The phone is cold on my ear, probaby from the hot angry confusion I felt.
Ring, Ring, Ring....
No answer
I hang up and think maybe I'll call one more time.
Ring, Ring, Ring....
No answer
I feel it now, but it is not anger anymore.
I've never felt it...wait I have but this time my cat didn't die.
So what did?
I got up to walk out of my room. Then it happeneds, I start to cry. I stop walking trying to compose myself.
Then more tears come but harder, so hard I fall to my knees.
What is happening to me?
This has never happened to me, I'm too strong to feel this way about a stupid boy.
Yet I'm kneeling here crying, more like balling as if someone I loved died. I guess that might be it because it does feel as if, not he, but the large peice of my heart he ripped from me has died.
A now empty part of me that will never go away, but it doesn't change how I feel and this amazes me.
How can I feel so strongly for a person who has done this to me?
I myself don't know the answer but I know my feelings and they're still is strong as the first day I relizied I loved you, forever.
NonFiction Heartbreak
Niekoutsu Loves
The True Story By Niekoutsu
Background: The One I Love Smashed My Heart By Saying He Loved And Wanted Me Then Ignored Me Then Asked Someone Else To Be With Him, This Short Story Was The Events That Followed My Check Of Facebook And Finding Out
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