my dad working at a dark oak table "Hey dad watcha working on?"I ask sitting on the other side of the table and bit into the apple "looking over this case"He says not looking up at me. My dad is a lawyer he really never did pay attention to me much it was like once i was born he forgot her had a daughter. I dont push it I never really do sometimes I hardley remember I have a dad. I walk down the isle's over the large libary scanning the books looking for one that will stick out to me, as im about to turn and leave I see a fairly large book with a shiney dark cover. I trace my hands on the book and see the gold scripted letters Pain within I stare deeply at the cover it feels like im gonna pass out but nothing happens just a tingly feeling. "ANNABELLA!" I jump to the sound of someone using my full name my father glares at me his face turning a light red "Look what youve done!"He yells his voice echoing the libary and points to the ground. The soda is leaking onto the white carpet I quickly pick up the can before it leaks anymore "Im sorry I didnt notice" "Didnt notice what?!?"He demanded intruppeting me "Do you know that can leave a stain?!" I stare at him not sure what to say I dont want to yell and send mom Dr, Smith in here "Just get outta here"He says closing his eyes tightly "But I-" "GET OUT"He yells louder I jump slightly and walk out of the room Nina looks up at me from the dining room and trots over to me "Hey girl"I whisper and scratch her right ear and walk up the stairs and into my room. The shadows looks somewhat tamed but they still long for me to welcome them, I smell spray paint and smoke a thousands spiders crawl from the floor boards, the large boxes, and from under my skin. I hear the sound of five gun shots and screaming of a stranger I Use to know my skin feels wet I see small water drops falling from the ceiling and blood surrounding my feet. I cant breath it feels like im underwater and Im running out of air my lungs are burning for air. I find the surface but find there is thick ice covering the sacsuary I beat the ice hard trying not to panic but this is just a dream.........right A blood streaken face looks at me and smiles Brianna grins as she huggs a black figure and kisses its cheek I couldnt leave him he was my everything the figure holds a gun and points it to her head I scream the remaing of my air is gone I black out.......
    I told her to stay away..........