Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Meant to Be by 13-Chaotic-Serenity-13
- I hold this true to myself as well as many of the other things i have written... I hope he understands one day...
- The Love I Hid by LeKitty97
- Theres this boy at school who i really like but he doesnt know
- Love Songs by IP II IE
- I made this a long time ago, it's dedicated to the person who I love the most. I used some of MJ's title songs and made it into this kind of poem.
- Should i love him again? by A Little Muggle
- About a boy i like, but hes having trouble letting go of me and im having trouble letting go of him a lil...:(
- broken dreams by Yeju_Xtina
- this was for my 2 friends who went out but broke up....so i like made a poem for them so maybe...get back together??...-,- who no's if they will or not =.= i really hope they do
- I cant escape by catsoncrack101
- ehh...
- I Love God, Because... by Nathan Oukami
- These are all reasons why I love God. I'd give the chords, but it'd look crappy. Sorry. I'd also give a link to the song, but it's not on YouTube. Again, sorry. Enjoy!
- Insane Motives by Love Pupp3tt
- A song about what makes us insane enjoy :D
- Unwanted by beautiful_disaster1314
- my poem
- Endless by InnocentXScreams
- This is what happens when I have "episodes" or so everyone else calls them.
- Locked Love </3 by xBroken_Beyond_Repairx
- Poem about locked love </3
- Games by xx_INomBabiesForFree_xx
- Well i think it speaks for itself
- Thoughts on The Road to Hell by fightoffyourdemons101
- well i ventured far enough as to write down my version of the afterlife.
- Sigh,,, by Talaren Ko
- I am 13 and choosing my future.. I dont know where to go. My mom is moving to Maryland and my dad is staying here. I dont see my dad often because my parents were never married.. (Seriously if anyone wants to help PM me PLEASE)...
- This life is but a dream. by Ark the Guardian
- This poem was written to correlate the origin's of our nursery rhymes and how they correlate with today's society. If any of the stanza's pick your interest, I encourage you to research it's contents. If you have any questions ...
- overdose by borderline contagious
- please dont steal <n.n>
- Unfelt Touch by Christopher Hall JMR
- a poem i wrote for a certain someone