Chapter 1:
The Love of a Father
"Aaah, the sun always feel so good after being in the dark for so long" I sighed. I always liked being in the meadow near our castle when it got too busy. As I lay there in the warm yellow sunshine, I began thinking about my father. I was wondering what was taking him so long to get back from his mission. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the call of my mother looking for me. As usual mother was waiting for me at the castle gates. As soon as I saw her face I knew something was wrong. She gave me the usually kiss on my forehead, but there was something else there. Something that shouldn’t be there, sadness, my mother’s kiss had sadness in it. Why..?
"Mother what’s wrong what happened is it something with father?"
"It is nothing loved one, there is nothing wrong. Do not worry child". Her face told me that there was indeed something wrong.
Why was mother trying to keep secrets from me? We walked back to the castle in silence. The rest of the afternoon mother and I sat in the silence of our thoughts, and then we heard a light knock on the door.
'Oh! He's finally here thank goodness." Mother said in an excited voice. Could it be father that was here?!
"Who is at the door mother?"
"You will see when I let him in"
Him? Who could it be? Surely mother is not having an affair with anyone. I stood there next to my mother waiting for her to open the door, and then I saw him. He was very tall, and in all black. His red hair looked like a blood stain against the blue sky behind him, and his eyes-cold,calculating,unnatural-violet eyes. This man, known as the betrayer, the coward, and by my standards, the demon. Why was mother going to let thi-this man into our home?! I couldn’t believe it.
"Why, hello there Lord Draischen."
''Good afternoon Lady Ariasaa. How are you this fine day?''
I am fine thank you. Well why don’t you come in? I couldn’t believe it mother was actually carrying a conversation with this man. Does she not know what he did?
At that moment the demon stepped into our castle. He glanced down on me with his disgusting eyes, and I let my face show my hatred for him.
"Well hello there Lord Armagedon."
I remained silent.
Armagedon stop being rude and say hello to Lord Draischen. The anger in mother’s voice made me flinch. She had never had that kind of tone with me before, no matter how badly I misbehaved
"ARMAGEDON! I raised you better than that, now stop being rude and say hello."
"NEVER!" I ran towards my room, but I decided to stay in the living room, so that I could listen to their conversation. I hide inside the large vase that rested in the corner of the room.
"I am quite sorry for my son’s behavior"
"It's quite alright, I am used to that behavior now."
Mother remained silent for a short period of time.
Well won’t you join me in the kitchen?
I heard their footsteps going heading toward the kitchen. I didn’t bother following them; I would be able to hear their conversation from my hiding spot.
"Were you able to find a safe place?"
Safe place? Safe place for whom? Surely mother wasn’t going to send me with that demon.
Yes. They will not be able to find you there.
Oh. Thank goodness. Have you any way to get there, and your sure we will be safe from harm? I could hear the panic in mother’s voice with her every syllable.
Yes Lady Ariasaa, be rest assured that no one will touch a hair on you or your sons head.
Ah, thank you Lord Draischen you have no idea what this means to me...Were you able to find any news on him?
No milady I am sorry.
Who did mother want to hear news on? Could it be father? I couldn’t hear any longer, their whispering became inaudible even for my keen hearing. I let my mind wander to the times I would spend with father. It only felt like a few minutes before mother’s voice interrupted my thoughts. She was calling my name, looking for me. I immediately came out from my hiding spot and went to her. She looked down at me, with a somewhat apologetic look on her face.
Dear, we are leaving with Lord Draischen in a few moments.
Why? Why do we have to go with that demon? Mother’s face pinched up with anger.
Armagedon! I am appalled by your behavior. Why do you hate him so?
Because, he left our country to fend for itself, even though the king trusted him with bringing our kingdom to victory. He let his whole country down, and proved that he is a coward that doesn’t deserve to be part of the nobles.
I am sure he had his reasons love, but could you please promise to be on your best behavior while we travel with him? Her face softened just a bit.
I will mother, only if you tell me why we have to go with him. I will get answers from this woman even if it takes me all night.
I am sorry I cannot. A wary sigh came from her lips. It unsettled me that I was causing my mother trouble so I let her have her way.
Fine, I will be on my best behavior but only because you asked me to. Not for that....thing you call Draischen.
Mother gave an exhausted sigh, again.
Thank you love, but please address him by Lord Draischen.
I would rather have my tongue cut out. I grumbled. Mother was being stubborn.
Fine, then just do not talk to him.
After, we had our luggage got packed onto the wagon, we left our beloved home behind. We were getting led to through the Cathedal Mountains; I didn’t bother asking mother why we were going through the mountains because I knew she wouldn’t tell me. I leaned against her, feeling the gentle rise and fall of her chest. Soon the steady rhythm put me to sleep, and it felt like an eternity before I awoke again.
Dear one we are here.
I opened my sleepy eyes to see one of the most enchanting places I have ever seen. There was a lake lightened by the full moon, and a garden filled with beautiful flowers. There were fireflies everywhere, and in the midst of it all was a little cottage.
"Mother," I gasped. "What is this place?"
This is where you were born.
She laughed. Yes your father and I came here when we found out that I was going to have you. It brings back lovely memories. She gave a heavy sigh.
You miss him don’t you?
Father you miss him?
Yes very much so. Mother’s face suddenly looked old and sorrowful.
Me too mother, why did he have to go?
Well he received an order from the king, you know as well as I do that he couldn’t refuse.
Yes...mother I miss him terribly. I buried my face in her chest, invisible tears streaming down my face. She caressed my head and squeezed me closer to her.
Do not fret love I am sure he is alright, wherever he may be.
We sat in the wagon till the sun had begun painting the landscape with its pale gold rays.
Lady Ariasaa would you like help unpacking. One of Draischens men had addressed us.
Yes thank you.
I will carry my own things...s-sir. Mother gave a small smirk, while I held back a grimace.
I discovered that the inside of the cottage was just as elegant as the outside. The living quarters where decorated with elaborate furnishings and paintings, and it smelt like roses, sunshine, and fresh earth.
Mother are we really staying here?!
Yes love.
Oh, wow! I was excited, and I couldn’t control it.
She gave the chuckle that I always loved hearing.
Well it seems that you are all settled. Spoke the demon.
Yes it seems so. Mother’s eyes looked at the demon with gratitude. It made my blood boil.
If that is the case, I would like to talk to you privately, if you don’t mind?
Of course. Armagedon why don’t you go explore your new home. I growled angrily, but didn’t argue. I stomped off like I was headed towards the forest, but stopped and began to watch them.
They walked off towards the garden. I followed this time, because I knew the garden was out of reach of my hearing. Making sure not to get caught I hid amongst the berry bushes.
It’s about your husband.
My husband, but I thought that you had not heard any news about him?
I lied because I knew your son would be listening. Your husband has been killed by the Plague.
No. NO! This can’t be true.
I am sorry but it is. They found his ashes with a note buried in them from The Plagues new leader. There was no remorse in the demon’s voice. If anything I could hear a faint trace of smugness in it.
Oh my goodness, how could this have happened?
We believe that the plague sought revenge on him for killing their previous leader. The letter from the king asking Lord Lucious to go to the aid to the neighboring countries king was a lie. They ambushed him while he was traveling there.
No, no, no, NO!!....I could hear mother’s voice breaking into a sob
I am truly sorry.
YOU’RE A LIAR MY FATHER ISNT DEAD! I shouted as I leapt from the bushes.
Armagedon?! Mother’s grief filled face, quickly turned to astonishment. I didn’t stay in the garden for her to lecture me. So instead I ran.
I wanted to be as far away from this place as possible. I heard mother following behind me. I didn’t want her to comfort me right now. I just wanted to get away from everything
Love please come here.
NO! I snarled at her viscously, which was something I had never done to her.
I ran faster and eventually managed to circumvent her. I ran deep into the forest surrounding our new home. I stayed under a large oak till dusk, crying tearless sobs, wanting to disappear, wanting my father to come back. By the time I had decided to go back it was dark, and I didn’t remember where I had come into the forest from. I ran and ran fearing that I was only getting farther away from home. Then, I heard it. The howling. Werewolves! Werewolves were hunting, and very close by the sound of it. Panic had grasped my stomach and began twisting it into knots as I began to remember my previous encounter with werewolves; they had nearly taken my life. Luckily my father had found me before the beast could finish me. He wasn’t here this time though, no was going to be there to save me if it ever happened again. So, I ran, and ran, and ran. It felt like I was getting nowhere, and I could still hear their haunting howls. Then I heard my mother calling for me at the edge of the woods. My heart leaped for joy when I heard her heavenly voice.
Mother! I cried
Armagedon, Amagedon! Her voice sounded just as panicked and anxious as mine.
Mother I’m over here.
OH thank the heavens your safe. She sighed
Mother, I’m sorry for running away.
It’s alright dear I understand how much you are hurting, space is what you needed.
Mother I heard howling, there are werewolves nearby.
Yes, your father and I would hear them almost every night during our stay here. They have a den nearby.
What if they come near here?
Do not worry they will not come here; they know we have a living quarters here.
Oh, that’s a relief.
Again she chuckled. Yes, it is. Now how about we go inside and get a drink.
OK! Relief swept its calming tide over me as I walked with mother back to the cottage.
- by sapphirre_natasha |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/15/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Ethereal
- Artist: sapphirre_natasha
A fictional story made up of entirely original characters, and concepts, this is the first chapter of the story i am writing. please forgive any typos, misspellings and what not this is just a draft, and i have not fully proof read it yet :) thank you!
Key to saying names: Ariassa- ar-ee-ah-sa
Draischen- dre-shun - Date: 11/15/2010
- Tags: vampires werewolves fairies dragons
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