Ok... First day of school. Well its the 2 semester, and i'm starting a new school. Again. I know, you are all probably wondering why I switched schools during school. My parents *well mom* had found a new,better job here in california. I can't live with my dad anymore, he has no parenting skills. I used to live with him, until my mom found out. I really didn't want to live with him but, I really didn't like my mom at that time. Now I love my mom, and I dislike my dad. I have no friends. In my old town of Cornville,Mississippi I had only one. That was a Ben. When I told Ben that I was moving here to LA, he thought that I was kidding. But than he relized it when I had to tell him again. Me and Ben lived next door to each other for years. We knew each other since we were only three years old. When I went in to my weird strange teenage years,ben was with me. And so wasnt his mom Amy. I told Amy before I told Ben that I was moving. I could never have lived there when my dad was out drinking. Amy would keep care of me when I needed her.Amy loves me and she always will. I love her too. Well as a mom and she loves me as a daughter she never had. Now I miss seeing Ben at school. He made me smile when I was down. Like today. When I walked into my new school. Everyone was staring at me and talking about me. But i'm used to people talking about me. But staring just scared me. I did meet someone, her name was Shelby. Shelby is nice, but she is like one of the popular kids, and I met her by accident. I walked into her. She asked if she wants to hang out this weekend, but I had to tell her I couldnt becuse i'm still moving in. I havnt even finished unpacking. Man I guss I have a lot of things. I think I will go on aim soon. Maybe Ben is on. He'll cheer me right up.
I log on and change my status.
Status: Just Moved to the most horrible place...well school atleast. I hate it! I miss my old school.
Benny: Hey Jenny, how was your first day of your new school?
Jenny: It was horrible ben, i ran into atleast 5 people. 4 out of 5 people told me to watch out where i was walking. and the other person was shelby. she didnt tell me watch where i was walking. she asked me if i wanted to hang out at the mall this weekend but i havent finished unpacking. even tho i would really want to go. she gave me her cell phone number and her aim screen name if i want to talk to her. but she is a popular girl at the school tho.
Benny: Oh seens like you got it hard there. I'm srry.I miss living next to you and seeing your smile.I just plain miss you. I dont think your dad does tho. My mom sure does. Thats all she talks about is you. My dad is getting sick of it.
Jenny: I miss you too. My mom said that if you raise enough money for a plain ticket you can come out here over summer vaccation. That is if its alright with your parents. And they could come too. There is enough room for you,your mom,and your dad. My mom said she doesnt care. Its better than staying in a hotel and wasting money.
Benny: Ok, I'll tell my mom that. *thinking of Jenny* My mom just came in my room...and told me to get of the computer. It's 9:00 pm here. I'm sorry. I have to go.
Jenny: Thats right,I forgot the time zone changing thing. It's only 7:00 here. Well I have to go to. Well finish some homework, maybe even talk to shelby. She's on. Bye. MISS YOU TOO! *HUGZ & KISSES*
Benny: LMAO...KISSES now? Man you really must miss me.
Jenny:-_- Your my best friend, I miss you.
Benny: I Know i miss you too. Good Luck! *HUGZ & KISSES* Bye bye *i wish i didnt have to go. ben says in head*
Benny logs off
I changed my status right before shelby started to talk to me.
New status: I miss him...I wish we never left each other.
Shelby: hey who do you miss
Jenny: this guy that was my best friend back at my town.
Shelby: well....tell me about him
Jenny: why
Shelby: plz i would really like to know about him and if you tell me who likes you i'll tell you who likes you.
Jenny: someone likes me?
Shelby: Yeah now talk.
Jenny: ok his name is ben. he was my neighbor and best friend since we were 3 years old. we did everything together. hung out together, been thro reallly bad break ups, told each other secrets. pretty much everything except sleep over each others house. unless his mother made me. which i really didnt mind bc me and her would stay up really late and watch movies and just have girl time. ben always made me smile and laugh. he's just that kind of guy you know. except when i had boyfriends. he really didnt like it. i guss he didnt want me to get hurt.
Shelby: umm...he likes you
Jenny: Wat? ben does not like me...how do you know
Shelby: Well he didnt like it when you had a boyfriend and that he makes you smile and laugh all the time. he likes you.
Jenny: wow he, now that you think of it. he does like me......but who at school likes me..
Shelby: my brother alex
Jenny: ALEX!!! Omg is he's the really hot guy that i ran into and told me to watch where i was going?
Shelby: yup thats him
Jenny: omg wat do i do.....ben likes me...alex likes me
Shelby: you do nothing...let them come to you..well i gtg eat dinner..dont tell anyone that i told you alex like you...
Jenny: I wont..do you still want to hang out on tomorrow?
Shelby: yes...we are..ok..pick you up at 12?
Jenny: ok..i'll tell you were I live at later bye.
Shelby: Bye.
June 13,2008
Ok well school isn’t going very well. Well just finding out that Alex likes me and ben likes me too. I don’t even know what do say to ben when he comes on. Do I ask him if he likes me or wait like Shelby said to do. I don’t know. I wish my mom was here. But nope, she’s out shopping. Well when I was with Shelby today…it felt weird. Because alex was with us..all he did was stare at me. I did not like that. I wish I had more friends. Well Shelby introduced me to a girl named Shannon. She seemed pretty nice. She has a huge house like Shelbys. Mine is a okay size. Theres 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. I don’t know why we have 4 bathrooms . we only use two. My mom has her own and I have my own. Maybe the rest are like for the guests? I really don’t know. I really hate being in my school. At least I bought this journal today. I have someone to tell my thoughts too. Its Saturday so no school tomorrow. I wonder if ben is online.. Im going to go check so I’ll talk later byez for now.
Jenny Girl
Mouse goes over to friends list and clicks on ben.
Benny is online.
Jenny: Hey Ben
Benny: Hey how was your day?
Jenny: It was fine..yours
Benny: lonely…moms out shopping..she’s going to be sending you a gift. Your dad gave her your new address.
Jenny: lol ok. Do you like me?
Benny: O.O ummm…why do you ask
Jenny: do you like me… yes or no
Benny: ummm…well that’s a strange question to ask someone
Jenny: Ben..Yes Or NO..Do you like me?
Benny: Yes..Jenny I have been in love with you since the first day of 1st grade. I love you. I miss you and I never thought that I would be expressing my feelings for you over the internet. But I do.. I love you and when you told me that you were moving it hurt…it hurt a lot. No one knew that I loved you. I still love you. DO you love me?
Jenny: wow ben…even when we went through all that stuff when we were 12. I’m just not sure if I feel the same way about you….well just yet. Can I please tell you that later…someone at my school likes me…
Benny: Oh well I gtg my moms back.. srry bye.. love you
Jenny: Bye..
Benny Logs off
June 15,2008
Ok, well that was a very strange chat that me and Ben had last night. All night I couldn’t stop thinking about him. He was on my mind all NIGHT! I think I might like him, but I don’t have anyone to really talk to. Shelby might kill me because I didn’t let Ben come to me. And I really don’t know Shannon that well to tell her. And if I ask my mom she might not let them stay here over the summer. I don’t know what to do. I would go on aim but I am scared that ben is online. I don’t know what to say to him if he was online. Just 24 hours ago he told me that he LOVES ME! ME THE GIRL THAT HE HAS LIVED NEXT DOOR FOR YEARS! Well I think my mom is home so I’m going to go talk to her. Or if she isn’t home yet I’ll go on and see who’s on. Even though I only have three friends. Shannon, Shelby, and Ben
Later that night….
Just as I logged on and started to change my status Ben started talking to me.
Benny: Hey are you talking to me? Or just ignoring me ?
Jenny: Hey Ben I’m sorry, I’m not ignoring you. I’m just working on a project. I hate projects. I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me.
Benny: It’s ok. I will never hate you. I love you. I would never hate you. I’m sorry for telling you how I feel about you. I was planning on telling you over the summer.
Jenny: *smiles* Thank you, last night you made my day. Hey can you hold on one second I got another IM from someone.
Benny: Sure, I’ll wait
Jenny: Thanks Ben you’re a great friend.
Alex: Hey Jenny… do you know who this is?
Jenny: Yes I do know who this is. Its Alex, Shelby’s brother. How did you get my screen name?
Alex: Well… its plain simple. I stole it from her.
Jenny: Well isn’t that a nice thing to do. STEAL THINGS!
Alex: Lol, I’m sorry. Please forgive me.
Jenny: I forgive you.
Alex: Ok good. I was wondering. Would you go out with me?
Jenny: Um..
Alex: Its not too soon is it?
Jenny: No its not too soon and yes I will go out with you.
Alex: YES! Sorry but I got to go. See you in school tomorrow right?
Jenny: Yup. See you in school. Bye
Jenny: BEN.. sorry ok i’m talking to someone else too you know. I did meet other people. Your not my only friend anymore, I have a boyfriend . OK?
Benny: I’m sorry ok. Geeze I’m going, I don’t want to disrupte you and your new Hollywood boyfriend ok yours. . Sorry jenny but it was nice knowing you.
Benny logs off
Jenny: Ben Wait!
But it was too late I lost ben. My best friend since I was three. I miss him. But I know have a boyfriend and if I don’t go to sleep. Than I might get in trouble with my parents. Well mom anyways. I told my mom about Ben. Well now I really have to go to sleep. Bye
*during school*
Alex runs up to Jenny in the hall and kisses her on the cheek. *everyone stares*
Alex yells “Hey everyone this is my new girlfriend Jenny!”
Jenny “Hi everyone.”
Everyone goes back to what they were doing. Alex hugs and kisses Jenny.
Than Mr.Kully walks by and yells at Alex for kisses Jenny.
Alex “ I’m sorry, I just love her.”
Mr.Kully “Its okay alex. Just don’t let any other teachers find out that your dating her.”
*Mr.Kully walks away*
Jenny: Why can’t any other teacher know that we are dating?
Alex: I’m not really suppose to have a girlfriend. My parents told the school that if they see me with a girl that they have to call them. All last year my mind was never on school, just girls. But this year I had to change. Well if I want to get into a good college.
Jenny: Oh…I see. My mom doesn’t even know that I have a boyfriend. I’m afraid to tell her.
Alex: Why are you afraid to tell her.. its just your mom. Its not like she’s some hot tv/movie star.
Jenny: No she just told me when I’m here not to get caught up in boys. Like I was at my old school.
Alex: Ok, so you were like me?
Jenny: Not really
Alex: Yeah ok…so why are you sad today.
Jenny: I lost my best friend last night.
Alex: And that was???
Jenny: Ben. He was my best friend since we were three years old. He lived next door. We hung out everyday after school, before school. Anytime really. But I just found out that he loves me.
Alex: Oh…so do I have to deal with this guy here?
Jenny: No.. he lives in Mississippi.
Alex: Ok.
Jenny: Yup.. I miss talking to him through.
Alex: I’m sorry but you have me now.
Jenny: I know that now. Oh look there’s the bell. Got to go to Math. Ms. Lapnia will kill me if I’m late to her class.
Alex: ok well see you later.
Jenny: ok *says while running to math*
*During Math Class*
Amy had bought Jenny a tracphone for Christmas. Jenny had her cell phone on and she had received a text message. But she did not realize that it was from Ben.
475-385-0485: Hey Jenny
349-532-5849: Um.. who is this?
475-385-4085: It’s Ben. I wanted to say sorry.
349-532-5849: It’s ok. Ben I miss you a lot. I’ve done a lot of thinking.
475-385-4085: Hey when do you get out of school?
349-532-5849: In 10 minutes
475-385-4085: Ok.. bye
349-532-5849: Ok bye than.
Ms.Lapnia spotted Jenny with her cell phone.
Jenny: Writing the homework down…
Jenny: Oh no you see my phone almost fell out of my pocket. So I had to move it.
Ms.Lapnia: Ok, well do not let it happen again.
Jenny: ok.
*bell rings*
OK so it was the last day of school. I got to know Shannon and Shelby a lot more by now. So we were hanging, well walking home. We live like 5 minutes away from each other. I know strange. Me and Alex are still dating. It’s A month. Yes I know its July 10. But we had to stay into the summer because we missed some days. More like three weeks. But yeah. Last day. He loves me and so doesn’t Ben. But what I don’t know is that someone or something is waiting ahead. When I got home there was a car in the driveway. OMG! Its Ben’s car…WHAT IS HE DOING HERE? Oh wait I invited him. DUH! I was so caught up in with my boyfriend. OMG WHAT WILL ALEX SAY WHEN HE FINDS OUT THAT ALEX IS HERE? Great I might lose my boyfriend.
*Inside Jenny’s House*
Jenny: Hey mom what is going on?
Jenny: BEN!
Amy: Hey jenny. I’ve missed you.
Jenny: I’ve missed you to amy.
Ben: Can we talk later?
Jenny: Yeah.. in 10 minutes. Ok
Ben: Ok, I’ll be outside walking around. Your background atleast.
Jenny: Good to know. I’ll be right there. *Jenny runs upstairs to her room and calls Shelby*
Shelby: Hey Girl
Jenny: Hey I got a problem
Shelby: Talk
Jenny: Ben is at my house!
Shelby: WHAT IS HE DOING THERE? I thought he was in Mississippi!
Jenny: Well I forgot that him and his parents were coming out for the summer.
Shelby: Well that’s great… Alex is on his way over now!
Jenny: You got to stop him. Please tell him I’ll meet up with him later.
Shelby: On it bye
Jenny: Thanks Bye.
*Jenny runs downstairs*
Holly: Slow down Jenny.
Jenny: Sorry mom.. where’s ben?
Amy: Outside waiting for you.
Jenny: Front or back?
Amy: Back
Jenny: Ok good
Amy: Why is that good?
Jenny: My boyfriend is on his way over…and he told me that if he ever sees ben he’ll hurt him.
Amy: What… well where is he?
Holly: Alex is coming over?
Jenny: well it was suppose to be, but Shelby is stopping him. Ok mom?
Holly: Ok, well go talk to ben
Jenny: ok.
*Jenny walks out to Ben*
Jenny: Hey ben
Ben: Hey
Jenny: So how do you like LA so far?
Ben: Its hot here… not back in Mississippi.
Jenny: I know.
Ben: I got some great news.
Jenny: Talk
Ben: I’m moving to LA!
Jenny: Really?
Ben: Yeah, my parents aren’t together with each other anymore.
Jenny: I’m so sorry to hear that.
Ben: I am too. That’s why me and mom are here.
Jenny: Cool.
Ben: So are you still dating Alex?
Jenny: Yeah.. we have been for a month
Ben: Oh a month
Jenny: Yea..
Ben: I still like you
Jenny: And I like you too.
Ben: really? You like me.
Jenny: Yeah I was going to tell you but you blocked me.
Ben: I am so sorry
*Alex is watching*
Jenny: Its okay.
Ben: You know what.
Jenny: What?
Ben: I’ve always wanted to do this.
*Ben leans in and Kisses Jenny*
Jenny: Alex
Alex: Who is this?
Jenny: This is ben.
Alex: So this is the ben that I heard about.
Jenny: Please don’t hurt ben…
Alex: so you think it’s ok to hurt me?
Ben: Hey I was just telling her that I still like her.
Ben: Yes and I’m sorry.
Jenny: I am too.
Alex: Yeah ok.
Jenny: You know what alex….
Alex: What?
Alex: Well goodbye Jenny
Jenny: Goodbye alex… just letting you know I will be telling everyone I DUMPED YOU!
Alex: Ok go right ahead.
*Jenny pulls out phone and calls Shelby*
Jenny: Hey Shelby I DUMPED your brother.
Shelby: Why… I thought you really liked him.
Jenny: I thought I did, but the guy that I really love with the boy right door.
Shelby: You mean Ben?
Jenny: Yup.. call you later.
Shelby: Ok Good Luck Girl
Jenny: Thanks bye *hangs up*
Alex: Bye
Jenny: Bye
Ben: Now where were we? *goes back to kissing jenny*
*Holly and Amy walk out*
Both: Awww.. that’s sweet.
*Ben and Jenny laugh*
Ben: Mom.
Amy: I’ve known you liked her for years.
Ben: Really
Amy: Yeah
Holly: Why didn’t you tell me that you have liked Ben?
Jenny: I didn’t know until today.
*Everyone laughs*
So you all probably are wondering. Ben and Jenny went into there final year of high school as a couple.
They will be going to the same college in the fall. Alex never found another girlfriend and Shelby, she found herself a nice guy. And they are still dating. Amy and Ben live about 30 minutes away from Holly and Jenny. Jenny’s dad is trying to find out where Holly is and Jenny are living. But he will never find out. Ben’s dad cant find him so they aren’t that worried.
THE END! For now?
- by peanutluvsu |
- High School Flashback
- | Submitted on 04/16/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: New Teachers,New School
- Artist: peanutluvsu
- Description: I really dont know why i wrote this.
- Date: 04/16/2009
- Tags: teachersnew school
- Report Post
Comments (3 Comments)
- Strwberry Mew Ichigo - 07/26/2009
- that was one of the best storys i every read!!!
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- fluffernutter94 - 06/15/2009
- dang! that was good! but like omg that is so weird how that all happened..........sort of what happened to me........creepy......but whatever! bye!
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- Extra Shine - 05/31/2009
hiya.. WOW ! that was good... well, I really erally liked this.. but you should add a bit of emotions in between.. you didn't tell us how the relationship between Jenny and Alex was like.. I mean, at first, she was like "I love you Alex" and then it's suddenly "I'll dump you" !!
also.. you said that Alex had A LOT of girlfriends the year bofore.. and then you say that he didn't find another girlfriend ^^'
that just crossed my mind.. other than that,, this was really nice =) way to go - Report As Spam