• On the nice day outside a Limo drives near a Fema Camp.
    Guard1 says: This is a restricted area. Go back away right now.
    The guy from the limo puts the window down and puts his hand out of the window.
    Unknown man says: Want to see my Id card sir
    The Guard tries to grab the id but the guy from the limo grabs the guards hand and the guard feels a heart attack coming.
    Guard1 says: My heart......Someone call the.................
    Guard was laying dead in the ground. and then the guy grabs the security card away from the guard.
    Unknown man says: Boys we got some work to do.
    meanwhile lets see what phil and his bodyguard is doing.
    TSA Guard says: We need to check everything on you two to make sure you are not a terrorist.
    Big Phil says: Why sir did we do something wrong.
    TSA Guard says: Stand right there so we can check on ya.
    Then the TSA Guard touches phil all over. Phil Bodyguard looks around the airport and walks back. And Puts his cell on.
    Phil Bodyguard says: Guys we have a problem the TSA Guards are being very odd around here.
    20 says: And how odd is that.
    Phil bodyguard says: Lets just say they are very very touchy with Phil, Lets hope Phil aint enjoying to much being molested by a TSA guard.
    Big Phil says: Is this right for you to molest me, When then Guards from airports like touching people private parts if you wanna touch them so bad why not ask there are plenty to go around with.
    Phil bodyguard rolls his eyes at Phil.
    TSA Guard says: Dont be a smart mouth or we will arrest you.
    Big Phil says: Well here this you stupid sorry Terrorist Sexual Ahole, You just tried to molest a SUG Team and here my ID to show that, Now don't threaten to arrest me i would arrest you for trying to molest anyone around here so your busted mister, I am only a smart mouth when ill bust the stupid brain washed wussy's like you.
    Phil Bodyguard says: He right and SUG team out-beats the TSA Workers. Let this be lesson to any of you TSA Guards. We hear a report from you guys doing something very bad we will be informed there more of us then two so if i were you guys no more molesting people.
    later on the day time another meeting comes around.
    20 says: Ok guys another issue came along airport abuse when has this been happening.
    Master Husseem says: For a long time, You guys need to keep an eye on the guards. Just because we try to stop the ones at our town don't mean we didn't stop them everywhere, I don't know what towns these issues are coming from but this has been going on for some time now.
    Dr. Duty says: I thought we had a Flying Ship what happen to that?
    20 says: A certion brother was having too much fun with it and crash landed on a farm and had few kids freaking out that they saw a alien.
    Everyone looks at 19 and 19 smiles with a oh crap face.
    Master Husseem says: We can always build a better new ship, But we need to check on this issue. This mite be one of devilknight handy work. We got humans brain washed in this world by devilknight. I want to know where this also leads too.
    19 says: where phil and his bodyguard at, Last we heard they were going on a airport to find more what effect the Statue of Liberty. But another question if devilknight is doing this why isn't he showing him self.
    Master Husseem says: Demons have a habit changing into a human. We also need to be caution about that. Thats why we got this little machine called the demon tracker, it scans people but it doesn't effect anyone it only tells us if they are human or demon.
    Junkman says: In the old days i used to spy around places and seen weird and crazy stuff. But with you guys its been one hell of a ride.
    Ned says: Look how many different wars we all fought, some of us been fighting longer then the rest. But we made our selfs a great team.
    Phil and bodyguard walks in the meeting.
    Big Phil says: We are back from the Crazy-port.
    Phil bodyguard looks at phil and rolls his eyes again.
    Master Husseem says: Welcome back my friends.
    Big Phil says: Oh you guys wont believe what just happen too me. People are upsets with my Weewee.
    Phil Bodyguard gives phil a WTF Look.
    Junkman says: Very funny Phil what did you do strip dance for people thats a laugh for a start.
    Big Phil says: Oh very funny Junk, I just got molested by a TSA Guard from the airport.
    Junkman says: Well it seems like you enjoyed it the way you sounded like coming in here with a surprise face.
    Big Phil says: Maybe 19 can come along with me at the airport next time.
    19 says: ill pass the offer.
    Master Husseem says: Phil shut it, We know what happen because your bodyguard called 20 about the issue. But we want to thank both of you finding this out when it came out of nowhere. The Bigger issue is Devilknight is still out there.
    while they have a meeting. the unknown man walks in the camp grounds.
    The Owner of Fema Camp says: Uh Hello we didn't expect anyone to come here.
    Unknown man says: Didn't expect isn't this place abandon. Why is this place reopen for.
    The Owner of fema camp says: Thats only for the workers to know.
    Unknown man says: This place seems perfect my brothers to place around with.
    The Owner of fema camp says: I think you should go or ill get the guards.
    Unknown man says: Get the guards, They aint worth fighting against me, I have not lost against a Worthless humans like yourself. My name is death.
    Then Death touchs the owners hand.
    Death says: Can you feel it,
    the owner of fema camp says: Feel what.......My eyes I cant see........my head it hurts
    then the owner starts yelling til he falls down the ground dead.
    the guards come in.
    Guard2 says: where the owner.
    Death says: He fell sleep.
    the guard grabs the club and tries to hit death. Then death touches the guard heart. then the guard falls down.
    Death says: Anymore wanna face me or face death.
    that ends the episode for the rise of saberous.