• John looked out the window, and then quickly ran to the other one. He wasn't sure if it would work, but he had read it somewhere and every day John was become more suspicious that something was wrong with his world. When John quickly turned around he noticed somebody had come into his house, the third time this day. This time, though, it wasn't the same person as the first 2 visits. Truth be told, the first two people were different, but because of the world they lived in it was hard to tell.

    "I haven't seen you before. And where did you get those clothes?" John asked.

    "Are you scottican? and Asian?" Ion asked the man in front of him. Accent and looks hinted at it.

    "What's scottican? Or Asian? Are those some kind of Job in one of the other sectors?" John asked, wondering if the rumors of the other sectors being more fun the more you stayed in one were true.

    "Are you human?" Ion asked, quite worried now. He had merely dived into the words for fun, but now he wanted to make sure that he wasn't in danger.

    "Yes, I'm human. Are you implying there is some other lifeform I could be? Some... 3 legged thing with no arms and makes noises similar to "bark arf"?" John retorted, insulted.

    "Somehow, I wouldn't be surprised. Anyway, you seem caught up in something. Did one of your windows eat the last pie but neither will admit to it?" Ion asked, looking at the small blue stains on the window's edge.

    "No, windows can't eat pies. That's just dumb." John thought, now looking at the window wondering if it was the reason the pie had up and vanished in the night.

    "So, let me guess," Ion started, cheating by not actually guessing "you are worried that you are living in a fake world, and are checking the windows to see if the weather and time of day match up for both?" Ion then chucked at the confused face.

    "H-H-How did you know that?" John spat out, surprised.

    "Magic, wanna see some cooler magic?" Ion inquired, looking bemused and pulling out a box of matches.

    "M-Magic? That doesn't exist. And what are those things?"

    "Watch." John said, striking one. For effect, he waved it around, watching the fire.

    "What is that? I've never seen anything like it."

    "S'called fire." Ion remarked smirking. "You can use it to make heat and light."

    "But I thought fire could only be used to remove corpses." John, startled, commented, and then he just kept looking at the flame.

    "That must smell like s**t. Anyway, if you have any paper that you don't need I can show you what fire does." Ion chuckled, and watched John run off for a second before coming back.

    "I can tell that you are going to be insistent, so here is a poem I meant to give somebody. Later somebody told me that she was already in love with somebody else. I can't just throw it away because all paper gets checked before being disposed of. I know, it's my job." John said, and Ion was reminded of Arther Dent for some reason.

    Ion lowered the flame to the paper, and noted that a metal table avoided more flame, and watched it burn. Once there were only ashes John looked surprised and then suddenly there was a voice by the communal elevator.

    "What on earth are you doing? You could destroy society with those." The large man said, arms crossed and a mean expression.

    "John, do you know this guy?" Ion asked, noting how long the match was lasing.

    "Well, yeah. I've known him since I was in primary school." John replied, wondering what Ion had just sent the elevator down.

    "Ok, well then, does this room have good ventilation?" Ion asked.

    "Yes." Was the reply.

    "Ok, then. John, say goodbye to this man you have known since primary school." Ion said and lit the man on fire, using ampule confusion to keep him still long enough, and punting him down the elevator shaft, that surprisingly didn't have a cover when the elevator wasn't there
    . Ion knew today was going to be a good day.