• What is this strange feeling?
    _____Is it love?
    This unexplained wanting of another;
    _____Their smiles;
    _____Their laughs;
    Filling you with desires for their whole being,
    _____Begging for their good will,
    _____Hoping for nothing but their recognition.
    Wanting them close by,
    _____Beside you,
    _____Near you;
    Crying for their hidden pains,
    _____And doing everything you can to stop them.
    Closing your eyes, only to see them,
    Softly crying yourself to sleep,
    _____For you know you cannot be with them,
    _____And that this feeling is cruel indeed.
    Only to return to gazing from afar once more;
    _____Through today and tomorrow,
    _____And forever more...