• It was a cold, dark, night when Meara Macfoulle, age 17, crept out from the shrubbery beside her father's house. He had finished his ale and retired early. Yes, she had hidden many a time here when her father had too much to drink.
    Her father, Ewan Macfoulle, was the most powerful man on the island. The leader of the Macfoulle clan.
    Ewan hated Meara. Meara's mother, Rachel, had left this world while bringing her into it. Ever since that day, Ewan had loathed her with a passion. He had left her on the doorstep of a house in one of the villages on the island when she was still just a baby.
    When she was 4 years old, she was taken back by the clan. If she had been a normal, red-blooded, human girl, Ewan would have forgotten her. But he had to protect her secret. His secret. The clan's secret. Ewan Macfoulle was the master of the Island of Artima, father of Meara and leader of the Macfoulle clan of werewolves.
    Tonight was special for Meara. Tonight she would escape the clan, escape Ewan, leave the island and begin a new life. A life free of the clan's many laws. Free of Ewan's drunken rages. Meara was to be married. A year before, on one of her few visits to one of the island's many small villages, she had met Michael. She remembered the day they met. He was so much like her, it was almost as if they shared the same mind. Since that day, she had Snuck down to see him every chance she got. 3 days ago, he had asked her for her hand. She knew Ewan would never allow it. The reason? Michael was a human.
    But tonight, she would be married no matter what Ewan said. Silently she crept down toward the village of silverflame. It was around 3 A.M. when she reached the village. She made her way to the small, white church. She found Michael waiting for her. They embraced and found their way inside. The service was short. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and-" The minister stopped abruptly, staring at the lone figure standing in the doorway. Ewan.
    Slowly he approached, stopping mere feet from the couple. Then he spoke. "You have made a very grave mistake. Did you think I never knew of him? Yes, I have heard the rumors. Oh foolish daughter of mine, let this be a warning. A warning to all who mingle and mix with humans." with that he turned to Michael.
    Before anyone could react, Ewan leapt and with one powerful swipe of his terrible claws, killed his daughter's love without a second thought. Meara stared, horrified, before collapsing to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. As she wept, she thought of her beloved. Thought of all the memories they would never share, the children they would never have. She looked up at the man who had destroyed her life. Her sorrow slowly turned to rage. Her rage into hatred. Hatred towards the man who had made her life a living hell.
    Ewan looked down at his daughter, then at the man he had just murdered. "Human scum." he spat.
    At those words, Meara was suddenly overcome with the urge for vengeance. With a howl of pain and rage, she leapt at her father. She bit, clawed and slashed at him. She thought of all the times he had beaten her, cursed her. Fueled by these memories she continued he attack.
    Ewan was too shocked to dodge the blow that ended his life. He never expected anyone to stand up to him.....
    Meara stared for a long moment at the two bodies that lay before her. Then, without a backwards glance, she fled. She knew the clan would not rest until they had avenged their leader. She knew she would live the rest of her life in hiding. Meara ran.