**Note:A Sakura tree is a Cherry Blossom tree 8D
"But dad!" Suki exclaimed quickly getting up from her seat. "Suki,
it isn't my fault. You know how hard it is to get a job. You have
to transfer." her father said. The next week Suki and her father
moved to Nagoya, Japan. They got to their new house. When
Suki got to the house, she was shocked to see how pretty it was
It was a white house with a Sakura tree growing in front of it.
As they went inside, Suki took out her cellphone and called
her friend from her old school, Mariko. "Hello?" Mariko asked.
"Hey Mariko, it's Suki." "Oh, hey! How's your new house? Is it
nice?" "Yeah it's very pretty. The house it pretty big too and we
have a pool in the backyard." she replied, getting the boxes of
manga and clothes from her dads' car. "It's great that you get to
live in a house like that." "But, I didn't want to come here! I miss
everyone..." "You know, you're really lucky to be there, so don't
worry about us." "Thank you, Mariko...I'll still worry, but I'll do
my best for everyone." "Remember, do your best! Bye Suki."
Mariko hung up and Suki went outside. She went over to where
her dad was and said, "Dad." she paused. "I'm going to try my
very best in the time that we're here." "Thank you, Suki." her
dad replied. After Suki and her father took all of the boxes into
the house and unpacked everything, it was already ten o'clock.
Suki went to her room and noticed a uniform with a note on it.
She picked it up and read aloud,
"Suki, I bought your new school
uniform for you. I hope you like it.
-Love, Dad
She smiled, putting the uniform on top of her dresser and then
went to bed. The next day, Suki rushed downstairs, showing off
her uniform. "It looks good on you." her dad said. "I'm a little
excited to see what kind of girls are in my class!" she said
excitedly. "Suki-" "Sorry dad I have to leave or I'll be late. Bye!"
she interrupted, running out the door. She looked at the
directions on the piece of paper her dad had given her to get
to school. She hurried to the gate when she found it. "Wow!"
she thought, "This school is huge! Mariko said that the test to
get in was hard, but it was quite easy." When Suki walked in,
she noticed that the hallway was longer than her old schools'. It
seemed endless. She quickly scurried to the office to find out
what class she's in. "Are you the new transfer student?" one of
the teachers asked. "Yes!" Suki replied. "You must be very bright
to be able to get into this school. I'm your homeroom teacher Mr.
Yamada. Please follow me to the classroom." he said as he started
walking. They got to the classroom, opened the door, and walked
in. There was a lot of chatter. "Is it me or are there just guys in
this class?!" Suki thought. "Class, please settle down for a minute.
Let me introduce you to the new transfer student, Suki Ryuuzaki.
She's the one I told you about yesterday. The one who got a perfect
score on the enterance exam." The teacher explained. "There's
actually a girl?!" one of the boys asked. "Is that weird?" she
thought. The teacher pointed to where her seat is and went to
sit down. While she was walking through the isle, everyone was
staring at her. She sat down at her seat and saw that a girl sat
next to her. "Today will be self-study everyone." The teacher
said walking out of the door. "Hi Ryuuzaki-san. My name is Yume
Nisshoku." the girl that sat next to her said. "Ah, you can call
me Suki!" she replied. "Then, you can call me Yume." "Hey. How
come we're the only girls in this class?" "Oh, you didn't know?" "Know what?" "This used to be an all-boys school. We're the only girls in
the school." Yume explained.
-To Be Continued
Sakura Ai!
Xx_Dark x Suki_xX
So this is the first part of the story 8DD I decided to stop at a certain place because my fingers hurt from typing >.>" wow i hope i didn't make any spelling mistakes xD;;;
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