Haruko: "Do you know where her castle is?"
Saigo: "Uh.....not exactly."
Haruko: Then how do we get there?
Saigo: "Don't worry about that, look over there it's our guide."
Haruko: Huh?
A fairy was flying towards them.
Lai: "Hi, i'm Lai!"
Haruko: "So your our guide to Indigo?"
Lai: "Yeppers!" Haruko stared at Lai for a few seconds in silence.
Lai: "Is something on my face?"
Haruko: Your so Cute! Haruko tickled Lai on the tummy. Lai let out a giggle.
Lai: "Thank you but wait till you see my sister you'll think she's adorable too!
Saigo: "Not to interrupt but let's get going to Indigo's castle."
Lai: "Oh right sorry about that Follow me!"They followed Lai as she led them to the castle.
Lai: We're here! They looked up at a huge castle.
Saigo: "It's big...."
Haruko: "Yeah...."
Lai: Don't just stand there, come inside! When they got inside they saw a woman with long light blue hair wearing a sleeveless violet dress covered by a long cloak sitting on a throne. Saigo started blushing.
Saigo: "Wow...." Haruko hit him on the back of the head.
Saigo: "Ow! Why'd you hit me?"
Haruko: "hmph!" Indigo chuckled.
Indigo: You've finally arrived.
Haruko: "Are you Indigo?"
Indigo: "Yes i am, your're Haruko and Saigo aren't you?"
Haruko: "How did you know that?"
Indigo: "I can read minds. Now, let's talk about your training."
Haruko: "What kind of training are doing?"
Indigo: "I'll leave that to Lai to explain."Indigo raised her arm and conjured a spiral of magic from her palm.
Indigo: "Do you see this,it's magic. With my training your magic energy and power will be increased."The magic ball grew bigger and sucked Saigo and Haruko inside.
Indigo: "Hee hee,Good luck you two.
Haruko: "Where are we?"
Lai: "This is the training realm i'd advise you two to keep your guard up, Indigo always starts her training tough from the getgo."
At that moment roar sounded from a nearby cave. Saigo: Our first test, let's go! Haruko: Right! They cautiously approached the cave. A black dragon with red spikes on it's back emerged from the cave and shot fire at Haruko and Saigo. They dodged it.
Saigo: Whoa! It breathes fire!
Haruko: "Tough is right!"
Saigo: "She obviously wasn't thinking when she made this realm or she wanted to test whoever came in here."Saigo said as he dodged the dragon's flames again.They took out their swords and charged towards the monster. Haruko jumped and stuck her sword into it's back. It roared with pain. Saigo: Nice one Haruko, now it's my turn! Saigo ran towards the monster jumped and kicked in it the head. The dragon glared at Saigo and breathed fire at him. Saigo froze in fear and stared up at the dragon.
Haruko: "Saigo!" Lai put up a barrier which blocked the dragon's flame.
Lai: "You can't freeze up in the middle of a battle Saigo!" Saigo shook his head and regained his senses.
Saigo: "R-right!" Haruko had moved away from the dragon to think of a strategy.
Haruko: "Saigo i have an idea,distract the dragon while i sneak up from behind it and finish it off!" Saigo nodded his head. When Haruko spoke the dragon turned it's attention to her and breathed it's fire at her. Saigo jumped in front of the flames and cut right through them. Saigo: "Forget her fight me you stupidass dragon!" The dragon glared at Saigo's remark and wildly shot fire balls at him. Saigo either cut through or dodged all the fireballs. Haruko saw this as her her chance to sneak behind the dragon. Haruko jumped onto the dragon's back and
cut it's head off with her scythe. The dragon's head landed with a thud a few inches away from Saigo.
Saigo: "That was some good thinking Haruko." Haruko looked down at Saigo from atop the dragon's body.
Haruko: "thanks but we wouldn't have been able to beat it with out each others help." Saigo smiled up at Haruko.
Saigo: "Yeah teamwork!" Haruko smiled and nodded.
Lai: "Come on you two let's go to the next room!"
Haruko/Saigo: "Coming!" Haruko and Saigo said as they followed Lai to the next room not knowing what to expect.
To be continued
- by CerisiaWolfBlade |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/20/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Start of Training
- Artist: CerisiaWolfBlade
here the third chapter,Haruko and Saigo meet the bubbly Lai and the seductive Indigo and start their first session of training.
- Date: 04/20/2010
- Tags: harukofantasy chapter3
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