• Talk:
    Oh my god, Lorinda, look at that pie.
    Its so juicy *scoff* It looks like,
    One of those famous chef's creations!
    But, you know, who understands those famous chefs?
    They only make these pies,
    Because, they're so delectable!
    I mean, that pie, it's just so yummy!
    I can't believe it's so thick, it's like, out there,
    I mean, YUM!
    Look, it's just so.....

    I like cream pies and I do not lie
    You other pies can't deny
    That when a pie walks in
    With a creamy filling
    And some soft crust on the top
    You say "YUM!"
    Wanna pull out a fork,
    Caus I noticed that pie was stuffed
    Deep in the tin it's laid in
    I'm hooked and I can't stop droolin
    Oh, pie, I wanna get whitcha
    And eat you all up
    The cakes, they tried to warn me
    But that cream pie's just got mememe
    So hungry!
    Oh, Rump-Oh-Smooth-Crust
    You say you wanna get in my belly?
    Well, use me, use me
    Cuz you ain't that average
    Bland pie!
    I watch them sittin
    To heck with silverware!
    They're thick
    They're goin like turbo jets!
    I'm tired of magazines
    Sayin' apple pie is the thing!
    Take the average eater
    And ask him that
    That pies gotta pack much back
    So eaters (Yeah!) Eaters! (Yeah!)
    Has your pie got the cream?
    (Heck yeah!)
    Well, eat it!
    Eat it!
    Eat it!
    Eat it!
    Eat that yummy pie!
    Cream pies got back!