• Kylel walked through the doors of the Onyx Diner, where she was supposed to meet James. A familiar-blue head was seated by a window where the sunset was shining its golden orange rays. Smiling, the Eevee walked over to the blue-head's table and took a seat on the other side of the table.

    "So, what did you need to talk to me about?" Kylel asked as she sat.

    James blushed slightly, fidgeting his fingers and trying to find something to say. "Well... um... you see... I was thinking..." He was stuttering so much that he might have been feeling an earthquake rather than butterflies in his stomach. "I-is it okay if you... um... How should I say this...?"

    The Eevee just smiled. "Aw... Are you nervous? Is Little Jimmy excited to see his best friend in the whole world?" she cooed childishly. "Do you want to go outside? Maybe it'll be better when there aren't so many people around." She stood up and began to maker her way towards the door, grabbing James' hand and taking him with her.

    Once the two were outside, Kylel stared at James expectantly, while the boy was still fidgeting. They stood like this for quite a while, neither of them speaking. The air was getting quite cold, but none of them complained about it.

    By now, the sun was disappearing halfway into the horizon. When James looked at Kylel, he could see the golden rays reflected in her pink eyes, creating a harmony of colors that only angels could pull off. The wind blowing through the Eevee's blonde hair only made her look more like an angel. It was a wonder how she could look like this without even trying.

    "Well? Aren't you going to say something?" Kylel asked once again. "There's plenty of time, but this suspense is killing me!"

    "Right... Of course..."

    "You know, if you can't tell me, maybe you can show me instead."

    "Would that really be okay with you?"

    "Sure, as long as you calm down."

    James then took a few steps forward, and he put his hands gently on Kylel's cheeks. With a slight hesitation, he brought their faces together, connecting them at the lips with a kiss. It was an innocent kiss, a kiss of a first love. All of the boy's emotions were put into this particular lip-lock.

    When the kiss was finished, Kylel just stared at James with wide eyes. She definitely hadn't expected any of it. "James... I... what...?" Now she was at a loss for words.

    And she suddenly noticed someone else was there.

    Turning to face the direction opposite the restaurant, they saw Flare, his face frozen in such an expression that he looked like he saw a nightmare. There was a lump next to his left foot: a rose bouquet. He must have been looking for Kylel.

    "Uh... I-I... D-don't mind me. I'm just passing by," he said, though it was obvious that he was troubled. With that, he turned and ran off. He didn't even bother to watch where he was going. Anywhere was better than where Kylel and James just stood.

    Flare finally collapsed onto his hands and knees on a soft bed of sand, and there was water touching his hands. Strangely, he wasn't bothered at all, even if he was a Flareon. The sand directly below his face soon became wet with tears he didn't realize he cried. Was he really upset over such a small thing?

    He soon lifted his head a little and stared at the setting sun, at the illuminated sea that he was supposed to be afraid of. His hands grabbed at each rolling wave, feeling the wetness and colness that he was so afraid of. They comforted him, even though he was a fire-type Pokemon.

    The ocean reminded him of a Vaporeon. Kylel wanted to evolve into a Vaporeon, right? The very thought of the Eevee tore up Flare's heart all over again. He grabbed fistfuls of sand-he clawed at the sand-and threw as much of it into the ocean as he could. Perhaps he was also throwing the very same sand he and Kylel sat on so many years ago, when he copied her tail movements.

    "Why?" was the only word he could say. "Why?!" It was the only word he shouted as he threw each fist of sand. Occasionally, he would toss a rock, put all his feelings into it, and let his feelings sink to the bottom of wherever he threw the rock.

    It didn't help.

    He was overflowing with feelings. So many of them. Betrayal... heartbreak... anguish... anger... love...

    He loved her. Ever since they were kids, he had been in love with her. But James also loved her. From what Flare saw, the human boy won the Eevee's heart.


    "Flare! There you are!"

    It was instinctual, but Flare turned his head towards the direction of the voice that called him. It was Kylel. She had run after him.

    The Eevee kneeled beside the Flareon and took a long, sad look at his face. "On-kun..."

    "Don't call me that!" Flare snapped.

    "Are you really upset over-"

    "Yes! Yes, I am! I'm mad! I'm angry! I'm enraged that you and James kissed!"

    "So, what's the problem?"

    "A kiss isn't just some thing with friends! That-that-ARGH! Just leave me alone and hang out with your boyfriend!"

    "Flare, are you jealous or something?"

    "Way to go, Miss Obvious..."

    "Why? I don't see what you need to be jealous of."

    Flare sighed in annoyance. Kylel can be so dense sometimes. Rolling his eyes, he immediately grabbed the Eevee by the shoulders and kissed her, though perhaps a little too roughly. She struggled, which was expected, but the Flareon only held her tighter.

    Finally, Flare ended the kiss, and he looked directly into Kylel's pink eyes. He then opened his mouth, and all of his feelings flowed out in three simple, yet meaningful words: "I love you."