turning from pink to black
Strait from the journal/ diary of Lenna
My door bell rung and kept ringing " i guess i have to go get it" i said getting up from bed it was the first day of school and my peppy cheerleader friend was at the door. i opened the door and there she was in a tanktop short skirt and pom-poms in hand " hey!!" she yelled " go get dressed we are trying out for cheerleading today!!" "umm," i said" ok...." and let her in. i got dressed and we left my house with our stuff for school.
So there i was in the tight uniform next to Lisa ( my best friend from back then) and she was about to try out when the head cheerleader asked if she was my friend "Of corse!!" she said " ok ur in" the hc said "yay!!" lisa screamed. i was up. as soon as i got up there the hc said i was in " ok..." i said and stood next to lisa who didnt say a word to me . well lets skip to the ending she was using me to get in. and then i hated cheerleaders and quit and started hanging out with the goth kids and found my place in this and world. so that is how i went from pink to black
turning from pink to black
how i turned from a girly girl to a goth girl
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