Last year I was in Year 8, and we hung out in the quad (quadrangle where we had roll call every morning), my group had our own little corner which consisted of Yr 7 and 8 kids. Every day we would hang out in that spot. Well, when we had roll call every morning, there is a stage like bit which is where the announcements are made. Anyway, that was where he hung out and a lot of people who are my friends now a days. Well, I had never seen him before...well I probably had but never noticed him.
First time I noticed him:
Me and my friend (Who is now my best friend) Emma were waiting for the others to arrive, meaning Jacqui and Terri. All four of us were the main people in our group. There was also Kim, but sadly no one talked to her much so I included her in everything I was doing. Matt, a person who hung around the stage part in the quad, came walking out with someone I had never seen before and instantly my heart went out to him...it frustrated me because I knew that I had no idea who he was and already I was crushing on him. Anyway, I walked over to them and gave Matt a high-five just so I could see him up closer. Turns out the guy had to get his bike. So taking advantage of him getting his bike, I walked over and asked him if he hung out in the quad regularly . I can't actually remember his answer so I don't know whether or not he did.
Well we were just talking about stuff and he said he liked hugs, I said I like them to and so I gave him a hug...So basically, here I am hugging some guy I don't even know the name of yet and Terri walks out. Terri has a history of going after every boyfriend I have had, so instantly I was worried that she was going to lure him. Anyway, when Jacqui finally appeared, we all walked up and out the front of the school, except Jacqui who caught the bus home. Everyone walked across the road except me because I had to walk another way home.
The next day:
I went to school and hung out with my group. I was eager to see him again and when I did I made an excuse to go over and say hi to Matt. So I said hello to him and said,
"I'm sorry, I still don't know your name."
"Cory." He said and he gave me another hug. Turns out he was in the year above me. I noticed he didn't hug any of the other girls so I though he may have been lying when he said he liked hugs. I walked back over to my group and hung out with them.
That afternoon:
It was the same as usual, we all waited so we could see each other and I was disappointed because I saw that Cory's bike wasn't there, but none the less, he turned up anyway. He started to talk to me, about what I can't remember. Anyway, that afternoon he walked me home.
That night:
Every time I thought about Cory, which was a lot, I had a horrible feeling in my gut and just wanted to see him.
Over the next two weeks:
He walked me home every afternoon, it frustrated me because I didn't know what he was thinking. It was the last day of school and he left me at my doorstep. I was sad because I hadn't thought about getting his number for the holiday period.
First date:
About half way through the holiday period, I was talking to Emma and I told her I wanted to get Cory's number. He suggested Matt. Luckily for me he was online. Thankfully he had it and he asked why and I said he could probably guess. I knew I liked him heaps. I thought it was love.
I could him that night and asked if he wanted to go to McDonald's. He said yes and I told him that Jacqui would be coming as well. Jacqui called me in the morning to say that she couldn't go to McDonald's and that she was sorry. I said it didn't bother me in the slightest, which was true. Well I met him there and we went around town. We ended up at my place and he met my brothers Liam and Aidan. Unfortunately he had to leave at three because we were going into town.
He started walking home and I was in the car with Aidan and I said to him,
"I really want to ask him out!"
"Then go ahead." Aidan was the type of nerdy guy that didn't understand the fact that it was really hard to ask someone out.
"But what if he says no?"
"Then don't ask him out" He frustrated me when he said that.
"But I want to go out with him!"
"Then ask him out." He said again.
Well I ran up to where he was...sprinted more like it, and it sounded something like this to me,
"Hi, I kinda...likeyouawholeheapandiwasjuswonderingifyouwantedtogooutwithme..." I meant to say "like you a whole heap and I was just wondering if you wanted to go out with me."
Of course he understood it and said yes.
Not the End yet:
Over the week he came over to my house everyday to just hang out but it really frustrated me because all he would do was play games with my brother. So after about two weeks of going out with him I got sick of him and so started avoiding him. Eventually I broke up with him. I didn't see his face because I wrote him a note.
Eventually a month later, of course Terri had started flirting with him, and eventually I began to grow jealous. I started to like him again but I knew I wouldn't ask him out. He still walked me home every afternoon. I crossed the road now and hung out with them because we moved very close by. About a two minute walk...literally. Less than a minute to run. So he would walk me home every afternoon...yet Terri said he walked her home every afternoon...which I knew was a lie. But he did start to look at her funny...like looking into her eyes. Something he did with me as well...it frustrated me so much. I didn't want him and Terri to go out, and then she finally admitted to me that she liked him. I said to her that if he asks her out I would be surprised and I admitted to her that I liked him again. Well, a week later, he asked her out. Terri realized she didn't want to be with him and said to everyone that she didn't have a choice on whether or not to go out with him. So she dumped him.
Then Louise came along, he went out with her which again frustrated me. I still liked him. He still walked me home every afternoon and even Louise saw. Well, they broke up.
He started following me and talking to me more. By that point in time Terri had left and is living in Queensland, basically she did some bad things which for her I will not say. Both the groups had become one although a few were still hanging out in the old area, Aimee who is one of my great friends I started hanging around and Kim is less shy and so she now has a best friend...me! Well, I had an end of year performance for Drama, outside of school, and I invited who ever wanted to come to come along and watch. They all said they would come. Two weeks before the night and I realized Cory was staring at me...how I knew this was because I was staring at him. I liked him but I wasn't sure.
The Prayer:
I'm a christen so I believe in God and all...well, every night I would pray that I find some one I would love and for that person to love me and that we would live on with each other for the rest of our lives. Every night I prayed, and every day I still couldn't see them.
The Play:
Turns out people weren't able to make it to the play or weren't allowed to come, so the only person who came was Cory. He just looked at me throughout the whole performance and I to him. Afterward, I ran around from the dress up room to the front room and saw him standing there waiting for me. My parents quickly told me I did well so I could talk to him.
All he said was that I did really good and nothing else except for hello and goodbye. It was really mostly silent between us.
Missing him:
It was the last two days of school and both days he wasn't there. I was missing him like mad and I wasn't sure why. All through out the holidays, I didn't see him once. I was going crazy, like a small dog in a huge back yard and not knowing what to do with all the space. Except it was time for me. I guess that's why dogs chase their tails...I still continued to pray every night.
Lovesick is real:
Well everyone was very excited to see each other again. I gave everyone hugs especially Cory. I still liked him, but nothing more I thought. A week later I began feeling sick everytime I thought about Cory...like majorly sick. I felt really nauseous most nights. He walked me home every day and stayed around for a bit. One afternoon I was running around the oval. He had started to walk home when I went outside to run. Well I was hoping he was still there but he wasn't. I started to run and I heard a voice shouting my name and I saw him running up to me. We ran together and then went down to the shops. We got some drinks and on the way back up he stole my drink! Ah well...closest thing I would get to a kiss I thought. I was so deeply in love with him, I had to resist the urge to just kiss him and hold his hand. Anyway, that happened twice.
Over the weekend all my mind was thinking about was Cory Cory Cory. I was feeling sick ALL the time. I knew he deodorant smell, it was so distinct to me I would smell it sometimes but no one else would, I would always get dizzy wen I saw him. I wasn't able to see hi because I was at my dad's house. Well I prayed again that night, and of course a mental image of Cory sprung into my mind. It struck me dumb. I realized that every time I prayed, my prayer was always being answered. Every night I prayed that I would see the person of my dreams and every day I saw the person of my dreams...CORY!!!
Well the next day, which was Monday, after school, Everyone had figured out that he loved me and I loved him. I had written it on my hand and hastily tried to remove it when he tried to look at it. He told me he already knew what it had said when he saw i rubbed it off. He walked me down to the shops then back home. I was so disappointed he didn't ask me out. I was just thinking to myself that I may as well ask. (Meaning go out with him)
"What?" he said, and I realized I had spoken my thoughts.
"I said I may as well ask." I didn't try to cover it up. well he had like a whole little speech but I wasn't listening, I was just waiting for the no. But he said yes and I jumped on him and hugged him tightly. I couldn't stop smiling.
Turns out he was going to ask me out on Valentines day, that was why he hadn't asked. He ended up getting my 12 roses which cost a whole heap of money!!! I got him chocolate.
If your going to say, won't he just act like a jerk again and only play with your brother...well no, its different this time and he hasn't done anything like that. Everyday I fall more and more in love with him. I find it extremely hard to stay away from him and to not kiss him or hug him. We do heaps of stuff together. I realize now that he wasn't lying when he said he liked hugs...he just mean from me.
Thanks, this is all a true story by the way. There is heaps more to it but I think it's long enough. I believe so much now because of him. He is my demon, and he calls me his angel.
- by leeonardo1 |
- High School Flashback
- | Submitted on 06/02/2009 |
- Skip

Comments (4 Comments)
- tazzybean - 07/28/2009
- aww thats so sweet. how cute. cool story.
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- leeonardo1 - 07/09/2009
- Thx lol. We are still going out. 5 months today!!! =D
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- Holy Goddess of Night - 06/03/2009
- Awww! That is so romantic! biggrin
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- sporks_102 - 06/02/2009
long story
but still good
i was getting my own sickness reading it
(in a good way lol)
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