• In these frigid days and frosty nights,

    The time of happiness and joy has come.

    The time of new beginnings and the end of old,

    The time for me and you.

    In the starless nights with endless clouds

    You talk to me like you do not know,

    I speak as if I can't tell you,

    Can you see my lips tremble?

    My body aching from emotional pain?

    My soul weeping from sleepless nights?

    My mind losing focus when I speak to you?

    Can you see my slow breath intake when you’re near?

    Can you see? I can’t tell if you do.

    Can you make it clearer?

    But, do you know my desire?

    My need, my cure, for the illness of loneliness?

    Do you know, can you tell?

    Can you not really see?

    That all I need for Christmas is you.