• I get up
    Watch the sunrise.
    The gold, the orange, the red
    brilliance, day to day brilliance.
    Stops me in my tracks.
    To think this miracle happens all the time in front of our unseeing eyes.

    Turn the water on, jump into the shower
    ah, the hot water! a daily massage of heat and water.
    No matter how early I get up, I always get this.
    I'm not worthy.

    Get dressed, picking out the cheeriest things in my closet.
    Might as well, there's not enough of that out there.
    When you count all the shirts that say negative things
    It kind of gets you depressed.
    Cheer the world up!

    Hop on the bus. Sit next to my best friend Morgan.
    Talk. Laugh.
    What an advantage, to have friends.
    Again, a day-to-day miracle.
    What a life.

    It's boring, but then you think
    about the kids in
    south america? russia? who knows
    who don't get to go to school.
    what an advantage.

    get home. watch TV.
    bored? yup.
    but then you think about how it works.
    what a miracle, you think.

    Eat dinner.
    Steak. YUM!
    So, delicious, i just want to sit and think about the taste.
    Wonderful bliss.

    Soon to start a new day, school, homework, blah.
    But sleep, it's a blessing.
    You can drift away to any alternate universe, anything you want.
    You can be rich, a magical creature, anything.
    Same old.
    Same old miracles.