I knew there was something different about him from the beginning. It was always the little things that told me this, and no one else ever seemed to notice. It would be a glimmer in his deep brown eyes, a smile meant only for me, a touch of his hand briefly on my back as he walked past. Always the little things.
At first I thought it was a crush I was feeling, that it would go away soon. Then I thought it was obsession, that it was only my imagination, that he was a total jerk. I told myself everything just to keep from falling in love. I was too late. He already had a grip on me so strong that I couldn’t tear myself away even if I had wanted to. So I did the only thing I could do. I fell.
To most people this would seem like the obvious thing to do when one is in love. And perhaps if things had been a little different it would have been the obvious thing to do. Of course it wasn’t. Rarely is there a love story where the obvious thing to do is simply let oneself fall in love totally and completely without a look behind themselves. And oh yes, this is a love story. Perhaps it is one that has been heard around the world a million times over. Or perhaps it is something different…as I believe every love has a different spark, as well as a different ending. Then again, true love never sees an end.

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