• Emotions Bubble up
    To the very top
    I’m trying and trying
    But I can’t make them stop

    I feel them running through me
    Weakening, and breaking me down
    They work silently
    Without a single sound

    They fill me up inside
    Every little space
    Control is now an illusion
    As life leaves my face

    I’m shaking and crying
    I scream out inside
    Everything you ever told me
    You did nothing but lied

    You talked me into everything
    This relationship, this life
    Then left me out in the cold
    Without any light

    My heart bleeds constantly
    In the form of flowing tears
    Thoughts and emotions scream out
    That I’ve been repressing all these years

    I feel nothing
    Yet every inch of me
    Shouts pain to mind
    I long to be free

    You are no longer here
    The warmth of your love stolen
    By the very words you spoke,
    And your empty promises broken

    And now in my heart
    Where happiness was made
    Is nothing more than shattered pain
    Since you left me here betrayed