• I sat on the bathroom floor, the beating of my heart in my ears, holding that tiny white stick that decided my future. I dreaded seeing that little pink plus sign, but there it was. How would I tell my mom, or Jackson, or even Aidyn? He’s my best friend I can’t keep that from him, besides; he’s most likely the father. I stood up, brushed myself off, and threw the “nightmare” stick in the trash.
    Knowing I was pregnant made me feel horrible, but I suppose it’s better to know now, rather than later. I didn’t care to be home, so I made my way to the neighborhood park, crunching the fall leaves under my Doc Martens as I walked. I heard steps behind me and spun around. Jackson, my boyfriend stood with a drunken smile on his face.
    “Hey baby!” He sloppily threw his arm over my shoulder. I grimaced at the smell of tequila and marijuana on his breath. I shrugged his arm off and stepped away.
    “Jackson, it’s noon and you’re already wasted?” I sighed, wishing I had not of spoken a word.
    “I can do whatever the hell I want. Get drunk in the morning, at noon, and at night. You can’t stop me, I’m an adult, you’re only sixteen!” He stumbled upon his feet, trying to prove his point with awkward hand gestures. I nodded, but didn’t agree. “Where are you going anyway?” He blurted.
    “The park.” I spoke with no emotion at all.
    “I’ll go with you then. We can have some fun.” He twitched his eye for a lame excuse of a wink.
    “No, Jackson, I’d really like to go alone.” I knew I looked sad, which scared him and made his angry. I held my breath and closed my eyes for a few seconds, when I opened them his hand struck my face. Feeling the tears well up in my eyes, I shut them again, as tight as I could, knowing that crying would only make things worse.
    “You never tell me no! You hear me? What I want and say goes. I want to go to the park with you, my girl and mess around, so I say it’s happening. Got it?” He screamed in my face, his hot breath suffocating me. I nodded quickly. “Good, glad we’re both on the same page.” He slipped his hand behind me and had a tight grip on the back of my neck. He breathed on my face and placed a forceful kiss on my mouth. He pushed me towards the park, without speaking a word. I just took long deep breaths. Jackson stopped in front of the park sign and pressed yet another sloppy kiss on me. “Actually, I feel like hanging with the guys right now. I’ll come over later, leave your window open, and you better be home.” I felt him walk past me, but I nodded anyway. I opened my eyes and wiped the tears from my lashes.
    I looked down the street towards the park, then towards downtown. I shook my head and ran as fast as I could toward downtown. I didn’t stop until I reached that little brown apartment. I ran up the steps and hung my body over, holding onto the knees for support. I panted and wiped the sweat off my forehead. The door to the apartment flew open. Aidyn tilted his head, looking quite confused. I rammed into his body and buried my face in his warm chest, bursting into tears.
    “Whoa whoa, Elle, what’s wrong?” He held onto the back of my head with one hand and kept the other on the small of my back, trying to comfort me. “Calm down Elle.” He cooed and shushed me whenever I’d sob.
    “I can’t go home. I’m afraid. I just can’t!” I screamed into his shirt. He pulled me into his apartment, so we didn’t disturb the neighbors. Aidyn guided me to his bed and made me sit down. “Jackson hit me, because I told him I wanted to be alone. He said he’s coming over tonight and that I better leave my window open and be home. I can’t go home. I can’t.” He hugged me and kissed the top of my head.
    “It’s okay. You don’t have to go home. You can stay here. I’ll sleep on the couch. Just please calm down and stop crying.” He smiled a small boyish half smile. He wiped my tears away and hugged me and little tighter. I sigh with relief and relaxed. “I was just going to order takeout, do you want anything?” He asked politely
    “Sure. I’ll just have Sweet and Sour Chicken and Chow mien.” He nodded and grabbed his phone.
    “Just lie down and watch some TV, I’ll order the food right now.” I laid down and he placed the remote on my stomach. I had almost forgotten what lay inside. Aidyn left the room to call the nearest Chinese takeout restaurant. I made myself comfy under the blankets and turned on the television. Ironically, I got stuck watching Sixteen and Pregnant.
    After about five minutes Aidyn came in and sat down next to me. “It’ll be here in like fifteen minutes or so.” I smiled a little. He stared at the TV before speaking again. “Why are you with him if he treats you so horribly?” He seemed baffled.
    “Because I’m afraid if I do leave him, he’ll only get angrier and things will get worse.” I avoided eye contact. “I’m just not sure what I should do.” My words trailed into a whisper.
    “I know what you sure do.” He kissed my ear and whispered; “Leave him. I’ll rescue you from your misery.” He kissed my ear once more and pulled away like nothing even happened. I groaned inside. I love him, but I fear for my life when it comes to leaving Jackson. I do not know what to do. Every time I look at Aidyn I can’t help but replay that one night in my head. I sighed out loud, making Aidyn look worried. “Brookelle, you know I love you right?” I nodded. “Not just as a friend.” I nodded again. He kissed my forehead. I lay against his chest and continued to watch TV, but listened to his heart beat.
    My phone rang ruining the moment. I glanced at the caller I.D. Jackson was calling. I hit ignore. A moment later my phone beeped, notifying me that I had a voicemail. I listened to it and held my breath.
    “Hey where the hell are you?! I’m at your window and it’s locked. You better wake up and open it or you’ll be in a load of trouble.” The voicemail clicked to an end as Aidyn took my phone from my hands. He turned my phone off and set it on the night stand.
    “Elle, please, leave him soon. He treats you in the most unthinkable ways; hitting you and controlling you. Making you choose between your friends and him most of the time.” I swallowed hard and held my hand out. “What?” I pointed to my phone. He smiled and dropped it in my hand. I held my breath and dialed.
    “Where are you?” Jackson was angry, like always.
    “I’m not home. I went to my grandma’s.” I stuttered.
    “Well you need to get home now!” He yelled.
    “No, I don’t want to. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want you anymore. We’re over. I’m done being your puppet. I don’t care what you say or do. I will not give in anymore.” I stopped to take a deep breath. I heard him laugh.
    “And what makes you think you can do that?” He laughed through his words.
    “I am a free person. You cannot control me anymore. Just leave me alone and move on. I’m done with you.” I could hear him grinding his large teeth together.
    “We’ll see about that Brookelle.”
    “No, we won’t. It’s over!” I screamed and hung up. Aidyn looked at me, completely stunned. He has never seen me stand up for myself like that before. He gave me a huge hug and kissed my forehead hard. We sat there for twenty minutes, holding each other before anyone spoke. I took a deep breath. “I’d really like to go to sleep.”
    “Okay hun.” He kissed my lips softly before laying down. I fell asleep on his chest, hoping tomorrow would be a better day.
    I woke up the next day with a headache. When I turned on my phone it was blown up with missed calls and text messages, all from Jackson. I groaned, filled with stress. I tilted my head back and the aroma of bacon and pancakes filled my nostrils. I smiled and pulled a small blanket around my shoulders. I kept my eyes closed, taking in the wonderful smells as I walked to the kitchen.
    “Good morning Elle.” Aidyn cooed. He gave me a quick hug while flipping a pancake. “Hungry?” He smiled.
    “Very hungry.” I forced a laugh and sat at his tiny two person table. He watched me from the stove.
    “Okay, what’s wrong?” He turned off the stove and placed a plate full of pancakes and bacon in front of me. Aidyn pushed the peanut butter and syrup towards me.
    “Jackson…several missed calls and text messages.” I sighed as I spread peanut butter on my pancakes. “I seriously don’t know what to do. He won’t stop until he wins, or until someone actually beats him.” There was a frantic knock at the door that made us both jump. Aidyn stood slowly, waiting for another knock.
    “Let me in coward! I know she’s here!” Jackson yelled from the other side of the door. Aidyn pulled my arm and pushed me towards his room.
    “Lock the door and barricade it, but be quiet.” I ran to his room, locked the door, and put his dresser in front of it. I sat on the floor facing the door, taking long deep breaths. I heard the apartment door open. “Can I help you?” Aidyn said calmly.
    “You can help me by telling me where my girl is.” I could hear his large football cleats hit the apartment’s hardwood flooring as he walked. “I know you have her here.”
    “I don’t know where she is actually.” Aidyn stayed as calm as possible. I could hear Jackson’s steps getting closer and closer to the bedroom door. I shut my eyes tight when I heard his jiggle the doorknob.
    “The door is locked.” His breathing got heavier with anger. “Brookelle, I know you’re in there!” He screamed.
    “I told you, she’s not here.” Aidyn raised his voice, trying to make himself clear. I took a deep breath and pushed the dresser away from the door. Before unlocking the door I took a quick breath. I pushed the door open. Jackson’s eyes grew wide.
    “You hid from me?! You little…you’re going to pay.” He raised his hand to my face and slashed it across my cheek.
    “How dare you hit her!” Aidyn charged for Jackson with fury in his eyes. Jackson hit him straight in the stomach. They both swung at each other awkwardly. I could see blood drip from Aidyn’s nose, and a split appear on Jackson’s lip. I stood there, feeling so small and useless. I screamed to get their attention, but they still didn’t stop.
    “Jackson! Aidyn!” I screamed more. They started to slow down, until they came to a complete stop. “Stop. This is ridiculous.” I took a deep breath. “Jackson we’re over, move on. I have.” I pointed to the door.
    “We’re not over ‘til I say we are.” He grabbed my arm, but I quickly yanked it away. Aidyn ran across the room and snatched his phone from the counter, dialing 911. Jackson kept his eyes locked on me while Aidyn talked on the phone. I glared back at him, blocking out all other noises. After a few moments the phone clicked shut and Aidyn was by my side.”Elle, you have no choice in the matter, so you’re coming with me.” Jackson spoke through his teeth. I shook my head no, and his face grew red.
    The silence was broken by sirens, and police officers rushing through the door. Jackson looked around frantically with nowhere to run. A police officer removed marijuana and cocaine from his pockets, pushed him over the tiny table and handcuffed him. Before anyone said a word they were gone, the sound of police sirens fading down the street.
    I dropped to the ground feeling faint and overwhelmed. Aidyn sat beside me and hugged me tightly. He rocked me slightly and sighed. “I’m sorry you had to deal with all that, but it’s over now.”
    “Aidyn…” I took a deep breath. It’s better to tell him now than later. “Remember two months ago…when we…” I trailed off a few times. I felt him nod against my head. “I’m pregnant.” I held my breath. He lifted my chin and kissed me gently.
    “I love you Brookelle and I will love our baby.” He emphasized “our”. He kissed my forehead and held me close to his chest.
    “I love you too Aidyn.” I closed my eyes and fell into a complete pool of his love.