“You’ve done this before?” All Zane did was nod. Don stared at him and quickly knew he was from Earth. He looked every much human as her, except from the obvious difference in their appearance. Don then carefully looked at her three new companions and it finally sink in how weird this place was. Raya and Relic looked like two normal kids with sandy brown hair and yellow-green eyes but what made them stick out and odd was the fact that they had cat ears and a tail. No one seemed too really notice except Don, who in all actuality didn’t really care but was more fascinated than anything else. But Zane was defiantly normal to her. He had no tails, ears, giant canines, a giant, or anything like that. He had shaggy Dark wood hair and slate-grey eyes and only stood about an inch above her. This made Don feel a bit better knowing she wasn’t completely alone. “I’m going to head back, I’m tired.”
“We’ll head back with you. We don’t want you getting lost.” Raya grabbed Relic and Zane’s hands before rushing out the door. They arrived back at the inn and hung out outside for a few moments. “Zane I put Don in your hands, so you better watch over her.” Zane merely nodded as Raya turned to Don. “Zane’s a good guy so you’ll be safe. There can be some weird guys around so stay close to him or us and you’ll be o.k. Zane! Why don’t you and Don team up? She’s new and doesn’t know what’s going on and she may be able to help you get home.”
“Can we do that?” Don asked unsure if that’s a good idea or not.
“Of course! Relic and me teamed up last time. Most don’t but we find it easier to get through puzzles. Two brains are better than one.” Raya giggled at herself as Don though I don’t know about this. I don’t even know Zane but then again I don’t know anything about this game. “So we leave Don in your hands Zane, take good care of her. Goodnight, see you in the morning!”
“Goodnight. And Don, you’re in good hands.” Relic smiled before running with his sister to their place of stay.
Don waved a small bye before turning to her guardian. Zane turned and opened the door waiting for her to enter. After they made it to her room she bid Zane goodnight. “Thanks for helping me, but if you don’t want to its fine; I’m use to it. G-“
“That’s surprising. We can form a team, I don’t mind. Maybe we’ll be able to actually go home. I’ll see you tomorrow downstairs, goodnight.” he turned to leave and headed to his room. Don called a goodnight before entering her room and passing out on her bed.
Morning arrived too soon and Don groggily got up out of bed. Spotting something in the corner Don headed over to find a fresh set of clothes, weapons, she was unsure she wanted to use, and an envelope with the word SOLVE on it. This will be an interesting day. How am I going to use weapons when I’ve never even held one before? With a sigh she got ready and headed to the meeting place.
“You’re here already?” Don was surprised to find Zane already sitting in a chair. He nodded and stuck his hand out obviously wanting something. What does he want, my weapons? Oh wait maybe my mission thing. She took the envelope from her light pants pocket and handed it to him. He quickly read it over then passed it to her.
“The More You Take Away, The Bigger It Becomes… What the heck does that mean?” Don was blown away by the cryptic message. She hadn’t a clue what it meant.
“I got the same one. It’s a riddle we have to solve. We get one everyday so you’ll get better at solving them or figuring out what each one is talking about. I think we have to go find a hole of some sort. Come one we’ll go eat and then start our mission. I also want to see what the little ones are up to.” Don agreed and followed Zane to the hall. They met up with the twins and found that they had their own riddle to solve they spent breakfast trying to figure out each other’s puzzle before head out. Don and Zane wondered around for hours finding nothing. All the while Zane mumbled to himself about more of a clue, but Don didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Zane, may I ask you something?” Zane didn’t reply, so Don continued. “Raya and Relic are from Silva right? What exactly are they?”
“Have you heard the term Neko?” Yeah, who hasn’t? Don nodded signaling she did. “Well that’s essentially what they are. Part cat, part human. They’re gift is earth, they can make plants grow or do their bidding.” Gift? “Before you ask, everyone here has some sort of gift, or special power. It’s the defensive part of your soul. The only way for one not to realize this part of yourself is if you totally do not want to protect yourself. That’s really what this two month exercise is about, showing how much you really want to live. All of us are here because at one point we gave up on life, we may not be suicidal but we didn’t really care if anything happened to us either. Am I wrong?” No… Don didn’t reply just kept looking for the hole. “Don’t feel bad, you’re not the only one to feel that way. Everyone is or was like that. Even Raya and Relic had that though, but this changes people and makes them realize that life is worth living. So we’re all here to win so we can live again. Found it!” Don looked over to see a huge chasm. s**t! What’s going to be down there?
The two picked their way down to the pitch black bottom. “Ready to see my gift?” Zane had a laugh in his voice before an orb of flames burst to life around his hand. Don gasped in surprised before regaining control over her emotions. “Cool eh? Get your weapons ready you don’t know what lives down here.” Fear gripped Don was she unsheathed her sword and followed Zane. Luckily nothing attacked the pair and they found a puzzle piece without trouble. They headed back to the town as the sun started to dip into the horizon.
Many missions were like this: the pair met, ate, and headed out to do what they needed. As the days and weeks passed the riddles got harder and they encountered more enemies. Don got better with her weapons, everyday practicing either when she had free time or while walking. And each day she longed to return to her body and live her life again becoming more determined to solve the riddles. It was a week before the final mission and everyone was having a good time when something dangerously out of the ordinary occurred. The event began with a single howl…

- Title: Invisible Armageddon prt 4
- Artist: UraDongwa
Armageddon teams up with Zane and starts the journey to live again. By hanging out with her three friends she learns what each day will bring, why everyone is there, and that life is worth living.
Comment please!!!! ^_^ - Date: 01/26/2011
- Tags: invisible armageddon
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