Gunners The Ten Evil Blades#11
Gunners #11 The Right Blade
The Ten Evil Blades
So really like your telling me that some girl attacked you?
Yukina: more like an old women.
Hakuru: wow, and let me guess shes from The Ten Evil BladeS?
Yukina: I saw her number, I think it’s the 7th number so she could be the 7th member.
Hakuru: well that suck.
Yukina: I almost uploaded all the data about the Demon Samurai, so if its done, I’ll quickly hand over the data to you.
Hakuru: thanks.
Yamota: man, these guys just keep on coming, I wonder whos going to be the next person to be attacked anyway? We got Sukya, Fuka and Hiyane.
Hakuru: don’t forget Rizumi. These guys just keep on coming out of nowhere, I have to keep training to face Shino again.
Yamota: and I need to face that chick Webber, hey whats that awesome power called again?
Hakuru: The Kurai Shi.
Yamota: do you have it yet?
Hakuru: yeah I already did, but its just the Kurai Shi (Black Death)
Yamota: just The Black Death?
Hakuru: there should be some other way I can get it.
Yamota: hey Yukina how does it work to get The Kurai Shi?
Yukina: only happens when your in battle
Since your spine connects to all of the energy through your whole body, the bones will start to run the energy stream line. The stream line connects to your brain as well.
Since the stream line connects to your brain, you’ll start to feel pain against your opponent, although with emotions, control or pretty much fear it all mixes together. Once that happens you might see some few visions. The Kurai Shi allows itself to make your mind to create a being that none other has done before, this only happens to a few Gunners though.
I have to focus your energy a bit more, think something like you hate, you like, all of your inner organs will start to react to this as well, same with your muscles for example.
Yamota: is there any simple ways I can get the Kurai Shi?
Yukina: it’s a very hard ability to handle, it will most likely cause by death, I think you should stick with your demon for now Yamota.
Yamota: oh come on!
Yukina: I’m serious, the only ones that know how to do the Kurai Shi are Kanome, me, Hakuru and Rizumi.
Yamota: damn.
Yukina: well either way now, I have to know when the eclipse is coming.
Hakuru: oh yeah you told me about they’re plan right? Pierce through the Earth with they’re blade. Whats up with that?
Yukina: don’t know, something about an eclipse then when that happens they’ll send in a massive sword.
Hakuru: that’s crazy. What about Hell then?
Yukina: well surely Hell won’t really swallow up the Earth.
Hakuru: true, I don’t know whats Hells been up to, but its so strange now, they haven’t hunted us down for awhile
Yamota: yeah, maybe they gave up.
Hakuru: no, they always send they’re demons and angels down to capture us, to torture us, to kill us even. I need to talk to Saya for a bit.
Yamota: I don’t know ,she hasn’t been to school for awhile.
Hakuru: I hope she doesn’t go mind, she always wants to beat me, sometimes when I fight her, her powers are more stronger than mine, even when I fight her with strategy.
Yamota: you reckon she could be The Demon Kunoichi?
Hakuru: she wouldn’t really be that, besides shes know as The Blood Shed. I don’t know where the hell the Demon Kunoichi came from but hell.
People are now calling me The Demon Samurai.
Yamota: isn’t there already one?
Hakuru: well either way there can only be one Demon Samurai, I rather be just Hakuru then have any other names.
Yamota: really? What do you reckon they’ll call me?
Hakuru: The Cowgirl.
Yamota: man thatn ame sucks!
Hakuru: better than sticking up a gun up your a** all day.
Yamota: or a katana up your p***y hehe.
Hakuru: god your wrong.
Yamota: well either way we gotta find some meat to find dude!
Hakuru: what do you meam eat?
Yamota: sex, come on, we gotta ******** these days! Look Hakuru, we’re like 20 something years old, and we’re in Tokyo, we gotta find a white guy! Not a Japanese guy, a pure WHITE guy, even if the guys black! ******** dude we’ll still get laid, we’ll do it our way!
Yamota: we go out and look for some man co ck!
Hakuru: well, I thought of kinda hooking up with Sora.
Yamota: oooh. You guys gonan ********?
Hakuru: you gonna ******** Hachi?
Yamota: what? A Chinese guy? Nah he’ll probably squirt his fire j**z out, besides I rather screw an American! Hell those guys know how to fu ck!
Hakuru: what if you do with a girl?
Yamota: then dude I will be more comfortable with my sexuality.
Hakuru: you naughty girl.
Yamota: hey that Demon Knight chick, I wonder how many ******** guys she screwed with on her adventures?
Hakuru: how many dudes did the Demon Samurai screwed?
Yamota: meh.
Yukina: alright the data’s all done, and look, The Demon Knight was still a virgin
Hakuru: there you go Yamota.
Yamota: s**t, whats with that?
Hakuru: well lets go prepare for that party, or else somebody will crash it.
Yamota: who are you gonna invite?
Hakuru: the whole damn school, anyways help me and put all the weapons away
Yamota: hey if we’re gonna make a party, you should try and have sex with Sora.
Hakuru: he doesn’t know anything about sex.
Yamota: too late now I already got the condoms.
Hakuru: why your horny…. Ah…
Yamota: hehe, now wheres the make out room?
Hakuru: up stairs.
Yamota: thank you!
Hakuru: ets get this party started.
All the messages went all across the High School grounds. Kikio found one just laying on her desk.
Sakumi: we are huh?
She opened up the door as her hair was short with red and hair, and with a red jacket and a white shirt with an angel skull on it. With black jeans with a chain attached onto it. She also has black bracelets on her two arms. Including with a cap on her head.
Kikio: woah, feisty!
Sakumi: whens the party?
Kikio: tonight.
Sakumi: is Rev coming?
Kikio: probably.
Sakumi: then lets go.
Kikio: huh?
Sakumi: tonight, I’m gonna go and ********.
Kikio: what?!
Sakumi: you heard me right? I’m going to have s e x with someone.
Kikio: uh
Sakumi: hm?
Kikio: but do you know how to…
Sakumi: well I was too busy watching one of your tapes, then I was too busy studying about it, I was also too busy trying to make myself look good, is that really important for a man….?
Kikio: well uh… uhm.
Sakumi: if not I’ll just-
Kikio: no! it looks great!
Wow I never knew Saya was ready.
Kikio: okay, heres what you do, and pretty much I’m sure that Hakuru is going to do this as well.
Sakumi: she is?
Kikio: oh yeah she was trying to hook up with that Sora guy, why not you try and hook up with Keisuke?
Sakumi: Keisuke…?
Kikio: (heh, shes just like the old her)
Sakumi: uh, Kikio can I burrow your condoms?
Kikio: here you go, and make sure you make you man feel good!
Sakumi: uh…. Okay.
Meanwhile in another dimensional sub-space system.
Shino: …. Status report.
Tressa: nothing much, words on the street the Skull Gunners are making a party.
Tresa: that’s up to Sino’s dicision.
Shino: never been to a party, lets go then.
Tressa: are you sure? Can your body keep up?
Shino: it can keep up, I don’t want to end up just like The White Knight.
Tressa: ah The White Knight, she was the one that sent The Demon Knight to Hell, heck although The Demon Knight did saved Earth from Hell, but I still I don’t even know why The White Knight sent her back to Hell, how many beings are there?
Shino: The Demon Knight, The Demon Samurai and The White Knight
Suijo: not to mention The Blood Shed, or aka, The Demon Kunoichi.
Shino: hm….
Webber: well, we are The Ten Evil Blades after all, besides The White Knight is too invincible for The Demon Knight herself, even The Skull Gunners.
Shino: although its been two centuries since her appearance was lost
Tressa: I wonder how the ******** did that happen?
Estray: easy, her powers.
Tressa: huh?
Estray: after her incident The heavens took her and placed her into the chamber of the afterlife, waiting for another two centuries for her awakening.
Tressa: and where the hell did you get this information from?
Estray: well that’s easy, The Library, have you ever heard of the Library Tressa?
Tressa: don’t mock me b***h.
Rid: ruff! Ruff!
Tressa: and for godsake Rid act like a normal Demon!
Webber: its weird how we’re the first ten demons heh.
Shino: when is The White Knights awakening?
Estray: soon, I found out they’re plans.
Suijo: oh yeah, until her awakening they’ll send in The White Knight and execute all of the members of The Skull Gunners, not to mention The HellsBound Crisis Gang too, I think she’ll also be doing God’s wraith as well. Remember the 17th century in Sweden and Norway?
Estray: yeah, killed sin, and also killed the non-sins.
Suijo: crazy man.
Estray: so have we located The Right Blade yet?
Tressa: not yet, we’re still looking for it.
Webber: “Death is Meaningless” heh, Hakuru has that blade.
Shino: well it is actually a fake anyway
Webber: could it be in the museums?
Suijo: the blade is very well hidden, somewhere in Japan.
Webber: how about the temples? Temples are always sacred, and they always keep the sacred stuff kept in them.
Suijo: hm your right.
Shino: then its agreed, we’ll all find the blade. In the meantime, keep an eye on the group.
Got it.
Meanwhile at night time.
Yamota: hey welcome to the party come on in. drink some kickass American beer if you want!
Hakuru: want American beer? Here best there is on Earth.
Sukya: so, he was crying and all that.
Girl: man weird.
Sukya: I know right?
Yukina: okay if you wanan know how to have sex ask my friend Yamota, shes an expert.
Hakuru: hey welcome to the-
Sora: hey.
Hakuru: Sora?
Sora: mind if we… come in?
Hakuru: s-sure!
Hachi: sweet! Yo Yamota, nice a**!
Yamota: get laid already dickhead.
Hachi: haha!
Yamota: hey Lion come over here.
Lion: yeah what?
Yamota: go give Sukya a drink.
Lion: what?!
Yamota: come on, go give her a drink dude, you wanna screw don’t ya? Don’t make me BJ you.
Lion: ah…
Yamota: go for it dude!
Lion: uh… hey Sukya, you wanna go and uh grab a drink?
Sukya: sure why not?
Lion: really?!
Sukya: come on dude it’s a party man.
Lion: uh… sweet!
Hakuru: so how do you like the party?
Sora: pretty cool.
Hakuru: thanks.
Sora: so, any plans?
Hakuru: for what?
Sora: for The Ten Evil Blades.
Hakuru: don’t know yet, Yukina finally finished uploading the data for The Demon Samurai, all I need to do is just read it, but I haven’t read it yet.
Sora: The Demon Samurai, ah, I read about her, they say she possesses the two blades. Her left says Your Life Ends Here while the right says Death Is Meaningless.
Hakuru: odd, my katana has the markings of those words.
Sora: yeah, she always uses her left katana with her right katana she uses it on people whos lives are meaningless, pretty much for the bad people.
Hakuru: her sword, is it the same as mine?
Sora: looks like it.
Hakuru: ….
Sora: Hakuru, uh, I actually like you.
Hakuru: huh?
Sora: I like you, the way you act, how you act yourself, you know, and uh.
Hakuru placed her index finger on his lips.
Hakuru: stay close to me, and I’ll stay close with you.
Hakuru kiss’s Sora on the lips.
Sora: …
Hakuru: ….
Yamota: woah, she actually got her first kiss, heh.
Man, when will I get one?
Hachi: hey want a beer?
Yamota: whatever dude.. wanna chat?
Hachi: sure.
V: man they’re having fun.
Hiyane: why can’t we get guys these days?
Asuka: guys?
V: love huh? I never expierenced that kind of thing.
Don: hey V.
V: Don?
Don: sorry about a few months ago, you okay?
V: I’m already fixed, hows your crew?
Don: pretty alright.
Nikku: whats up.
Asuka: b-brother?
Jono: hey there hot stuff!
Hiyane: (woah, what a guy)
Rev: wazzup!
Hakuru: wazzup1
Rev: hey Hakuru, wheres the keg?
Hakuru: in the kitchen.
Rev: so hows Sora? You guys ******** yet?
Hakuru: not yet.
Rev: ooh. Not yet huh?
Hakuru: what about Earl?
Rev: ******** that guy man.
Hakuru: seen Saya?
Sakumi: hey.
Rev: yo whats up?! You look different.
Hakuru: way different.
Sakumi: I decided to change back my name until Kasumi gets her full form back.
Hakuru: sweet, so going out with Keisuke?
Sakumi: don’t know, is he even here?
Hakuru: right over there.
Sakumi: you changed a lot.
Hakuru: really? Never relised that.
Sakumi: yeah you haved, you made me into a full fledge human that now I can feel, remember, and have extroudinary emotions, what about you Hakuru?
Hakuru: I’m still learning, after all, I have a lot of things I have to learn about humans, I’m just a bioweaponry clone.
Sakumi: but you are also still part human.
Hakuru: part human yes, but still a bioweaponry clone, with the mixture blood of my mother.
Doesn’t make any difference at all.
Hakuru: besides, tell me if you want a rematch and we’ll settle it out in the night sky. Heh!
Sakumi: right got it.
Ancients: should we let her go? Or no?
2nd Ancient: let her, it is the wraith of god himself.
3rd Ancient: but if we do, countless lives will be lost, she’ll kill anyone who gets in her way. Some of our Gunners are still down there.
4th Ancient: then they will die for God himself. It is not our problem, they all serve Gods bidding.
Open the gates.
Hakuru: what the?
Sakumi: huh?
Sora: whats that?
Yamota: hey Rev, what the ******** is that?
Rev: a hole?
Yukina: my god, is that what I think it is.
Sakumi: s**t, its heaven.
Hakuru: heaven?
Sakumi: The Real Heaven! And I know that gate sign!
Hakuru: whats it mean?
Sakumi: they’re sending in The White Knight!
Hakuru: The White Knight?! What the hell is The White Knight?!
Sakumi: The White Knight is the only thing and the only on that can defeat The Demon Knight herself!
Hakuru: does the knight kill anyone in its way?
Sakumi: good guess, yeah. She does! Same with any Gunner on they’re job, whoever gets in they’re way DIES!
Hakuru: Yamota! Get everyone out of here!
Yamota: got it.
Hakuru: Rev get every single car out of your boot!
Rev: hell yeah!
Sora: I’ll get my folks ready.
Hakuru: you do that!
Keisuke: same here, Sakumi you coming?
Sakumi: ah?
Keisuke: well!
Sakumi: y-yeah! Coming!
Hakuru took big gun.
Hakuru: now where is she?
A large pod started to launch in.
Hakuru: GOT YOU!
Hakuru: what?! Hard shell armor?!
It crashed onto the ground as the doors opened up like a clock tower.
Hakuru: …. Saya?
Saya: yeah..
Hakuru: whatever we do, we can’t let any other people get involved in this!
Yukio: I got the turrets up and running. Yukina and I will deal with her with our Alchemist.
Hakuru: right.
Yuko: ….
She took out her two axes and formed up a seal.
Hakuru: ready up your weapons. Do whatever you can to pin her down, Sakumi what do you know more about the Knight?
Sakumi: shes very strong, she’ll destroy your shields, she’ll justk eep coming at you, she never gets tired nor gets a scratch, damn wheres The Demon Knight when you need her?
Hakuru: I think the only ones that can try to hurt her is us. Sakumi show her why you’re the Demon Kunoichi, I’ll show her why I’m The Demon Samurai.
Sakumi: got it.
Hakuru: Rizumi, try distracting her okay?
Rizumi: I’ll do what I can.
V: alright Skull Gunners lets do this!
The White Knight came out, with her long bright blonde hair, with her soft smooth White Armor with her white silver blade. She walks out of there and blasts off an ultimate Light Crusader.
Hakuru charges in and slashs her blade straight into hers.
Hakuru: Blade Crusader!
Hakuru: Saya!
White Knight: Arizona, Tzuki.
Hakuru/Sakumi/Rizumi: ahhhhh!!!!!
They were all pulled back.
White Knight: Ristractor.
Yamota: AH!
Yukina: damn…. Our powers won’t work on her!
Hakuru: everyone to your demon forms!
Still it had no affect as The blade cuts straight through Ashrah and Shino was pulled back.
Ashrah: ah… gah…. This blade…damn!
Hakuru: Bullet Crusader!
Yamota: man this is bullshit!
Lilly: Wolf Star!
Yukina: that’s it!
Black Skull Death!
Hakuru: Kurai Shi……
Her whole back spreaded out its wings as her whole body was just frozen.
Sakumi: ah! This energy, I feel energy flowing frm her body!
Rev: whats that timer on her wing attached?
Sakumi: that must be the timer for her Kurai Shi Reaper!
Rev: lets hold her off for Hakuru! If this Reaper can actually pin that ******** down, we might have a chance to win!
Even if I have to lose myself!
Pence: ( spencer Bullets!)
The Knight broke them all down and vanished them.
Pence: ah!
Sakumi: form up the phase position!
Lilly: that’s never gonna work against her!
Sakumi: well either way we have to hold her off!
Suddenly The White Knight was at the back of her and chopped off Sakumi’s leg off.
Sakumi: ah! s**t!
Lilly: Saya!
Sakumi: ********!
The knight starts to grab onto Sakumi’s head and lifted her while beating her up.
Sakumi: GAH!
Suddenly she blew her own eyes away.
Sakumi: AHHHHH!!!!!!
Lilly: SAYA!
Kikio: Ashrah lets go!
The White Knight started to throw Saya’s body onto Kikio’s and stabs through Yamota’s body.
Ashrah: AH!
Her form changes back.
Yamota: AH!!!
Sukya: AHHHH!!!!!
She fired her mini chain gun non-stop at the White Knight.
Kasumi: don’t forget me!
Yamota: s**t!
She got out magnum out.
Yamota: DIE b***h!
Yamota: oh crap!
Kikio: Yamota you okay?
Yamota: this wound better heal…. She dead yet?
The Witch Knight stood back up.
Yamota: well atleast that would put a sock in it.
Rizumi: damn….
Fuka: Mina!
Mina: yeah?
Fuka: I wonder what happens if we actually throw beer at it?
Mina: wanna try?
Fuka kicks a beer at the Knight as Mina slices it In half.
Knight: ……
Sakumi: what?
Its just staning there….
Fuka: hm, one more hour left huh?
Rainfall: can we attack it now?
Downfall: pretty much.
Rainfall: LETS GO
Downfall: STRIKE KAMIKAZE!!!!!!
Sakumi: ah, finally my legs has been reattached and my eyes has been finally healed. Damn. Give it all you got!
Rev: come on, stay down!
They kept on shooting every single bullet carried in they’re guns, Kasumi took out her rocket launcher and blew up the knight.
Yamota: did that get her?
The White Knight walked out of the smoky flames as the turrets aimed at her. But then The White Knight crushed all of them turrets with her hand.
Yukio: that’s just great….
Yukina: Yukio grab one of those machine guns!
Sakumi: 40 minutes left!
Can we really make it?
Suddenly The White Knights eyes glowed.
Sakumi: oh no!
Yamota: s**t!
Yamota and Ashrah activates a shield to protect Hakuru.
35 minutes left.
Yamota: ah…… damn…. It
Everyone was all covered in blood, Rev’s body got stuck with a pole attached to her rib, Sukya’s half body was torned, Yukina’s glasses were broken but her skull started bleeding.
Everyone had all of they’re bodies torned.
Yamota: no…..
The White Knight starts to walking up to Yamota.
Yamota: damn!
She looked down and sees her left leg torned apart.
Yamota: ah…
Yamota: SHIIII-T!
Goddamn it, shes going to come soon!
Yamota throws a grenade.
But she keeps on coming.
Yamota: come on Hakuru! Damn it wake up!
Hiyane: AH!
V: come on Yamota!
Yamota: what about Hakuru?!
V: Asuka!
Asuka: here we go!
V: Hiyane get her to safety.
Hiyane: what are you doing?
V: making a shock wave!
She got all the cords and sticked them to each instrument. And each speakers.
V got out her eletric guitar.
V: hope this freakin work.
She starts playing a solo as the music was louder and louder.
Asuka: In the world, surrounded by darkness, I’d just like to say…
V: when you see, I already forget, at what you have been feeling to!
Hiyane: WOO!
They all started playing and playing.
The White Knight started to kneel down as she was being weakened by the sound force.
V: and yet we rock the heavens.
Asuka: seriously why does everyone hate us?
Hiyane: maybe its because we’re too good for them. Hehe.
Sora: ah, is everyone okay?
V: yeah, what took you guys so long?
Sora: sorry, had to go get the weapons. I guess you guys must’ve handled it pretty well.
V: pretty much, but I don’t know if that will hold her down, wait, wheres…
Sora: Hakuru!
Hakuru’s wngs starts to steam out air as boosters were attached to it. Her left skulled eye grew more powerful now, as her energy powers were streaming through her veins and bones like crazy.
Hakuru: ow…. That really hurt.
Sora: Hakuru!
Hakuru: man all this power is running through me, s**t I hope its not Hinkyo that’s doing this, shes probably enjoying the power more than I am. Sigh, well kind of. All I’m feeling is a lot of pain right now. ********!
V: jesus crise its going to take awhile for everyone to heal back.
Hakuru: let me try….
She raises out her blade
Hakuru: ….. I feel power running through me, around my body.
I feel… heat around my body, inside like burning fire, my muscles are tensed, yeah, even Hinkyo feels the same.
Yamota: my leg, its… its healed!
Sora: ah… what happened?
Hakuru: I healed your a**, now get up before she does.
She gets up.
Hakuru: too late, everybody get back! I’ll handle her.
Saya: ah! Are you crazy?!
Hakuru: I’m always crazy, I’m a bioweapon clone after all right? Come on Saya, besides no Gunner on Earth can even revive everyone with this kind of power
I can feel this ultimate energy flowing through me. all the mixture, I have every energy in my body,
Light Energy. (Light Gunners)
Dark Gunner (Dark Gunners)
Blue Energy. (Gunners Masters)
Yellow Energy (Intelligence Energy)
And Evil Energy. (Devil Energy)
Hakuru: and this sword, this right blade of mine.
Hakuru: I’ll cut her down with my right blade, I’ll make sure of it!
The White Knight dashs in but Hakuru blocks her attack, she turns around and stabs her back, then lets go as she kicks her right leg into the blade, through her spine.
Hakuru: DIE!
Saya: ah!
Keisuke hanged onto Saya.
Hakuru: well, what the hell happened then huh?
Yamota: I can’t believe it, just like that?
Hakuru: shes dead now, I think she is. Probably.
Yamota: what do you want to do with the sword?
Hakuru: well, I don’t want it, I already got a big gun with me anyway, so why a big blade? Besides, my blade is the sharpest I can carry with me, you want it?
Yamota: I got my magnums. And revolvers.
Sora: well, if nobody wants it, we should give it back to Heaven.
Hakuru: hang on I got an idea.
She raises up her mechanical wings and grabs the sword. She flies up to the heaven’s hole gate.
Hakuru: now where are they….?
Oh is that it? What the hell is that thing?
A castle? What? Man, that sucks.
Hakuru: here eat this!
She threw the blade, as the blade went straight through the council.
Council: ah!
What the hell?!
Hakuru: ******** council, ruining our damn party!
Hakuru: I think Hell’s more fun than this. Stupid idiots.
She flies down then gets The White Knight and throws back at the ocuncil.
Council: …. Did she just.
2nd Council: well, she can easily be healed but, her spines going to take awhile…
The Gate Closes.
Hakuru: well, hows everyone?
Saya: pretty damn badly hurt.
Hakuru: hm, well, we still got some beer left, why not get everyone back to the party? The night is still early right?
Yamota: yeah. Haha.
Shino: The White Knight has been defeated….. I knew Hakuru would beat her.
We need Hakuru Sakura, we need her power, we need to join The Ten Evil Blades to succeed our final mission.
To bring Earth to an End.
Tressa: yeah but still, we need to stay alert for The Demon Knight’s awakening, The Demon Samurai should be awake by now.
Shino: no matter, The Skull Gunners will handle her. We must handle The Demon Knight. No, I will handle her.
Webber: are you crazy? I don’t think your body can withstand the might of her-
Suijo: Webber, you know hwo long we’ve been suffering? You know how long has Shino has been suffering?
Shes the leader of this grup, and if shes willing to face her by herself, then we can’t stop her.
Shes our leader remember?
Webber: y-yeah.
Shino: we must hurry…. Before time runs out.
To be continued.
#12 Mother and Daughter and Demon.
Gunners The Ten Evil Blades#11
Gunners The Ten Evil Blades #11 The Right Blade
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