• When the earth dries over and when the moon
    Fades to blue.
    When the stars stop shining and there’s
    No winter due.
    When the eclipse stops showing and the
    Ocean dries out.
    When the world is over, when the planet
    Starts to shout.
    I’ll cut the lines off and ripe away the thread.
    I’ll walk you down the path that you
    Had at one point lead.
    Angels lose their wings and devils lose
    Their tails.
    When the winners win, the losers start
    To fail.
    Second is always worst, Seconds always lose.
    Second tries to be first, but second is a fool.

    Maybe you’re a winner, but you haven’t
    Proved me wrong.
    Tell me when it’s over,
    Tell me…. How much more long?

    Angels weep when devils die.
    Devils laugh when angels try.
    Devils push and devils shove.
    Angels no how they’ll feel love.

    Devils pass false judgment well.
    Devils laugh as they see how you fell.
    Angels hug and wipe your tears,
    While devils break your fellow peers.

    Lose the game admit you lost,
    Let me show you how.
    Talk it over think it through
    Cause you’ll be with one of them now.

    Are you angel do you deserve that place?
    Think about your life time is it the false
    King’s kingdom you face?

    Count the seconds, make your mind.
    Cause check the clock, soon it shall be
    Your time.