i saw you that evening
    you saw me that night
    you were my candle light
    brighting my day
    i was your shadow
    who proctected you from the dark
    we meet on that hill
    seeing the sunset
    you were the day i was the night
    to oppsites with contact
    to see my friend
    with you
    broke my heart
    i ran away
    jumped off the hill
    and was never seen again
    you with her
    might of been for the better good
    i found nothing but you did
    i found darkness swollow me whole
    you found light at the edge of it
    i felt the last light on my finger tips
    and fell,fell,fell
    i might of ended up in hell
    but i reached for the light and it swallowed me
    i had a second chance instead i pushed you off the hill with her
    walked away with a frown of hatetred
    unable to cry at your screams
    i lived you died
    i had a second chance and never took it
    you had no chances and wasted the one chance you had
    i feel sorry for you
    and my friend...
    my best friend with you..
    neverless i will forget this for a while but
    not forever