- Darkness, the smell of rust hangs heavy in the moist dank air, the taste of salty iron in my mouth. Then a loud wet sounding SMACK followed swiftly by a resounding scream which echoes, ringing loud and long in the dank chamber. The pain in my arm rising along with the scream, that scream, so loud. But whose scream was that? Was it mine? It sounded strangely familiar, but I don’t remember screaming. My pondering was quickly ended when the ripening pain in my arm, reaching a boiling point, forcing me to bite my lip, in order not to scream yet again. I stop, and look frantically about the room, disoriented and in a daze with pure fear and adrenalin pumping through my icy veins. But all that I can see is black, nothing but black… only black, only black. The thought ricocheting throughout my skull, echoing, repeating. Repeating endlessly until my thoughts are drawn by something else, something that sent a shiver of cold fear down my spine, the rattling clink of chain links, sliding across the cold stone floor, drawing ever nearer. Then a WOOSH and a loud THUD as the chain strikes my flesh. I let out a cry of agony as pain blossomes throughout my chest. Another distant scream tears through the cold damp chamber, then… nothing, as the cool bliss of unconsciousness envelopes me…

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