• Prologue

    Day and Night passed by like a droplet of water disappearing into the deep watery abyss, cherry blossoms flickered in the solemn light provided by the moon, and the stars beamed from the dark night sky as the land prospered and danced along with the wind. Japan had stayed as the great goddess’ land: protecting nature for 200 years. No sign of Human threat ever came during those years, and it made all animals and Pokémon alike feel secure and at peace. As the moon reached to its tallest height, a bird as muscular and beautiful as an eagle soared through the view of the moon. It passed by the trees filled with serenity and the hills filled with many memories, which remained untold. Its brilliant blue wings guided the great bird to the magnificent mountains of Mt. Fugi.

    Designed for speed, the Swellow uses its sharply-shaped wings and red-tipped tail feathers to get him to its destination quickly. When the bird reached the caves of Mt. Fugi, it soon realizes that its red face & breast-feathers shined in the darkness as it seemed to light up a dim fire as it walked. The strong red feet, armed with talons grips on the slippery ground as it was a heavy prey that could slip through any moment. “Great, she will go at me when I get there.” The bird spoke with a softened sigh as he rubs the underside of its belly. Decked in a beautiful coloration of white, the wings were mostly hidden by the vertical blue stripes. It even looked down onto its red-colored chest that extended to that blue stripe, which it held onto a pendant that the bird had around the neck. Smiling with its sharp beak, the bird continued to walk down toward the darkened path until its destination was clear.

    The protected caves of old depicted statues of the once-great heroes that have overthrown the terrible king of Darnvia and not only defeated the Emperor of Eternal Darkness, but got Nippon [or Japan] back to its former glory. “It’s been so long….” The bird, with the solemn look turned toward one the statues, which beautifully displayed a Swellow that had faced the greatest challenge of all. “Oh Father, how you doing up in Tamagahara?” Then the bird eyed the other statues: “Hidehara, Otonashi, Kaminari, Kana, Thea, Blake, and Benji: Father…..how you all defeated the great villains of old.”

    "That took forever. What took you so long?"A rough voice in the distance approached the cave, eyeing the friend like a mental-disabled person. The bird shrugs: “Sorry Yume, I didn't know time flies.” Yume flicked the tail to the side: “I know you miss your father Frankie, and so do I. But we cannot slack off." She dragged her tired paws to stand beside her friend. Yume was a breath-taking Black Wolf: Eyes as purple as a pure crystal, and her black fur showed no sign of weakness. The muscles she had grown for 200 years have taken a toll on her as it soon ached. Sitting, she stared down at the middle of the stone statues which shows an old symbol that the Japanese people had used before the apocalypse of 2050. She could remember her Father, Blake telling her how the apocalypse between two aliens created 'Pokemon' like Frankie, and how many people died during the 5-day fight between the two: Deoxys and Rayquaza. Besides destroying many lives, it destroyed the living conditions in Japan. People in Japan had no choice but to move away to different countries while Japan was abandoned and taken over by nature. Ever since, Pokemon and Animals alike have taken over 'Nippon' and made it their home.

    "Hey...Yume." Frankie flies to her , now standing beside her. "I know I haven't been born when you and your father took that adventure with the other deities, but I do wanna ask on how they were able to keep the humans out of this land...even if the people say their ancestors were born here?"

    Yume stared down at him for the longest time, trying to go through the memory banks. "Pokemon....simple. They have powers so they kept the humans away. Japan has even been considered a 'protected land' now by those Animal groups so no human can try to take over. But now...the lands have gone to ruin." With that Yume walked to the center where the statues surround her.

    “It’s been 200 years since My Father and the others have joined the Tamagahara beings up in the skies.” Yume breathed the words like it was the worst thing she can ever say in her life. Frankie nodded, crossing his wings together in front of his body: “Indeed, they and the great Amaterasu trusted us with this mission.” Frankie then got to the middle slowly with Yume, like he was expecting a trap, before his pendant glowed. When the pendant responded, Frankie poked it which the pendant beamed a bright light, forming an item that started to appear in a round shape. Once it ended, Frankie held up a black crystal ball holding it delicately before gently rolling to a hole in the middle. Once the ball reunited with the hole, it started to pulsate like a human heart radiating a white glow on each statue. Yume saw that as an opportunity to step forward and speak to the crystal as of it was a messenger: “Magic Stone: It has been 200 years since the great battle between the six deities & half-god against Drago and the Emperor of Darkness. It is now time to find the descendants of the great heroes; Deity of Love, Deity of Courage, Deity of Justice, Deity of Leadership, Deity of Wisdom, and Deity of Loyalty. And bring them forth from hiding: they will continue what their ancestors have done and bring light to the darkened lands.” Yume took a deep breath, trying to find more words in her tongue: “Find them, give them the power, have the ancestors talk to them, and bring forth their destiny.”

    Quick as lightning, six balls of light in a variety of colors shot upward to the sky and descended from Mt.Fugi. The balls of light went its separate ways, disguising themselves within the meteor shower, dancing on the skies like a ribbon. When they disappeared, Frankie first spoke: “You said that the lights should find the Deities, but what about the Descendant of Hidehara? Don’t we need him/her too?”

    Yume was in the trail of thought as Frankie talked about the great Hidehara. Hidehara: The 2nd greatest man of heart, behind her father Blake. She could remember his gentleness and the naïve spirit that knew the world as good; and the bad were the great demons in disguise. Hideo triumphed through every challenge and heart-wrenching decisions that shaped his life the way it was. Despite the bad reputations of a Mightyena, he kept his head high and his self-esteem strong as steel. Yume knew she will never be like that in life, but she was going to try her best. She let her eyes follow the mood, which was now a bright yellow like Hidehara’s eyes when happiness filled his heart. Yume, undeterred knew she made the right decision: “Why have the gods find the descendant when we can do it ourselves? Why have them find such an easy and simple man? When there can only be one person whose heart is full of gold and sweet innocence, it is no challenge. The great spirit of Hidehara will lead me the way to its descendant, and this true animal will then shine brightly like the great sun of Celestial Gods and Lugia. Like he said: ‘The descendant’s heart burns with a fiery passion, with strength like a mountain.’ ”

    With that Yume turned towards Frankie and looked down at the bird’s bright pink eyes before her head lifted to see the cave. “We, entities and representatives of the 13 gods, cannot waste time answering questions of whenever we should have them look for a simple heart. We will find them ourselves…when the final day of winter comes and passes.”

    With that, Yume sprinted back into the darkness of the cave. Leaving Frankie alone, the bird turned his body to look at the statues of the great heroes and prayed: “Please, help us find the descendant of the goddess, the person is our final hope for peace. Guide the heart to us and have the being understand the destiny you provided for ‘em.” The bird bows and leaves the caves of old, by itself with no company but the moon. But as soon as Frankie’s shadow faded, the moon moves away from the hole, making the room dim. When the light was fading, a dog with grey fur and a black Mohawk going down it’s lower neck and body made its presence in the darkness as it seemed to talk to himself: “Do not worry: Frankie…Yume. The great Houndoom will light your way.”

    For that, he disappeared in the darkness.