Touhou - the Gensokyo Dalek invasion
Chapter 28 - Housecalls
*The Silverblade just flown past the cliff mountains that lead to Makai, now the ship lowers itself to the nearist facility, the Hakurei shrine. The massive shiny ship hovered low enough to be parked without disturbing anything but they took the Tardis and materialized it beside the shrine itself. John, Kaolla, Shinobu, Nyamo, Renko, and Marbel. Suika bursted out happy as she hugged John as soon as he walked 3 feet away from the Tardis.*
(Music playing - Drunk as I Like/ Touhou SWR)Download
Suika= You came back! I missed you soooooo much.
John= GAWK! GUHH! Suika! Your grip is so tight.... yeow. Careful there!
Shinobu= Careful Suika~san. You'll hurt him.
Reimu= Look who came back! If it isn't John and his friends.
John= Im glad your doing so much better now. Now this land can breath freedom once again.
Kaolla= So how's everyone doing lately?
Reimu= Fine really. Most of the crewmembers of the big shiny ship returned on home. Yuuka came back to her manson and she's glad someone's been taking care of her sunflowers when she was away. She like to know who was the one responsible for those light stones and contraptions in her garden? It dosen't matter really does it?
Shinobu= We went through a long way to save your world.
Reimu= I like to know who got Ruukoto working again. She's not as clumsey or wreckless as she used to be. Kaolla, did you fix her?
Kaolla= Sure did.
Reimu= I would like to jerk you arround for going into my storage house without my permission, but since you worked so hard and did so well and did my job when I was sick, I suppose I can let it go. John... you would make a great shrine priest. You should live here and we can train together.
John= Reimu, I would love to, but someone in another dimenson may need us. After a few days of celebrating well earned comforts, we plan on leaving Gensokyo, however, we do plan on returning when the time's right. Then we can train, and bring some friends allong too.
Akyu= John, it's been awhile. How have you been fairing? Oh, I found out everything you been through so I went on ahead and been writing a scroll about you and your efforts of bringing down those alien invaders.
Shinobu= That's really nice of you.
Nyamo= Real sweet of you Miss Akyu.
Suika= We need to make another festival. We need to throw it as soon as we can.
Reimu= We already had a festival this year, but since things were different this year, I suppose there can be an exception.
Suika= And this time, there's going to be more beer and sake to go arround!
John= I knew that was comming up. I also let you know I also resighned from being Aya's assistant reporter.
Akyu= Really? Does this mean your not gonna be wearing that tengu outfit anymore? It really suites you you know?
John= Oh, I'll still wear it. Oh.... I know something's missing. The tengu treasure sword, I returned it to Lord Tenma. And this next festival, I think we may need to put up booths in the forest arround here because I get a feeling were gonna have a hell of alot of people this time. Not just human villagers. And those mechanloids the Daleks left behind, no worries, they will do all the work while we do all the partying.
Suika= That's the spirit! Oh, the fairies made it back safely too. They been talking about you all the time now. Speaking of fairies, look who just showed up.
*Suddenly, the 3 mischiefous fairies appeared. They were running happly and torwards John with glee.*
Sunny Milk= I heard you beat up all the Daleks. You saved us all!
Star Sapphire= Im glad you made it back. Now we can play!
Lunar Child= Im so happy your safe and not hurt.
John= Don't just thank me, thank Kaolla. I couldn't have made it back or gotten this far without her. Well, Shinobu and Nyamo been of good help too.
Sunny Milk= Oh well. You 3 humans did well too.
Star Sapphire= I hope you can cook for us again sometimes.
Lunar Child= I hope you can make more stuff and cook more for us. We love your cooking.
Akyu= Were going to have second festival this year.
Sunny Milk= What!?
Suika= Did you overhear while you were taking your merry time. And did you know John and his friends are leaving in a few days?
(Music stops)
Akyu= John gave back the tengu sword to their own people, and he plans to turn over the Silverblade to Rikako and he still has to deal with Yumemi. He will depart soon. Didn't you hear about that too?
(Music playing - Memories/ Xenosaga)Download
Sunny Milk= So this means, .... your not comming back.
Star Sapphire= Are we just not cut out enough for you?
Lunar Child= Don't go. Please!
*The mischiefous fairies broke out into tears and began to cry.*
Sunny Milk= WAHHHHHHH!!!
Star Sapphire= *sniffle* WUAHHHHH!!!!
Lunar Child= WAHHHHHHH!!!
John= NO! Please don't cry! Please..... It's not that. I do plan to return. Honestly! I have errands to run and I got to help other people in other dimensons.
Kaolla= Calm down! Were not gone for good!
Reimu= Don't you see whathe's trying to tell you guys!? John is needed elseware. Keeping him here by force instread of the worlds he's needed would be selfish. I think that's what he's trying to tell us.
Suika= You fairies are gonna end up upsetting John with that attitude.
Akyu= John will not like it if you force him to stay.
John= Im needed elseware too, butonce im done with what I need to do, I will come back. I promise!
Sunny Milk= Please, *sniff* You have too....
Lunar Child= You better come back!
Star Sapphire= We can't stand to not have you.
John= ......
*John too broke into several tears.*
Suika= Now look what you did!
John= *sniff* I just wanted you to be brave. I only wanted you to understand that I have to go to the owners of that ship that crashed into this land.... I got to report it to them. That ship never belonged to the Daleks. That ship was stolen from the Galactic Federation by force. It was used to smuggle items that was also taken from other worlds. That what aslo caused those miama clouds, and all of those mechanloid attacks. I have to inform the owners of that stuff.
Sunny Milk= *sniff* Ok..... But you will be back. I know it.
Star Sapphire= Please. I know you will.
Lunar Child= *Blush* I know you will come home....Uh.... I mean.... Come back.
Reimu= John, you go on and finish your errands. I will try to calm them down.
*John, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo walked back in the Tardis and transported back the the Silverblade with Renko and Maribel.*
(Music dies down slowly)
Marbel= What's wrong John?
Renko= You look sad. What happened?
Shinobu= It's nothing. He's ok. Just a bit..... sentimental.
Kaolla= He's fine.
Nyamo= He'll be ok.
John= ......., We should go find Yukari.
Renko= I can sense she's at Tohno. But humans aren't allowed.
John= Let's go to the magical forest next. I like to see Marisa too.
Marbel= That sounds more reasonable.
*The Silverblade flew to the magical forest and hovered over it and the Tardis materialized near Marisa's house. Once there, Marisa walked out to investigate the whooshing noise and Alice and Cirno were there as well. It seems that Dayousei, Mystia, Wriggle and Rumia were there as well.*
(Music playing - Sensitive heart~ Nostalgic blood of the east~ old world/ Artist unknown)Download
Marisa= What the heck!? Oh, it's you 4. John. Kaolla. And you two.... how are things?
John= I been ok.
Kaolla= I hope you been well too Marisa.
Alice= I sense something missing from John.
John= You mean the sword..... I handed it over to the tengu. It belongs to them anyway. I will soon hand over the ship to Rikako, since it's not needed for a time. Im just giving it one last spin arround Gensokyo before then.
Wriggle= So your just gonna give up on danmaku too!?
John= No way. I'll keep practicing, and when I return, I will be better and I will become a better person for you all.
Cirno= John is such a guy. So, why do you plan to give up on the ship and sword? Your not calling it quits are you?
Shinobu= John isn't calling it quits. Were gonna leave this world in a few days.
Alice= You may have a reason to do that. Before you leave our world, im sure you can accept our last gifts and our farewells at the night of the double festival.
Marisa= And you don't need to voulenteer to put things up this time. You need your time to relax and settle down with some well earned refreshments since you stood up to those Daleks ~ze!
Rumia= What do you plan to do when your gone?
John= Im gonna contact the owner of that ship that crashed over at Higan and report it to the Galactic Federation. Someone has to notify their families and authorities. That ship had been missing for I dunno how long.
Wriggle= Sounds like something someone with allot of responsibility would do.
Mystia= Im sure you have your reasons.
John= When im on my travels, if I run into some creatures who need a good home, I'll see what you can provide. And if you excuse me, I got to do some more flying before the big party.
Marisa= You take care now ok?
Alice= See you soon.
(Music dies down slowly)
*John, Shinobu, Kaolla, and Nyamo entered the Tardis and transported back to the Silverblade and took off, and next flown to it's next destination.... the human village. The first place where they descovered Gensokyo and met their first friend, Keine Kamishirasawa. The Silverblade hovered over the outskirts of the village and the Tardis materialized in the middle of the plaza. John, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo walked out and this time they had Renko and Maribel and walked over to the school house. There was Keinie as she intended to investigate the noise that was from the Tardis.*
Keinie= John, Kaolla, and the rest of you. It's been awhile hasn't it?
(Music playing - Evening Sky/ Touhou SWR)Download
John= Yep. It's us.
Maribel= Nice to see you. Are you Keine Kamishirasawa, who lives and teaches here?
Keinie= That's correct. And you are?
Maribel= Im Maribel Han, and tis is my associate, Renko Usami.
Renko= Nice to meet you. We wish to participate in the next festival and decide to move in this village with the rest of you.
Keinie= I see. Well, all of you come in and we can discuss things. John, and the rest of you can settle down and tell us how did things go with fighting the Daleks.
*So for awhile, John and friends discussed about the situation about the ending of the Dalek threat and sending the tengu sword back to the tengu people and about turning the Silverblade over to Rikako. And also discussed about John and his companions day of leaving.*
John= And so you have it. That's what I did.
Keinie= I see. I think turning over the sword was a wise decision. Even if Marisa was the one who found it, im glad she did otherwise we all wouldn't be standing here.
Renko= John and some senitels fought together, and brought Yumemi down.
Maribel= And Yumemi is locked in one of the same capsules she had poor innocent beings locked in and taken to be studied.
John= She wanted to study me too.
Keinie= Well, John. Im glad you were able to beat her, otherwise this land would have been beyond help. Im glad you came to us John, and now I se your soon be ready to leave us, this tells us something. We should move on with what we have to do.
John= But this dosen't mean I will not return. I'll be back someday.
*Suddenly, Rinnosuke, Tokiko, Yukari, Ran, and Chen entered the building.*
Keinie= Hello there, it's been awhile since I seen you guys.
Yukari= Im glad to see you. Your doing well, and yes, thanks to Eirin, im fully recovered. And it's also because of you and that turtle of Reimu's.
Tokiko= You been the best humans I ever had met, and we heard about the other story from Eirin. Your gonna leave are you?
Nyamo= We will in a few days. We just been flying arround this land and dropping a few people off.
Shinobu= We sure had a good time with you all.
Rinnosuke= John, how you been? I haven't seen you in quite some time. huh? ..... What happened to your sword?
John= I returned it. It's deed had been done. I had to give it to Lord Tenma. It belonge with him and his people.
Ran= I didn't know you would turn it over. Most humans take off with a treasure that dosen't belong to their kind and hardly ever seen again. But you are different.
Chen= Im glad your an honest person. And if it was up to me, you would be welcomed in Tohno anytime you want.
Yukari= Chen..... *sigh* I just recieved word from Tohno, that.... yu were the one who stood up to the Daleks in Tohno and saved their town, thee mayor wanted me to let you know that you and yur three companions are welcome to visit anytime, even if you are indeed humans. And Eirin told me to tell you that Youmu is resting well and she will return to Hakugyokurou sometime tomorrow. It seemed that the Dalek drug was able to be purged sooner than she expected.
John= That's good to hear.
Keinie= Great. Im glad this poison the Daleks created is finally being purged and it's victims recovered and cured.
Kaolla= Hopefully the Daleks won't be able to invade here again, not even anywhere as small as a picnic spot! Next time they try to show up, there gonna end up corroded like an old rusted battery thanks to Eirin's super pink capsule juice!
John= Woah, look at the time. I better get to the courthouse. Im glad to see you today. Now all we got left to do is to deal with Yumemi.
Tokiko= I hope you can help us rid us of that horrid witch! She sold us out to those pepperpots!
Keinie= Thanks for visiting John. I'll tell Mokou about it for you.
Yukari= And im sure Kaguya knows about it too.
Renko= Me and Maribel are staying here. Good luck you 4.
(Music dies down slowly)
*John and the 3 girls went back to the Tardis and transported back to the Silverblade and took off to the courthouse of Higan. This time John was using a hand cart to carry the capsule containing Yumemi inside. They all entered the courthouse and walked to Shikieiki's stand.*
Shikieiki= Im glad you returned as promised. Now, as you are aware, Yumemi Okazaki is already found guilty of Earthly treason. It's punishable by sending her to hell's blazing fires where she can work and sweat for eternity, however, you had another idea about her punishment.
(Music playing - Danger afoot/ Super Mario Galaxy)Download
John= I understand. And yes I do have another way. You see, even though Yumemi's intentions was a swrong as the Daleks, Yumemi is somewhat a very tallented girl and someone who have experences I would never have. I tink these tallents would go to waste if we punish her here and now but I have got another sollution. I can wipe her memory clean so she would never remember anything that had happened here at all. She would never even remember the Daleks.
Shikieiki= Your idea sounds quite kind, however, Makai's beeings and Yuyuko and Yuugi were abducted and Youmu was indeed one of the victims of the headgear that causes mind control identified as a "Slave Crown" as shown in these list of evidences.
John= I know what she did was wrong. I know she was the only one who defected to the Daleks. I am aware she was also banished because she was charged with another crime....
Shikieiki= I see your aware about the time when she had the Space Hypervessel and tried to subjugate us like she did in the past. Shinki must have told you some of the story too. And I believe Eirin may have told yu some as well. Now, let Yumemi speak her part. It's only fair that she does. Open that capsule, just the head part.
*John activated the capsule and only Yumemi was awakened by her head only, the rest of her body remained suspended.*
Yumemi= Ughh.... where am I? OH NO! The courthouse......
Shikieiki= Yumemi Okazaki, we meet again.
Yumemi= No.... not you again.
John= .....,
Shinobu= I do feel somewhat sorry for her you know.
Nyamo= But she helped the Daleks and she was the one who blew up our old airship.
Yumemi= John..... you! Don't think this ends here. You may have lost me my clients, but I will find them once more, do you hear me!?
Shikieiki= SILENCE! Now, John, tell me, how are you going to wipe her memory?
John= Yumemi, you learned about the Daleks, and I can't let you wonder Gensokyo with such memories, you will end up doing the same thing as you did before, as if you were one of them. You also attempted to harm the people here years ago too.
Yumemi= How did you learn about my past? Did that lunarian rant about me? Did that shrine maiden tell you?
John= Shinobu, Kaoll, Nyamo.... wands out.
*John, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo pulled out their wands and pointed them at Yumemi.*
Yumemi= Please! I beg of you! Not my precous memories! The Daleks promised me so much!
John= The Daleks may say that, but they never keep them. I seen them for what they can do about promises. Shady people died attempting to deal with Daleks.
Shinobu= You could not believe what we seen when we opposed them.
Nyamo= These creatures ruined our world. They killed both good and bad people, every time.
Kaolla= Believe me, this is going to hurt us allot more than this is gonna hurt you!
John= It's for your own good, but you can keep your tallents. If you want to do your research, promise me this, do it for good! Don't ever sell out Gensokyo! I will not stand for it! Nor will everyone else here! Everyone ready? Focus your thoughts about her. She learned too much about how Daleks can create and reprogrm robots. It's time she start a new life. Perhaps Keinie can do the same for you.
Yumemi= NO NO NO!! WAHHHHHH!! I want my Daleks! WAHHHHH!!
John, Kaolla, Shinobu & Nyamo in unison= Obliviate maxima!
(Music stops)
Yumemi= .......,
Shikieiki= Yumemi? .... John, what was that magic?
Yumemi= ugh....ooohh.... where am i? How did I get here? What's this thing im in? Better yet.... who am I?
John= Well hello there, Yumemi. You seem to have gotten stuck in one of your inventions. Let me help you out.
*John, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo helped Yumemi out of the capsule, but Yumemi didn't remember anything about what happened or the reason she came here to Gensokyo long ago. It's like she never been here before.*
Shinobu= Were gonna take you home ok?
Yumemi= Home?
Shikieiki= I will let you girls attend to Yumemi, John, if you follow me to my office please.
*When John stepped in Shikieiki's office where nobody else could hear, John and Shikieiki talked about Yumemi.*
John= That was a memory charm from another world.
Shikieiki= I think that was very humane of you. And I will drop these charges against her. However..... if for any reason she ever remembers even a fragment about what happened, she will be punished by my hands, so I don't want you to end up feeling too sorry for her. I will give your method a chance. We will see how things will go. I also heard about you returned the tengu treasure sword to the rightful owners. I see I can trust you.
John= Thanks.
Shikieiki= I also heard that you will be leaving in a few days. I will still keep to my word about Yumemi. But if your method shall fail in any way, you will be held responsible for anything that goes wrong.
John= I understand. I hope Keinie can teach her right from wrong. We should keep her away from the public untill she's ready to cope on her own.
Shikieiki= The we agree. I will let you go on and take Yumemi and give her to a carring family. I would rather keep her away from Kaguya and Eirin for now ok? They know her old self too much.
*Later that day, John and friends already took Yumemi to Keinie and explained about what happened and what they did. John and Kaolla discussed about them wiping out her memory. Now, dusk began to come. And now.... it's almost time to return the Silverblade to it's rightful owner, but John felt a bit sentimental and wanted to take the Silverblade for one last spin. Then they arrived at Rikako's village once more and talked to her.*
Rikako= John, Kaolla, Shinobu, Nyamo..... welcome back. What can I do for you this evening?
John= I.... want to turn over the Silverblade to you.
Kaolla= It sure was fun building it and flying it too!
Shinobu= John thinks it's best left in your hands, just as the time he returned his sword to the tengu.
Nyamo= We thought it was better too.
John= Untill it's needed again, we should keep it here.
Rikako= I see. Well, Murasa and her group already left with their ship and headed home. You may transport the Silverblade whenever your ready.
John= Kaolla, let's put the ship back. You know what to do.
Kaolla= Yes sir!
*Kaolla and the rest reentered the Tardis and had it to transport the Silverblade back into the hangar where it was constructed.*
Rikako= And... another thing.... im sorry about our first airship.
John= It's alright. It was allot of fun on board that good ship too.
Nyamo= We better be off now. We got to go to bed soon. Tommorow may be a big day for us.
John= Where too next?
Kaolla= I say let's go to the Moriya shrine this time. We haven't been there much anyway.
John= If you say so.
*Then Kaolla, Shinobu, Nyamo, and John entered the Tardis and it dematerialized from Rikako's sight. Rikako left out a sigh and muttered something to herself.*
Rikako= I meant for you to keep the ship.... but if you insist.... and... thank you.
*At the Moriya shrine, Sanae heard the Tardis's whooshing and spotted the big blue police box materialize beside her shrine. John, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo stepped outside and Sanae spotted them and was eager to see them.*
(Music playing - Evening Sky/ Touhou SWR)Download
Sanae= John, Kaolla, Shinobu, Nyamo. What brings you up here? Anything I can do for you?
Kaolla= We were thinking about trying your place out tonight for a change. Ever since the time when we won against the Daleks we been going to the Hakure shrine, I thought it was time for a change of pace.
John= I didn't get to come here very much myself, so I thought we could do it. We do plan on leaving in a few days.
Sanae= I know your not in any rush to leave our world, you did save us afterall. What happened to you ...... oh, right. You returned that big ship to Rikako didn't you?
John= It's deed was done. I just couldn't keep it all to ourselves.
Kanako= Sanae, what's going on here. Oh, John. What brings you here tonight?
John= You see.....
Kaolla= John's just being the modest type. He turned in the airship and dealt with Yumemi.
Kanako= I remember her, she caused us some trouble years ago. What did you do?
Shinobu= We all wiped out her memory and gave her a new start on life.
Nyamo= I thought it was best since the Daleks released her and made her go against us.
Kanako= Well, that was a noble deed you did on her behalf. She may not deserve such mercey, but.... im glad you 4 shown such humane thought about her. Some people would rather let Shikieiki have her own way with her. And of course you can stay for the night. Were glad to have you over. Suwako's been talking allot about you 4 all day since she finally finished healing the foot of the mountain.
John= I seen the foot of the mountain today too. It looks allot better that it was when those set of Daleks set off those charges and leveled the place. Those Daleks have no respect to life or nature so they think they can do whatever they want? Not on our watch!
Nyamo= And thanks to Eirin, we all no longer have to deal with any Dalek here, any Dalek that may try will end up corroded and killed by the concuction she made.
Shinobu= Miss Kanako, will you come to the festival too?
Kanako= I sure will, even a god like myself should try out some of your cooking. Even Suwako loved it.
*Suddenly, Suwako appeared and began to join in on the fun.*
Suwako= John, Kaolla, Shinobu, Nyamo. Im glad you all showed up. Your all free to stay here as long as you like, but when you leave, I hope you never forget us.
Sanae= Let's get you ready to settle down, you all must be hungry.
Kaolla= Sounds great. John, I know your on to that.
John= Yeah, I been so busy and stressed since the struggle with those Daleks.
Suwako= And now we all can live in peace for sure.
John= But one day, something else might try to invade but when that ever happens, we sure will be there to help when we can.
*So Sanae, Suwako, and Kanako helped John, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo to their share of tea and dumplings and all prepaired for bed after that. John, Shinobu, Kaolla, and Nyamo slept silently and quietly as the night passed.*
(Music dies down slowly)
*The next day, Kanako checked out the room where John, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo were sleeping and carefully woke them up and afer they all fully woken up and had their morning talk with Sanae, Suwako and Kanako, it was time for them to leave and then they stopped by some places they didn't go yesterday. Now they all went to the Tardis and transported to the Hakurei Shrine and once the Tardis materialized, the 4 stepped out and looked for Reimu and wished to greet her.*
John= Reimu? Where are you?
Kaolla= I hope she's alright? Which I thinks she's fine anyway.
(Music playing - Argue for and Against/ Touhou SWR)Download
Reimu= Ah ha.... there you are. Since you want to pitch in and help prepare for the 2nd festival, I suppose I can be your boss for the last time since you all do plan to leave, now let's see some hustle for good times sake ok?
John= Im right on it!
Kaolla= Leave it to us!
Shinobu= I hope this will be a great festival.
Nyamo= Hopefully we will have more than usuall this time.
Genji= I see there ready to help out. They don't have to do this you know?
Reimu= Oh, c'mon gramps, I say if they want to they can.
Genji= I suppose I cannot protest then. Although the mechanloids already done most of our work.
Kaolla= Thanks to me and Rikako!
Suika= Good, which means we can just sit back and enjoy ourselves some sake.
John= Ill stick with tea.
Suika= Oh c'mon John. You need a good dose of this in you.
John= Last time you did, I ended up passing out. I can't handle that kind of stuff. It smells good but....
Suika= Your just like Chen. Always near fainting whenever you get a good swigg of this.
John= I'll pass.
*Later on, preperations for a second festival had been complete, all that needed to be done now is to gather the senitels needed to opperate the tents and booths.*
Reimu= All done. And I say much earlier than expected. But we don't start till nightfall. It's still way too early.
John= I agree. And im still concerned about everyone else who plans to participate.
Kaolla= That's no need to worry about that, we have a Tardis. I can bring everyone here in time.
Reimu= Untill then, feel free to do whatever you like untill noon ok? We can feel free to relax and take our time. Kaolla can gather everyone while the rest stays.
Kaolla= Sure thing. I'll get started right away!
John= Kaolla. Wait up!
*Kaolla rushed in the Tardis and it de-materialized and vanished. Meanwhile, John began to do some coures for Reimu and help clean up arround the area. Later on, Marisa showed up and flew torwards John.*
Marisa= What'cha doing today John? Doing boring chores?
John= Yeah.... I suppose.
Marisa= You look a bit down. What's wrong?
John= It's nothing really. I just hope Keinie can rehabilitate the new Yumemi without trouble.
Marisa= Im sure she can. Now Yumemi dosen't remember what happened here, or yet she dosen't even remember herself. Now, all we need to do is get you a new sword. You need a sword to go with your tengu outfit. Im sure Rinnosuke can provide you one. Let's go see him.
John= Ok, but I just need to let Shinobu and Nyamo know.
Marisa= Oh c'mon! I do this all the time, and Reimu's gonna see us anyway, and she'll go on and tell the two anyways now hop on!
John= Oh alright.
*John mounted on the broom with Marisa and held on to her waiste and took off. Reimu cought sight of them and she silently looked up at them as they flew over the horizon and later, they arrived at the human village and then to Rinnosuke's shop.*
Rinnosuke= John, Marisa. How are the both of you?
Marisa= Im looking for a sword. Something good for John.
Rinnosuke= You know this shop isn't an armory. But I can check.
Marisa= It dosen't have to be another tengu sword, just something a bit more ordanary this time. Something similar to Youmu's if you have any?
*Suddenly, Youmu entered the shop looking down and unhappy.*
John= Youmu? Hey Youmu, how are you?
Youmu= ..... Ashamed. I got cought by Yukari when she was under the Daleks control and I ended up like her and attacked you. I can't believe I did such a thing.
John= That wasn't your fault. You stood by my side to protect me and the errand Yuyuko intrusted me with even with Reimu arround acting suspicous.
Youmu= I heard from Eirin you went with my father to the Space Hypervessel. I heard you were sucsessful in defeating Yumemi. *smiles faintly*
John= I was protecting you all. But I have some unfortunite news myself, the Dalek counsol got away. You know.... the colored armored leaders. The taller ones with the 3 speech lights and the one with the silver, white and light blue one..... that classicly but larger one. That was their leader.
Youmu= It dosen't matter. I still ove you big time. What are you doing here anyway?
John= Marisa's shopping and she's looking forward to getting me a new sword. I turned the one I had over to Lord Tenma.
Youmu= You actually did that!? ...... uhhh..... it was probably wise... it's tengu made afterall.
John= We might have that new festival early this time. Tonight even.
Youmu= I shouldn't go.... not after what I did. My father even knows.
John= I told you before, it's alright. I forgive you with all my heart.
Marisa= Yo' John! I found one!
John= Marisa found something. Let's check it out.
Youmu= I bet she's looking for trouble again. *sighs*
Marisa= Look at this. This one looks a bit good. A nice 4' 6" katana with a nice gunmetal and black finish scabard.
Rinnosuke= Hmmmm.... that is definently a basic katana. I say it's about right for John.
Marisa= How much for it?
Youmu= Wait.... I should pay for that. I hurt John when you came with the big shiny sky vessel and....
John= She feels upset right now. I think we should let her do what makes her feel better.
Marisa= Huh? Well, alright.
Rinnosuke= JOHN! MARISA! Youmu, you shouldn't do that. I tell you what. John, you can have the sword. No charge.
John= Really? Thank you so much! *smiles with glee*
Rinnosuke= You did so much for us anyway. You saved us all afterall. And that festival.... it's been reschedualed for tonight hasn't it?
John= ....., Tonight? Hmmmmm......
Marisa= He's just a bit on the modest side. He too needs to lighten up. Well, gotta run ~ze!
John= YEOW!!
*Marisa grabs John by his arm and chucks him on her lap and takes off in her broom from the store to outside.*
Youmu= ........, Iddiot.
*Larter on, Marisa with John laying downward across her lap as she flown arround and landed on the ground next to the shool house where Keinie lived. John got up and brushed himelf off with his hands and straighting his shoulder length hair. Keinie heard the ground clatter and checked it out. She saw John and Marisa outside and she went outside to check on them.*
Keinie= John, Marisa, what are you doing today?
Marisa= Giving notices and invitations to the 2nd festival. Something like John's farewell party.
John= You really shouldn't fly a broom in Rinnosuke's shop. You could get hurt.
Marisa= John's being over carring as usuall.
Keinie= Mmmmm hmmmmm.. and I see John has himself a new sword too.
John= Rinnosuke gave it to me right before Marisa snatched me and ....
Marisa= Oh stop it you.
Keinie= Things been really dramatic when all the youkai were packed in the human village when the Daleks were about. At first, I thought the other youkai would want to move in our village for good but since they left and went back home in the wild, things sure been quiet lately.
John= All it takes for Daleks to cause meyham is either one or a few and all A dalek needs is a small party to start a recipie for trouble. But now im glad there gone and good riddance. Who knows what could have happened if they didn't give up. Unfortunately Daleks don't give up unless the odds are really against them.
*Suddenly, Mokou showed up and she looked rather mispleased.*
Keinie= Mokou, what's wrong?
Mokou= It's Kaguya again! This time, I heard about her staff working on making toys, models, and action figures about John and us based on the things we been through trying to make social profit of it all. Doesn't that irritate you!?
Keinie= She's just herself Mokou. She's going to do something like that even if we had more visitors from another world like John here.
John= Bad enough the fairies demanded Alice to make dolls of me. I couldn't believe that came out of all one simple plan of mischief from a bunch of perverted tengu reporters.
Mokou= Here's whats even worse! She's going to bring most of that merchendise here to the festival! She heard about the festival being reschedualed for tonight and she's gonna start selling them. Look at me! I have very little money.
John= Mokou, mind if I have a private word. Keinie, you don't mind do you?
Keinie= Well....ok. C'mon Marisa.
John= Mokou, I have an idea.
Mokou= Well, what is it?
John= Do you do woodwork? You know, carving and heat treating some materials and all.
Mokou= I can do those things. What about it?
John= I have a little idea on how you can give Kaguya alittle public profit competition and ...
Mokou= Don't be ridiculous! I need money to get materials and hire help and...
John= Here. You need this to get you started.
*John handed Mokou one of the vouchers he got from the courthouse. (one of the smaller ones)*
Mokou= I can't accept this. You earned those, and you shouldn't be giving them out like that.
John= Let's just keep this a secret. You helped me down in the underworld so, it's only fair I share it with you. You can give Cirno and her pals a call and see if they like to help out.
Mokou= ...... I'll...... think about it.
John= Here, take it.
*Mokou accepts the voucher from John and sprouts her fiery wings and takes off like a fireball jet in the sky.*
Keinie= What was all that about?
John= It's nothing really. I thought I could cheer her up about it.
Marisa= Well, let's go check on the new Yumemi shall we?
Keinie= Oh, yeah. She's like a whole new person since you wiped out her memory.
(Music changes to - I Beg Your Pudding/ Chobits character album)]Download
*Later inside the school house, there was lots of educational puzzles and written things John couldn't understand. Then there was Yumemi, standing there working on some complicated stuff. She was wearing a new set of clothes instead of all the red tunic and cape gear she had when John first met her. Yumemi looked at John like she never even met him before.*
John= Hello there.
Yumemi= Hi there sir, ... have we met before?
John= I don't think so.
Yumemi= I been working on some things for the festival and thought I would get started in building a university here in Gensokyo some day. It's like I knew how to do all of this and I don't understand why?
Keinie= She's been going on about this for awhile and we just can't offard something like that. I wish there was something we can do to help Yumemi get started on a new life.
John= I have an idea. Take one of these.
*John handed Keinie a voucher he earned from the courthouse.*
Keinie= Why are you giving me this?
John= You need it more than me of'course. Besides, you were the first friend I ever had in this world anyway. I think it's only fair I help you guys out. I too want to see Yumemi get started on her new life.
Marisa= What about your Mon John? Why do you give those out like that?
John= Im giving these to those who need it. Besides, I can't spend Mon anywhere else but here.
Keinie= You sure are the generous type you know? Does Shikieiki know your giving these out?
John= Like I said before, I go to worlds and I end up with money and items I can't even use in every world I visit. Remember when we first met? Kaolla been digging through the Tardis looking for stuff to sell for extra Mon?
Marisa= I sure would like to have some of those too.
Keinie= And what would you do with all of that stuff? Just let it pile up like the rest of the things you borrow and not give back?
John= Let's not .. ok? Let this be a joyfull occasion. We ended up saving this world from Daleks, remember. We should be thankful for the fact we have each other.
*And so John, Marisa, and Keinie began to settle down and chat a bit and then John and Marisa made more housecalls all over the land of Gensokyo even for no reason at all. John still enjoyed himself. But what will he do when it becomes noon and he ends up late and Reimu has to get on him like the first festival?*
To be continued......
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/09/2012 |
- Skip

- Title: Touhou GDI chapter 28
- Artist: Tanooki John
- Description: My first touhou fanfic series. This is the semi-final chapter to this serie. All characters and music belong to their respected owners.
- Date: 01/09/2012
- Tags: touhou
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