• Her personality is as beautiful as a thousand roses in bloom.
    My love for her is so great it'll lead me to my doom.

    Her kindness is as plentiful as the sun's great shining rays.
    I swear to the stars i'll follow her untill the end of my days.

    I would do anything to make her smile even if just a grin.
    My love for her is so great & terrible it has to be a sin.

    But the truth is i've never laid eyes on her before in my life.
    Yet the moment I met her my heart felt as if it was stabbed by a knife.

    This woman I so desperatly love, I don't even know.
    To love some one I met online, have I sunken this low?

    Online or not this love is true & to her memory i'll hold fast.
    This love of mine & the memory of her forever they will last.