The clerk said, “Alright girls, you’re not doing that in here, take it outside. I don’t need a mess in here!” He used an annoyed voice as he sighed and shook his head at us. We both looked at him with mean eyes, ready to fight each other to the death. I put my two lime green daggers away in there spot and made an angry face at the clerk. “Fine we’ll fight each outside then.” I said in an angry voice, as I grabbed my black bag and went outside where it was hot and dry as heck. Then Shelby went after me outside, gun still in hand and said to me, “What’s in that bag of yours?” I smirked and took out three silver daggers out of my bag and threw them at her.
Shelby tried to dodge the attacks, but one of the silver daggers hit her right shoulder. She pulled out the silver dagger out of her shoulder with her right hand and yelled, “You cheater! Take this! ” She grabbed her gun and fire at me. I smiled as I fell backwards there was silence. Shelby smirked and said proudly, “That is for calling me a Ginger and attacking me unfairly.” Then her smirk disappeared as she saw me get up, holding the bullet in my hand and dropping it to the sandy yellow ground. I grinned as I took three sliver daggers out of my bag. “Do you think that trick going to work on me?” I said with a chuckled as I continue to own her, “Ha-ha stupid Ginger, don’t you know that I’m a bullet catcher.”
Shelby stuttered in surprised that I caught the bullet. “That just can’t be true. I thought there were no bullet catchers left.” Shelby said in a shaky voice. “They were all killed off. Well I can fix that try catching this bullet.” She swings her gun to her side fast as she fired at me. This time she made the bullet curved toward me. I threw the three silver daggers to the ground fast. I pulled out one of my lime green dagger, and hit the bullet at the edge of my dagger sending made it back at Shelby. Shelby ducked fast just in time before it hit her. “Mmm…So you can make a bullet curve.” I said with a smirk as continue to own her again, “So that must mean you’re a gunner master. I thought they were all killed by the Ricktes.”
They were the ugliest thing you would ever see. They had blood red eyes, sharp teeth, and green-yellowish reptilion skin. They looked like humans but they weren’t. They used all kinds of weapons to kill the gunner masters and bullet catchers. No one can find out I’m a bullet catcher. They would pay a lot of money to bring me in alive. The same thing would happen to Shelby. If they found out that she is a gunner masters. Luckily, none of the bounty hunters were there watching us fight.
“I better get back to work finding my bounty.” I thought to myself out loud as I put away my daggers into the bag. Shelby snapped, “Hey, where do you think your going, blondie?” She spins her gun with her pointer finger as she put her gun away. “Be quiet, your coming along with me as my panther even if you don’t like it.” I said in a serious voice as I continue talking, “Because we are both outsiders and no one needs to know that I’m a bullet catcher and that you are a gunner master. Got it? ” Shelby rolled her eyes and nodded. “Fine.” She said sarcastically.
4 Bounties G Chapter 2
I hope u enjoy reading chapter 2 please comment and vote to tell me if I'm doing a good job or what I need to do to make chapter 3 to the story to sound better then chapter 2 :)
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