• You said you'd never hurt me
    So why are you still here?
    Seeing you crying
    Deep inside I'm dying
    You're killing me inside
    and you don't care

    I am trying
    But you're defying
    My deepest efforts
    You keep crying
    And I am dying
    I know you see me here

    You promised you'd never hurt me
    So get away from me now
    Cause seeing you like this
    Must be the worse pain
    I'll ever know
    Because I love you, let you go

    Your like my mission
    of suicide
    Cause I know that if I save you
    I wont make it out
    At least
    Not alive

    So if you want to save me
    To salvage this frail heart
    Break apart and end this now
    But know
    That I always have
    Loved you from the start