• The filth was one thing, the smell was another. Centuries and eons of human waste forgotten in the tombs that were the Paris sewers. Still there remained rotting flesh of creatures no longer recognized as human being, but no more than fresh leftovers from what was considered now to be age old wars. However, not all corpses to be found in the damp mold here spawned from war, there were the exceptional few that found themselves as prey for the hungry animals of the night that have claimed Paris for their hunting grounds. Once these sewers may have been somewhat of a pride to the city, but now only proved useful as a quick way to move around the surface world above without being seen or heard. For years enemies and allies alike knew that in order to use these tunnels to their advantage, one had to be silent, and slow.
    It would seem though, that the most recent visitors of such a hallowed place, cared to be neither. For the moment they stood still, long, white, beautiful legs stood shin deep in the almost black water, yet they seemed unfazed by this, their pink eyes searched for more than filth. They had more to do here than bask in the bacteria.
    The twin albinos were frozen there, in time, as if they had been turned to stone, or more so like a cat would freeze in the middle of the hunt, calculating their next move. One of these cats then spoke, the younger by six minutes, Sidona, whose smooth yet deadly voice shattered the silence with her piercing tone:
    “Je doute que nous allons être de trouver quoi que ce soit ici-bas.”
    I doubt we will be finding anything down here.

    The other, who seemed to stand taller, a sense of pride about her, followed her sisters word with a more dominant and commanding voice:
    “Proposez-vous nous revenons les mains vides?”
    Are you suggesting we return empty handed?

    “Je veux dire, c'est que nous leur tour les mains vides, c'est seulement la faute de nos aînés. Après tout, ils ne peuvent pas toujours être certain dans les hypothèses”
    I am saying is we turn up empty handed, it is only the fault of our elders. After all, they can not always be certain in the assumptions.

    “Ce n'était pas une hypothèse,” Midona, the elder, turned then to her twin, “Vous pouvez être infidèle, Sidona, mais je comprends la parole de nos aînés Sebastian de ne jamais être une perte de souffle”
    It was not an assumption, you may be so unfaithful, Sidona, but I understand the word of our elder Sebastian to never be a waste of breath.

    “C'est tout de même, Midona, mais après quatre heures de recherche, nous avons à renoncer à cette chasse.”
    That's all well, Midona, but after four hours of searching, we have to give up this chase.

    “Comprise, elle fait perdre du temps que vous craignez, très bien. Nous avons une corvée dernier, une demande d'un aîné anonymes”
    Understood, it is wasting time you fear, very well. We have one last chore, a request from an anonymous elder.

    “Nothing to do with the Union I hope?”

    “...Nous avons dix-sept minute.”
    ... We have seventeen minutes.

    Sidona understood, the conversation was over, as her sister waited not even a moment then to sprint off, Sidona following a few steps behind.

    “Que voulez-vous dire dix-sept minutes?”
    What do you mean seventeen minutes?

    For a moment, Sidona was scared for what Mai had planned. Though Sidona's curious voice annoyed her sister, Midona satisfied her sister's wonder.

    “Dix-sept ... Seize exactement jusqu'à ce que nous devrions attendre de l'ambassadeur d'immigrant pour arriver à Paris.”
    Seventeen... Sixteen exactly until we should be expecting the immigrant ambassador to arrive in Paris.

    “Ambassadeur d'immigrant? Midona je-”
    Immigrant ambassador? Midona I-

    “Ne vous inquiétez pas Sidona, vous n'êtes pas d'être responsable de sa mort. Il a été demandé de moi personnellement.”
    Do not worry Sidona, you are not to be responsible for his death. It had been asked of me personally.



    “Mais soeur-”
    But sister-

    “Si vous avez une objection à cela, vous pouvez partir et affronter les châtiments Sebastian et Lenore ont vous attend.”
    If you have any objection to this you may leave now and face whatever punishment Sebastian and Lenore have waiting on you.

    “Mais Midona, la mort d'un ambassadeur? Que faire des immigrants en droit de déclarer la guerre!”
    But Midona, the death of an ambassador? That gives the immigrants every right to declare war!

    “Quinze minutes.”
    Fifteen minutes.